Gather Knowledge | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 8 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 8: Gather knowledge

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall gain easily what others have laboured hard for.  


Knowledge is defined as facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education – the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. What makes us all unique is our differences in knowledge, skills, and experience. From the day we are born, we start to acquire skills, experience, and knowledge. We learn fast throughout our early years of growth, acquiring and applying knowledge to further our understanding of the world around us. We reach a point of plateau after we finish our schooling years and settle into jobs with a comfortable know-how and then stop acquiring knowledge and skills.

This is the point in life where we think we know all that we need to know to live and sustain a mediocre life. We fall into habits and routines that don’t include self-education because we either hated our schooling years or never found a passion to pursue as we gained knowledge. We are taught the basics at school on how to get a job and live but not the importance of lifelong learning and the positive effects of self-education.

We live in a world now where we can access, at a click of a button, any answer to any question we can think of. We have access to all the books, all the videos, all the educators, coaches and teachers out there. We are drowning in information and thirsty for knowledge and wisdom. We live in the richest time that has ever existed with regard to drinking from the cup of wisdom but often fail to take a sip. If you want to change your life for the better, cultivate this one habit of ‘thirsting for knowledge’, and your life will improve by the multitude.

It’s what is in your head that determines what is in your hands.

—Robert Kiyosaki

How to learn effectively

It is evident that times have changed for the better in terms of how we learn. Go back 100 years and understand that most knowledge was gained through the basic schooling system and no more. Fast-forward to today and understand we have the most impressive thing society has built – the World Wide Web, an intangible massive storehouse of endless information and knowledge we have access to through amazing technologies such as computers and our smartphones. You can learn about anything, anytime, and anywhere. You can watch a video, listen to an audiobook, read an e-book, take an online course, follow a YouTube channel, subscribe to websites, and Google anything you wish. Our lives are so much easier than those of our ancestors, and it’s time to take learning as a serious study in your life.

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

—Jim Rohn

Your goal is someone else’s lifestyle

Who is living the life you want? Whom do you look up to? Whom do you want to be like? What do you need to learn? Answer these questions and understand you can study the people who have done what you want to do and reverse-engineer the steps they took to get there. You can study their life and learn the knowledge they acquired and shared. You can dramatically change your life for the better and be the person you want to be by first acquiring the correct knowledge to get you there. You can learn whatever interests you and become an expert in any field you are passionate about. Your opportunities are endless in the pursuit of knowledge.

Study, listen, learn, think, absorb, act, and repeat. Make the best investment in life, and invest in knowledge. Pursuing knowledge in the attainment of your dreams is the sure-fire way to reach them. Learning and acting, acting and learning, rinse and repeat, always getting better and climbing the ladder to your success through making progress and getting feedback. Becoming wiser and better with more knowledge and experience.

If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

—Benjamin Franklin


  • What makes us all unique is our differences in knowledge, skills, and experience.
  • If you want to change your life for the better, cultivate this one habit of ‘thirsting for knowledge’.
  • Our lives are so much easier than those of our ancestors, and it’s time to take learning as a serious study in your life.
  • Make the best investment in life and invest in knowledge.
  • Let knowledge move you into action.
  • Learn from the people who are where you want to be and reverse-engineer the steps they took.


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