The 4 Levels of Value | Myron Golden | Motivation Showers #5


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There’s a reason people who make a lot of money make a lot of money there’s a reason people who make a little money make a little money and because income is the result of value created and offered in the marketplace.


So, value is what creates income and there are four levels of value and if you’re operating on one of the lower levels you can only make so much money.


There are four levels of value and there are five resources the top level of value you have two resources you can use so every level has one resource, but the top level has two resources.


So, the lowest level of value is implementation that’s the lowest level of value. That is the people who do the thing. So, if you do the thing you’re the person who does the thing you make the least amount of money. If you’re an implementer I know how much money you make somewhere between minimum wage and $80,000. You make minimum wage if you’re like working as housekeeping staff at a hotel or McDonald’s or whatever you make $80,000 a year if you’re like a mechanic that works on Rolls Royce’s or Bentley’s or something right so that’s your income window.


And then the next level of value and by the way the resource that you use at that level is your muscles you it’s your muscles to make money. So the resources you use your muscles to make money.


The whole premise of the concept is that money is spiritual in nature it is not materialistic in nature. So, if you’re using a physical resource like your muscles to make money than your income is going to be limited if you want to make more money you have to operate at a higher spiritual value a higher spiritual level.


So, the lowest level is implementation the second to the lowest level is called unification. That is your resources your management skills you use your management skills to make money. You don’t do the thing but you manage the people who do the thing and so you make more money than the people who do the thing, but you still have a limited income.


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You’re gonna make somewhere on the low end in between $40,000 a year on the high end a quarter of a million forty thousand if you’re a manager of Taco Bell high end quarter of a million you’re a middle manager or vice president something at Lockheed Martin let’s say.


That’s your income window. You want to make more money than that like working harder in the same level doesn’t make you the money, right. So, the next level is called communication. Second to the highest level of value. Communicators are some of the highest paid people in the world. I’m not talking about people who communicate a message from their head to somebody else’s head but people who communicate a message from their heart to somebody else’s heart they can make they use their words to make people feel something.


So, you’re communicating a message. When you use your mouth to make money on the low end, you’re gonna make 100 grand on the high end you might make hundred million. Low end 100 grand you sell cars you make $100,000 a year. High end hundred million you’re an actor you’re an a-list actor you might make 100 million dollars a year you’re Robert Downey jr. You’re a Tom Hanks you’re an a-list actor you’re a singer. You’re an a-list singer you produce albums. You’re a Jay Z, you’re an usher you are Beyonce.


You’re communicating. You’re either an, you’re an actor, an author, you’re speaker, you’re a songwriter, you’re a playwright, your salesperson.


So, communication is the second highest level of value and people who get really good at communicating can making a lot of money. So, communication is the second highest level of value and use your mouth to make money that’s the resource you use your mouth and it almost doesn’t even seem fair because it doesn’t seem fair that people who talk make more money than people who move things and hammer nails and dig holes but they do.


Sometimes people will be physically diligent so they can maintain a state of mental laziness.


They can’t work hard at learning a new thing, but they’ll work hard at doing what’s already not working.


The highest level of value is imagination you use your mind to make money. That’s one of the resources, you use your mind. The other resource you use with your imagination to make money is money. So those are the two resources use your mind to make money. Your mind is your greatest resource for creating wealth. But most people we’ve been programmed by a whole life not to think right, and most people don’t think they think they think so they just think they think so what they really do is they’re really regurgitating pre-programmed responses that were programmed to them while they’re plugged into the matrix and they think they’re having a thought.



There are 4 levels of value which determine income levels:

Lowest Level Of Value Is Implementation.

These are people who do the thing. Like the cleaner, electrician or website builder that spend their time doing their work. They have no leverage. They can only do that one job at a time using their hands. They average between minimum wage and $80k/yr.

Second Lowest Level Of Value Is Unification.

These are people who manage other people. They use their management skills to manage many people to get many jobs done at one time. They average between $40k/yr and $250k/yr.

Second Highest Level Of Value Is Communication.

These are people who communicate a message from themselves to people’s hearts. They make people feel something, like salespeople, marketers, actors, singers. Because they can communicate a message, they can produce something once and sell it to thousands. They average between $100k/yr and $100million/yr.

Highest Level Of Value Is Imagination.

These are people who use their mind to make money, and money to make money. These are the people who find ways to access millions of dollars of other peoples money, and then produce a huge return by investing it wisely. There is no limit to their income.


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