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Create, Ideas, Mind | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 9-11 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 9: Get creative

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

—Danny Kaye


What is creativity? It is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness. Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed, such as an idea, theory, invention, a literary work, or a painting. The word itself means ‘to create’. Here’s how you can start to develop your creative mind. Allow yourself to relax and think outside the box. Stimulate creativity by setting aside time to brainstorm, breaking up your routine, and seeking inspiration from people and places around you. Travel, meditation, and positive thinking can do wonders.

One of the best ways to open up your creativity is by mediation. By practicing mindful meditation, you can help relax, improve your awareness, and inspire self-reflection. With time and practice, meditation will help you open up your creative juices and make you become clear about what creative endeavours you should pursue.

Another way to strengthen and develop creativity within yourself is to change your daily routine to expand your thought process. Routine can be the enemy of creativity because it removes the need for quick thinking and new ideas. New stimuli will keep you on your toes and open up your mind creatively. Try to shake up your everyday life with a few small changes.


Other great ways to expand your creativity include the following:

  • Positive thinking
  • Going for walks outdoors to encourage creative thought
  • Hanging out in different spots to expose yourself to new stimuli
  • Trying new hobbies to expand your life experiences and gain new talents
  • Getting up earlier in the morning to make the most of your time
  • Surrounding yourself with other creative people to get inspired
  • Reading as much as possible to discover new ideas and themes
  • Travelling whenever you can to gain new experiences
  • Listening to TED talks or other inspiring lectures

What can you create?

What do you love creating? What talents are you gifted with? Putting together your passions and talents, what is it that you and you alone can create to contribute positively to the world? Is it a book, a song, a business, a great family, a piece of art, a product, an experience, an environment, a life? What do you want to create? Make a short list of things you want to create in your life.



  • Stimulate creativity by setting aside time to brainstorm and meditate.
  • Being alone is the secret to creativity and great ideas.
  • You can create something to contribute positively to the world.
  • Creativity is finding answers to present challenges.
  • Humans are at the top of the food chain because we can create.


Chapter 10: Come up with ideas

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.

—Oliver Wendell Holmes

What is an idea? An idea is a thought that is generated in the mind. An idea can be generated with intent but can also be created unintentionally, hence the saying ‘The idea just popped in my mind’. Ideas are a form of magic, an invisible mysterious thought that comes out of nowhere that has the potential to make itself visible through the application of action. Most actions precede thoughts, and most thoughts precede an idea first generated by the mind: your invisible factory that creates your reality.

Ideas come out of the blue anytime and anywhere. The problem is that 99% of the ideas you have don’t make it out of your head. To overcome this, I recommend you use your note taking app on your phone to capture the ideas that come to you, and then convert these notes into your daily journal. By starting this new habit of idea capturing, you will be surprised by how many ideas come to you that if acted upon would change your life for the better. Build an idea list in your journal so you add all ideas that come to you, then later on you can take the time to study the list and see what is worth acting upon and what isn’t. With the passing of time, looking back at your old ideas with present-day knowledge, you will clearly see which ideas were good and not so good.

Ideas to goals

Once you have established the new habit of idea capturing and using a journal to make your idea list, it’s time to see what ideas you should pursue. Only a small percentage of the ideas on your list will be worth pursuing further with time and action. Weigh the ideas and thoroughly think about which ideas you would like to manifest and turn them into goals. All goals are thoughts first, and ideas are just thoughts passing by in the mind. It’s the ideas that you capture, keep, nurture, nourish, and take action on that really count. I can tell you from experience that only a handful of the hundreds of ideas I have had over time have really counted because of the time, energy, and action I have put into them. You only have a set amount of time and energy you can dedicate to ideas, so you better take the time to decide which ideas you want to turn into goals and manifest into reality.

Imagine if . . .

Imagine if all your ideas came true in your life. What would you think of? What would you dream of? What would you do? Whom would you be? What would you see? Imagine if all you wanted came true in your life. The reason I ask you these questions is to get your imagination working. Your mind is a muscle that pumps out ideas when in use. Building the muscle requires work, repetition, and time just like most things in life. The same goes for the idea factory you own between your ears, the mind. Learn to stimulate and feed the mind to generate new ideas and new thoughts. Start using your imagination to create the future you dream about, and imagine yourself living the life you desire. Let your imagination run wild and imagine if . . .

Nothing in this world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

—Victor Hugo



  • Get your ideas out of your head so you can analyse their worth later.
  • Establish the habit of idea capturing using a journal and see what ideas you should pursue.
  • Only by action do ideas become real.
  • It’s the ideas that you capture, keep, nurture, nourish, and take action on that really count.
  • All the best things first start out as ideas.
  • Ideas only become worth something when the market gives you money for their value.


Chapter 11: Use your mind

It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.

—Edmund Spenser

The mind is the seat of consciousness, the essence of your being. A formless continuum that functions to perceive the world, to think, and to feel. This nonphysical wonder we call the mind is the greatest tool we possess in our human toolbox. It can be used to create or to destroy. To love or hurt. To uplift or put down. It can be peaceful or vengeful. A tool for positivity or negativity. A magical invisible tool that is held by everyone and is activated by choice and free will. Your mind is an awesome quantum computer, and you are the programmer. You can program your mind, or your mind can program you. You can direct your thoughts or have your thoughts direct you. You can master your mind or have your mind master you. It’s all up to you.

Software and hardware

You cannot change the size of your brain (hardware) but you can change the software (mind). Changing your mind, pun intended, is the one thing you can do by changing the software you install. We all have very similar brains as a species, but what makes us different individually is the software we have downloaded into our minds and how we are wired. The experiences you have had have formed your current way of thinking and understanding, and your future experiences will form your future thoughts and understanding. It’s all binary and math, input equals output. After a certain age, you are in charge of recoding and updating your software. Don’t let other people program you – program yourself.


Rule your mind or it will rule you.


Feed your mind

If you don’t plant flowers in the garden of the mind, then you’ll forever be pulling weeds.

—John Demartini

You have the power to program your mind with the information you consume. Initially, the quality of output (action) is largely determined by the quality of input (information) we take into our mind. If you are not deliberately programming positive information into your mind, I can bet you are being fed a mental diet of negativity. If you can start to control and program your mind, your chances of manifesting your dreams and achieving success are just a matter of time.

Feed your mind constantly with the best information just like an athlete would consume the best nutrition for their body; you want to consume the best information for your mind. Garbage in, garbage out; quality in, quality out. Read the best books on the planet. Listen to the most successful and motivational people in the world. Listen to the best audiobooks and follow the best podcast shows. Follow the best YouTube channels and learn from people more educated on subjects than you. Attend the best seminars and workshops to develop your mind, and network with people who will take you to the next level.

Your mind is a dry sponge, always ready to soak up anything you give it. The mind will produce whatever ingredients you pour into it. Feed it with the best, and you will become the best version of yourself. Feed it with the average, and you will become an average version of yourself. It’s all on you to determine what you feed yourself mentally. If you take great care of your mind, your mind will take great care of you, and you will be rewarded with peace of mind – the ultimate prize.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.


Recap so far

To recap the previous chapters, I want you to be clear about what we have covered and what we will be covering in the upcoming chapters. We started the journey of success in 50 steps by taking the first step, realising your dreams, uncovering your passions, and making a list of your desires. We found your purpose and turned your dreams, passions, and desires into meaningful goals. We then mapped out your goals with the power of planning and time. We explored knowledge and how creativity and ideas shape our lives, as well as explored the power of the mind.

In the upcoming chapters, we take a look at thoughts and the power of faith. Understand how we are shaped by the beliefs we hold and our attitude about life itself. We learn the secrets of gratitude and giving, living in a state of abundance and prosperity. Then understand the secret law of attraction – how to manifest your dreams into reality through action.



  • The mind is the greatest tool we possess in our human toolbox.
  • Your mind is an awesome quantum computer, and you are the programmer.
  • You can program your mind, or your mind can program you.
  • Change your mind by changing the software you install.
  • Feed your mind constantly with the best information just like an athlete would consume the best nutrition for their body.
  • Your mind will produce whatever ingredients you pour into it.



Expand Your Time Frame | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 7 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 7: Expand your time frame

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

—Abraham Lincoln

Time. What is time? Time is defined as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Time is one of the most difficult properties of our universe to understand. Time is a primary concept and is not made up of, or dependent on, anything else. I like to see time as only a unit of measurement to calculate the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades that make up our lives.

We all use this measurement of time in our lives. We all get timestamped when we are born and when we die. It is all about the dash in the middle and what we do with our time on earth that counts. This precious gift of time we have been blessed with to live and experience life. How you spend your time, what you spend your time doing and with whom is up to you; it’s your life and your time. What will you be remembered for, and what will you leave behind when you are gone? Really think about this question of legacy. Think about the legacy you benefit from today thanks to the people before you who have come and gone.

What mark will you leave on this earth when you are gone?


Time management 101

Time management rule 101 is there is no escaping time; there is only time. The clocks don’t stop ticking and tocking. The sun continues to rise each morning, and we are reminded every 12 months that we are getting older and aging. We cannot escape time; we can only use time. We all spend 24 hours a day, no exceptions. What makes us all different is how we spend those 24 hours.

Answer the following questions. On a typical day . . .

  • What time do you wake up in the morning? __________
  • What time do you go to bed at night? _______________
  • How much time do you sleep on average? ___________
  • How many hours do you work a day? _______________
  • Do you spend enough time with your family? _________
  • Do you spend enough time with your friends? ________
  • Do you spend enough time having fun? _____
  • Do you spend enough time relaxing? _______
  • Do you spend enough time learning? _______
  • Do you spend enough time working out? _________

If you take the time to answer the questions, you will come to the realisation that there are not many free hours left in the day once you wake up, shower, have breakfast, go to work, work the job, come home, have your evening meal, spend time with the family, watch TV, and go to bed – only to do it all again the next day.

If you want to make your dreams and goals come true, you will have to make room for them in your life. Period, full stop. End of story. You make room for them by scheduling what you do and when you do them. For example, I am a morning person and love waking up a few hours before my wife and at least three hours before I start work. This habit has allowed me to get at least two hours of deep work in a day. Two hours a day times seven in a week is 14 hours. In a year, that’s 738 hours, and in 10 years, that’s the equivalent of 303 days of deep, focused work on my goals and dreams. If you are a night person like some, flip the script: two hours a night after the kids go down, get to work on your goals and dreams.

Using your journal will help you to see that the trick is to map out how you spend your time and then plan your days in advance by creating blocks of time in your life for the things that you can do that moves the needle forwards in your life. If you can’t create time or manage time, you have no life. Get in control of your life by controlling what you do with your time. Prioritise your goals in your schedule, and work on them first. As Stephen R. Covey said, ‘Fill your bucket with the big rocks first, or you’ll never get them in at all.’ Replace the things in life that waste your time with the things in life that make your life, and you will be on the fast track to your personal success.

I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.

—Golda Meir

Exercise. Map out below a near-perfect day for you three years in the future.



  • What mark will you leave on this earth when you are gone?
  • There is no escaping time; there is only time.
  • If you want to make your dreams and goals come true, you will have to make room for them in your life.
  • Prioritise your goals in your schedule and work on them first.
  • Focus on creating chunks of uninterrupted hours which you can use to work on your goals.
  • Protect and guard your time like the precious resource it is.


Set Out Plans | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 6 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 6: Set out plans

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.

—Alan Lakein

The next step after goals is to plan your life on your terms and in your time frame. What you do in life is up to you. This is called free will. You run your own race, make your own decisions, and make up your own rules as long as they don’t interfere with the free will of others. How you design and live your life is up to you. You have the power at any given moment to choose a new direction and steer your life to a new destination.

How do you plan?

The best way to plan your future is by looking at your past failures and learning from them. Are you happy or unhappy with your current destination in life? Do you wish for things to be different? Do you understand that where you are right now in life is the result of your past plans, decisions, and actions? By first looking back in our past, we can see the errors we have made and adjust our plans, decisions, and actions to put us on the road to goal achievement and dream realisation.

Start today to track your days by keeping a journal. Days are quick and soon forgotten, weeks fly by, and months tick on. Seasons change and birthdays come and go. Time whistles on by to a person who fails to capture the events of the day. Keeping a journal is one of the secrets of successful people. You write your days in a journal not only to track your activities of the day but also to come to an awareness of what you actually achieve and don’t. I have been keeping a journal for over a decade, and there is nothing better than reading about what I got up to last year, the year before that, and the year before that. Life changes, you change, and your actions change. To study your own personal growth, and change is a massive motivation to stay on the journey of your dreams.

Your journal will be your starting point for planning. Once you establish the habit of keeping a daily journal and writing the events of the day, you will soon be able to plan out your tomorrows, weeks, months, and years successfully. You will be able to direct your actions to the activities you need to take to make your dreams become a reality. Another secret of the most successful people in the world: ‘Planning your future activities and acting on your plans daily.’ Learn to get from the day by translating your daily experiences, thoughts, actions, and ideas on to paper for you to review. By cultivating this one habit of daily journaling, you will start the process of conscious life change and growth. It will change your life.

Once you have captured a week in your journal, review the week and do a weekly wrap-up on a Sunday. Write down the experiences you had, the things you did, and write down the tasks you need to complete the following week. You should be setting mini goals for yourself for the week. Break down your goals into tasks, and start scheduling them into your schedule. Remember: goals only start becoming real when we start scheduling them and taking action.

Now that you have the habit of daily journaling and weekly planning, you can start on monthly planning. It’s the same principle as weekly planning. At the end of each month, write down the experiences you had, the goals you achieved, and those you did not. For the following month, write down your top five WIGs (wildly important goals) you need to take action on and achieve.

At the end of the year, take some time out of your schedule to plan the upcoming year. Review your past year, and write down the significant experiences you had and the major goals you achieved and goals you have yet to complete. Write down the top 5–10 goals you need to achieve in the upcoming year, and schedule the action steps you need to take to achieve them.

The payoffs you will receive from the habit of systematically planning your life and time are endless. Benefits include overall clarity and peace, focused action, more time, less stress, mindfulness, and an alertness of how precious a day is. Take the time to plan your life. Grow through life instead of just going through it.



  • Plan your life on your terms and on your time frame.
  • Plan your future by looking at your past failures and learning from them.
  • Track your days by keeping a journal.
  • Plan your future activities and act on your plans daily.
  • If you don’t plan your life, you will work for someone else’s plan.
  • Planning reduces future failures.


Turn It Into Goals | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 5 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 5: Turn it into goals

Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.


In the previous four chapters, we have explored your dreams, passions, desires, and purpose. In this chapter, it’s time to put it all together and create personal goals to make all your dreams a reality.

Goal setting is a discipline just like anything in life; it takes practice, patience, and persistence to get good at. In this chapter, you will learn how to set goals, what to aim for, and how to reach your goals to make your life the life you want to live. Setting goals will set you up for success while not doing so will set you up for failure. It’s as easy as that. The people who get ahead in life are the people who know what they want and move the needle forward daily to get there. They are action-oriented goal setters and achievement-minded people, always growing and getting from every day instead of just going through the days.

Current situation awareness

To start you on this incredible life-changing journey on goal achieving, I want you to do this exercise of first taking inventory of your life and current situation. Before you start working out your goals for the future, it is important to know where you stand. Answer the questions below:

  • The year is (x) and I am currently (x) years of age.


  • I currently live at (x) with (x).


  • I currently work at (x) as a (x) and earn (x) per year.


  • Five people who have the most influence on my life are (x).


  • I currently weigh (x) and I rate my health as (x).


  • I currently enjoy spending my free time doing (x).


  • I have dreams of becoming (x).


By doing this, you will get a quick snapshot of where you are in life right now. This is not a right-or-wrong exercise, just a personal reflective insight into your own life. Now for a fun exercise you will enjoy doing, using the same questions I asked you, rewind your life back 10 years, and answer the questions again.

  • The year is (x) and I am currently (x) years of age.


  • I currently live at (x) with (x).


  • I currently work at (x) as a (x) and earn (x) per year.


  • Five people who have the most influence on my life are (x).


  • I currently weigh (x) and I rate my health as (x).


  • I currently enjoy spending my free time doing (x).


  • I have dreams of becoming (x).


Was this exercise an eye-opener for you? Did you see the changes and growth you’ve had in life up until now?

Now while your mind is open, let’s finish this exercise by using the same questions again and fast-forward 10 years into the future. This time, answer the questions as though all your goals, desires, and aims have come true.

  • The year is (x) and I am currently (x) years of age.


  • I currently live at (x) with (x).


  • I currently work at (x) as a (x) and earn (x) per year.


  • Five people that have the most influence on my life are (x).


  • I currently weigh (x) and I rate my health as (x).


  • I currently enjoy spending my free time doing (x).


  • I have dreams of becoming (x).


Reflect and ponder

When was the last time you took a moment to take in all that you have done and accomplished? When was the last time you patted yourself on the back for a life well lived? When was the last time you were grateful for the things you have in your life?

We get so busy in our lives that we fail to stop, reflect, and ponder on the life we have lived so far. The things we have done, the places we have been, the people we have met, the problems we have faced, the people we have lost, and the unique experiences we have had. Think about it: when was the last time you stopped, reflected, and pondered on the life you have lived? Take a few moments to do this, and write down some thoughts that come to mind.


Now, a gratitude exercise. List the things you have in your life right now. Things like your relationships, health, job, possessions, things you have access to, things you take for granted, etc. Write it all down.


Write down some of the great places you have visited and the unique experiences you have had.


Now that your mind is ticking in gear and you are reminiscing about your past, I want you to really think hard and write down some of the obstacles you have overcome on the journey of life. This can include bad habits you have overcome, or previous dreams and goals achieved. Write it down.


Now we can see an overview of your past and present situation. This exercise on reflection will give you clarity on where you want the direction of your life to go. Before we push forwards to the future, we need to know where we have been in the past.

Goals to hit

Let’s start by writing a long list of things you want in your life. They can be big, small, cheap, expensive, totally out there, hard to reach or easy to attain, long term and short term. Things you want to do, see, create. Economic goals, family goals, relationship goals, fun stuff, health goals, and completely selfish goals. Absolutely anything. Let your mind wander and roam free, and write them down. Write a list of at least 50 to 100 things.


Now not to be morbid, but I want you to consider the age you want to live to. Seriously, what age do you think you will live to? Is it 60, 70, 90, or 103? Now take away your current age from this number. For example, if I am currently 30 and want to live to 90, that leaves 60 more years of living. I want you to place your list of goals into the categories below.

Goals that can be achieved in:

1 year


3 years


5 years


10 years


20 years


30 years


From this list, identify one major goal that if you accomplished would have the most positive impact on your life and the world in which you live. What is this one major goal? This is your Magnum Opus, your star in the sky to follow, your masterpiece.


Before wrapping up this chapter on goals, I want you to keep a goal workbook and a goal Excel spreadsheet on your computer. If you’re serious about your goals, I recommend you create a motivational vision board. It is as easy as this: open up a Word document, Google images of all the things you desire, save those images, insert them into a Word or Excel document, make a collage, and save it as your wallpaper. Print copies and put them in places where you will be constantly reminded of your goals.

The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach.

—Benjamin Mays


  • Goal setting is a discipline just like anything in life; it takes practice, patience, and persistence to get good at.
  • Stop, reflect, and ponder on the life we have lived so far.
  • Goals without plans and deadlines are just wishes
  • People without goals tend to walk in circles.
  • Become accountable when achieving your goals.
  • You can alter your life through goal setting and goal getting.
  • Set higher and higher goals when you reach a peak.


Make It Your Purpose | Success in 50 Steps | Chapter 4 | Michael George Knight


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Chapter 4: Make it your purpose

The secret of success is consistency to purpose. —Benjamin Disraeli

In the previous chapter, we discussed your desires and what you want out of life. In this chapter, we delve into purpose and discover the unique purpose you have for your life.

We define purpose as either the reason for which something is done or created or a person’s sense of resolve or determination. Purpose is the reason why we do what we do. The why in what we do is your purpose and why you do it in the first place. While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered. Our purpose is something we have been doing all along and will continue to do, regardless of circumstances, until the day we die.

Every action we take in life has a purpose behind it, consciously or unconsciously, whether you think about it or not. We eat because we are hungry, we sleep because we are tired, we go to work for money, and on and on it goes. I want you for a moment to pause, reflect, and think about the purpose of your life. What were you born to do? What is your mission in life? What can you do that would have a positive impact on society? What is that thing that brings meaning to your life? What is it?

Make your life a mission – Not an intermission

To step out of the ordinary and become extraordinary, you have to have a purposeful mission in life. People fail in life because of a lack of a purposeful mission. Without having an all-encompassing purpose, people lack direction, drive, and meaning to take action. In a sense, they don’t think bigger than themselves and in turn get little from life.

Take the time now to come up with a personal mission statement. One paragraph or a sentence that outlines your mission in life. This mission statement will give you the clarity and motivation to propel you into purposeful daily actions to achieve your dreams.


Steven R. Covey said it best: ‘The most effective way I know to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement or philosophy or creed. It focuses on what you want to be (character) and to do (contributions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based. Because each individual is unique, a personal mission statement will reflect that uniqueness, both in content and form.’

We all have a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others. Find out what it is and give it away; this should be your mission in life. Viktor Frankl said, ‘Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.’

The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Realise your mission in life, and follow it through.

Definiteness of purpose

Napoleon Hill’s famous book Think and Grow Rich talks a lot about the principle of the definiteness of purpose. He wrote the following:

  • Ninety-eight out of every 100 people fail all through life because they do not follow the principle of working with definiteness of purpose.
  • A definite purpose serves as a roadmap which charts the direct route to the end of one’s journey.
  • Definiteness of purpose fixes one’s habits so that they are taken over by the subconscious mind and used as a motivating force (involuntarily) in driving towards one’s goal.
  • Lack of a well-defined purpose in life. There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose or definite goal at which to aim.

How awesome and powerful this one simple concept is. Having a fixed mindset on a purpose hardwires you to achieve that very purpose. The principle is easy to understand and apply; anyone can, but not everyone will. Be obsessed about your mission and purpose in life, think about it constantly, and take daily action towards its achievement. Simple and powerful.



  • While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered.
  • Make your life a mission – not an intermission.
  • We all have a purpose in life – a unique gift or special talent – to give to others.
  • The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose.
  • Having a mindset fixed on a purpose hardwires you to achieve that very purpose.


Desire It | Success in 50 Steps | The Proven Formula That Works | Michael George Knight Audiobook


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Chapter 3: Desire it

Man is his desire.


What is desire?

The dictionary defines desire as ‘a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen’. The keywords that stand out are ‘feelings’, ‘wanting’, and ‘wishing’. We as human beings are programmed to feel, want, and wish. It’s what makes us human.

From the moment of birth, a child has a desire for a breath of oxygen to the moment of death when the desire for breath is strong again. Our feelings, wants, and wishes change through the course of our lives as we age, grow, and mature. What you wanted as a child was different from what you wanted as a teenager, and what you will want twenty years from now will be different from what you want now. This is understandable as all desires are makings of the mind and aspirations of the moment.

Decide on your desires

Did you ever sit down and make a list of everything you want?

—Earl Nightingale

What I want you to do is open your mind up and pour your desires out on paper. This simple exercise will not only help you get clarity on what you desire but will also kick-start your imagination to start thinking of new desires that you never thought about. To start the ball rolling and get you thinking, I have five categories below that I want you to think about, and write down what you want to achieve in these categories.

  • Health


  • Relationships


  • Success and achievement


  • Wealth


  • Material things or experiences


Now, with the list of desires you wrote down for each category, combine them into one sentence for each category for you to be able to read. When finished, the task you should have one paragraph of five sentences that make up your desires.


Do your desires blend in with your dreams and passions? You should start to see a pattern emerging of the path you are on and the direction of where your life is going.

What you are doing is creating a blueprint of your current desires, dreams, and aspirations. You only desire things that you don’t have. If you had them, you wouldn’t desire them. Most desires come from a feeling of lacking, either wanting a certain thing and/or feeling a certain way. We all desire, but what makes us all different is we all desire different things at different times. What you desired in the past is not what you desire in the present, and what you desire in the present is not something you will desire in the future. And on and on it goes.

I want you to move past the egotistical desires for a moment, such as what you want, and see if you have a desire in you of something the world needs. What can you do that moves the needle forwards for humanity? Do you have an altruistic desire? Can you do something with your life to make the world a better place? If yes, write it down and become clear about what it is. For if you are clear about what you want, the world responds with clarity.

A plan for your desires

Now that you have completed the first step in getting your desires out of your head, the next logical step is to create a plan of action. Look back on the list of your desires you outlined previously, and order the list from the most important to the not so important. Don’t order your desires from the smallest to the biggest or from the easiest to hardest to achieve. Instead, order them according to the most important thing you desire to the least important. Write down your top five desires. These desires should be huge, hard to reach, out of your comfort zone, and scary all in one. If they are not, you are not thinking big enough or far enough into the future.

Write below your top five desires.

  1. __________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________
  5. __________________________________________________

Having written your top five desires, beside your most important desire, write a time frame for its achievement and so forth. What you need to do now is chunk down each desire into bite-sized action steps you can take. Daily small actions repeated over and over are compounded to move your desires into reality.

You should now start to see an outline of the direction of your desires in life. Now take a moment to shut your eyes, and vividly picture in your mind all your desires coming true and living that moment in the future. Close your eyes and do this for twenty seconds. What does it look like, and how does it feel?

Now open your eyes and realise that from where you are now to where your imagination took you, the only person stopping you achieving what you want is you. You and you alone. When I say you, I mean your thoughts, habits, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and actions.

Get out of your own way and start today. Take action right now to make a plan for the life you want. Be different, be extraordinary, be the best version of you and not the average, substandard version of your past.

The power of thought

Now that you have completed the exercise of taking your desires from your head and into concrete plans for your life, the next step in realising your desires is the power of thought.

You see, the most powerful force you possess is the power of your thoughts. Either your thoughts can control you or you can control your thoughts. Actualised people understand this concept of harnessing their inner power of thought to externally manifest their desires. By getting your mind into emotional harmony with your desire, you start the process of turning the invisible into the visible. See it in your mind your desires as fact, and think about that which you desire daily, and you will create the mental state of bringing yourself to action.


By practicing the art of directing your thoughts on what you want instead of what you don’t, you in turn are programming yourself to success. You see, your conscious mind is the thinking part of your mind which can accept, reject, and originate ideas. With repetition and emotion, thoughts of desires are passed on to the subconscious mind, which accepts all information impressed upon it as fact. Knowing now that you choose your thoughts, that then causes your feelings, which cause your actions. You want to start deliberately programming your mind with the thoughts of your dreams and desires so it can propel you to action.

Desire to action

By now you know your desires, you have a plan, and you understand the power of your thoughts. But all this is utterly useless unless you take the next step in the process: action.

Action is the name of the game. It completes the simple three-step formula: think, plan, and act. Acting without thinking and planning is careless, but thinking and planning without action are useless. Don’t get caught in the trap of mistaking thinking and planning for action. Only the execution of thoughts and plans have any real effect. First think, then plan, then take daily incremental actions to manifest the desires you want.

Using the law of compounding action, the effects of sequentially adding, or more accurately, multiplying the impact of growth on top of the previous one, you can move mountains. You live your life moment to moment, and so you build your life action to action. Make small measurable progress daily on the things you desire, and put the law of compounding in your favour.


  • Decide on your desires and create a blueprint for your life.
  • What can you do that moves the needle forwards for humanity?
  • Daily small actions repeated over and over compound to move your desires into reality.
  • Dedicate your whole self to your desires and you will achieve great things.
  • All great achievements in life first started out as a desire.
  • Do not procrastinate on your desire for success.


Get The Edge | Anthony Robbins | Audio Summary


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Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge Program – Get The Edge

Welcome to the Ultimate Edge™—your guide to getting the most out of life regardless of the circumstances that confront you and achieving the results you want, be it your finances, relationships, body, emotions, time—everything that matters to you most.





Happy, vibrant, successful people think and behave in certain ways. So do miserable and unfulfilled people. In other words, there are patterns of success and patterns of failure.


The good news is, success leaves clues!


Why People Don’t Change


They’re out of practice.


The Antidote


Raise your standards – The difference in people’s lives is the difference in their standards

Turn your ‘shoulds’ into ‘musts’ – when something is a must, you follow through.

Get unreasonable – Unreasonable people rule the world. They do things other believe are impossible.


Why People Don’t Change 2. They rationalize, tell themselves stories, use softeners and lie to themselves.


The Antidote

Develop self-honesty—Drop the story and tell yourself the truth. General Schwarzkopf teaches that nothing gets better until you admit something is wrong.


Understand the power of now—Tap into the power of momentum, and do something immediately.


Develop the habit of chunking—Start by tackling one manageable piece of a project: write one paragraph, make one phone call, walk for 10 minutes.


Stop using softeners—Making yourself feel better without actually changing anything trains you to accept mediocrity. Coach John Wooden taught his players that winning comes from telling yourself the truth and doing your own personal best.


Why People Don’t Change 3: They’ve had an ineffective strategy.

The Antidote


Develop a strategy that works—You won’t produce an extraordinary body by changing your diet alone. You need the right tools to get you there—a personal trainer, a support system, rituals that will ensure you stay on track.



There’s one more reason people don’t change—they get into a “pressure cooker.”




Pain Equals Drive

A persona hits a threshold; the problem causes a significant amount of pain that they feel pressure to take action to change it




Drive Turns to Action

As a person takes action, they make progress toward eliminating some aspect of the problem (e.g., they lose 10 of their 40-pound weight loss goal), which lessens the intensity of the pain.




Actions Lead to Results


When the intensity of the problem is reduced, the drive to complete the change is lessened and motivation to completely resolve the problem is lost. With a lack of pain to drive the person any longer, gradually they return to the old behavior and . . .




Results Lead to Loss of Drive: Return to Past Actions/Return to the Problem The problem remains.


People climb into the pressure cooker again and again! How can you avoid it?


The 7 Steps of Conscious Change

STEP 1: Get Disturbed

Be honest with yourself. Don’t use softeners or rationalizations; don’t compare yourself with others to make yourself feel better.


Get associated to the problem. If necessary, make it worse than it is to get yourself to take action. If you’re not disturbed, you’re not going to change.

Surround yourself with people who have what you want. Seeing them will disturb you, and either you’ll run back to your old friends to make yourself feel better or you’ll join a new peer group. If you want to be good at tennis, play with somebody better than yourself.


EXERCISE: How do you rationalize?

What are the most common reasons you fail to do things? What stories do you tell yourself? List at least five rationalizations you use for not following through:



  •   I don’t have time
  •   I’ll do it tomorrow
  •   I’m tired
  •   It’ll take too long
  •   It’ll cost too much
  •   It’s too far away


STEP 2: Make a Real Decision

What do successful people have in common? Successful people have an RPM for their lives.



Those who succeed in life have the answers to 3 questions:

What is the specific result I am committed to achieving? This is the R – the result they are after.

Why do I want to do this? What is my purpose? This is the P – the purpose. Once you decide, knowing your purpose – the “why” – will get you to follow through. Reasons come first; answers come second.

What specific actions must I take to make this happen? This is the M – the Massive Action Plan!


EXERCISE: Let’s Get Honest

What are you unhappy about in your career, your business, yourself, your rationalizations? Write down some things that disturb you right now.




I’m disturbed about:

EXERCISE: Let’s Get Honest (continued)

What are you committed to doing instead? Decide what new result you want; then write why (your purpose) you are committed to obtaining this result.


Result: I am now committed to doing:


Purpose: I am committed to this because:



STEP 3: Create a Massive Action Plan

It’s time to “draw the MAP.” To make sure you follow through, come up with a list of actions that will absolutely produce results.


EXERCISE: Brainstorm Action Items

Choose one new result you are committed to achieving, and list all the things you could do to achieve it. Don’t worry about making your list “perfect.” Just brainstorm whatever comes to mind. Include little things that you can do immediately, and do them now. Never leave the site of setting a goal without doing something toward its achievement. Send an e-mail, make a phone call, book a meeting, buy a book, etc.


Now asterisk (*) the three to five “must items” you can and must do to achieve your goal.­



EXERCISE: Brainstorm Action Items (continued)

Using language that excites you, refine the wording of your result, list a few reasons why you want to take this action (your purpose) and then commit to the actions by giving each one a deadline.



STEP 4: Change Your Limiting Beliefs

A belief is nothing more than a feeling of absolute certainty about what something means. Beliefs control our behavior. They can be unconscious or conscious, and they often stem from things we’ve heard or seen, felt a lot of emotion about and then repeated to ourselves again and again until we felt certain.


John McCormack’s empowering belief in himself turned him from a policeman risking his life to “save someone else’s $27” into a millionaire and Entrepreneur of the Year. After losing it all, his limiting belief nearly caused him to give up . . .


until a new empowering belief turned him around again.


The young lady who believed exercise was painful, expensive and not really necessary adopted empowering new beliefs that exercise allows her to give more, that she’s worth it and that it’s fun.


Josh’s old beliefs caused him to gain 110 pounds; his new beliefs helped him lose the weight and make exercising and eating well part of his daily routine.


EXERCISE: Old Beliefs, New Beliefs

Write down all the old beliefs that have kept you from following through on your goal in the past.


Write down the new beliefs that will empower you from this point forward.






STEP 5: Set Yourself Up to Win

Reward yourself. When learning something new, most people don’t do it perfectly the first time. To win the game of life, you’ve got to reward yourself for doing things approximately right in the beginning.


Score the experience. Do things that add emotional intensity and make the process more enjoyable along the way. If you’re working out, you can listen to music, work out with a buddy, pray while you exercise, etc. Choose things that meet all of your




All human beings are driven by six needs. No matter what task is at hand, you’ll enjoy the process and accelerate your results by making your actions meet your needs for:








Love and Connection






Take advantage of NET time. Increase the value of your time by doing several things at once. It takes NET . . . no extra time!


Measure your progress. You’ll be excited about your results if you measure your progress. Set yourself up to win by measuring in more than one way. For example, if you only measure the pounds you lose, there may be days when you don’t see results. Measure anything that can give you growth.


EXERCISE: Enhance the Experience

Come up with two or three ideas that can help you look forward to doing the things that will get your result. What can you focus on, pay attention to, notice, appreciate or enjoy that will enhance the experience?




STEP 6: Take Massive Action

There is no time like the present! Never leave the site of setting a goal without doing something toward its attainment. Do something while you’re inspired, while you’re “in state.” The more massive the action, the more committed you will be to achieving the result.


The power of incantations—you can’t just get rid of a negative belief; you have to replace it. Try incanting your new beliefs, saying them again and again, changing the emphasis and changing your state. By changing the emotion, you change the impact you feel, and you begin to condition yourself for even more action.


Massive action creates momentum. You don’t have to do a thousand things; you just have to do something.


EXERCISE: Little Action, Big Action

What are two actions you can take immediately to get yourself going?


Little action (e.g., make a phone call, send an e-mail)


Big action (something that takes time, energy, money or effort)


STEP 7: The Seventh Power

When you care how people feel about you, you make them your peers and you give them power to influence the way you think. Tap into the Seventh Power—the power of environment. Choose a peer group with a high standard, utilize a coach and immerse yourself in an environment that reinforces you for your wins and challenges you to greater heights.



Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peers group.


Do the little action and big action you wrote down. Do them right away, and be sure to acknowledge yourself when you get them done!





There are two universal laws of life: anything that doesn’t grow dies, and anything that fails to contribute is eliminated. These laws hold true for everything in life, especially for relationships.


Extraordinary relationships—not merely good or excellent, but truly legendary ones—are those in which the participants continually grow and contribute to themselves, the relationship and each other.



Where are you?


If you’re in a relationship, you


want more from it


want out of it


are immobilized


If you’re not in a relationship


you want one but don’t have one; you fear being hurt


you don’t want one; you’ve been hurt before


Where do you want to be?


Visualize your ideal relationship. What would it look like? What would you talk about, laugh about, share, learn together? How would you make love surprise and contribute

to each other?



The Purpose of Relationships

Relationships exist to magnify the human experience. Which emotions are you magnifying– negative ones or positive ones?



When we associate pain to a relationship, we’re responding to the past. These are independent events. Remember this is not that.


Instead of assuming the worst, become a master of meaning. What else could be happening in this situation? What else could this mean? Most of the time, it’s not about you.


Remember Dr. Sigmund Freud’s wise words—“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!”





The quality of your relationships is in direct proportion to the amount of yourself you are able to share. Sharing produces a synergy where one plus one equals more than two.


  • Go to a relationship to give, not to get.


Measuring and remembering who gives more is a surefire way to kill a relationship. When driven by rules instead of love, relationships begin to die.


  • Keep your rules to a minimum.


Too many rules can destroy a relationship. Upsets occur easily when you have too many ways to feel bad.


  • Help your partner meet his or her needs.


Although we go about meeting them in different ways, we all have the same six needs. Passionate relationships occur when both partners feel that their needs are met.


  • Understand the importance of awareness and acceptance.


Be aware that all human beings share the same two primary fears: that they are not enough and that they won’t be loved. Primary fears are triggered anytime you feel like you’re not being seen as significant enough or you fear the loss of love. If you’re starting to react, ask yourself, “What’s really triggering this fear? Am I responding to the present or the past? What else could this mean?”


How to Create an Extraordinary Relationship

  1. 1. Learn to Love Yourself


You can’t give to other people what you haven’t learned to give yourself. Write at least 10 things you can do to show how much you love yourself (Do my Hour of Power, 30 Minutes to Thrive or 15 Minutes to Fulfillment; acknowledge myself for being great; write myself a love letter; go to places I love).




  1. 2. Select the Qualities You Need in a Relationship


Relationships last when both people have the same or complementary natures. Follow the example set by business leaders, and consider three things in evaluating a potential relationship (business or personal):


Can they do the job? Can they be your partner?


Will they do the job? The answer will be yes if the job or relationship meets their personal goals and reinforces their nature.


Are they the right fit in terms of values? Of goals,

In a personal relationship, is there a match in terms values, sensuality or sexuality?


(Do you share one of the top two needs with the other persons?)


Organizing Principles

The most important part of selection is to first become the kind of person you want to attract in your relationship.


It is unlikely a person’s nature is going to change. Know who you are in a relationship with.


If you are in a relationship with the right person for you and you are still having challenges, you can re-ignite the passion.





Where are you in your intimate relationship? Which scenario best describes the current state of your intimate relationship?


The love and passion are good, but I want more.


Love is there, but not enough passion.


Love and passion are lacking—we’re more like friends.


I’m planning my escape.


I’m not in an intimate relationship, but I want to be in one.


I’m not in an intimate relationship, and I don’t want to be in one.


Wherever you are, be honest. Remember, honesty will bring you clarity.


Now, whether you are in a relationship or not, describe what your ideal relationship would be like. What would you do together? How would you have fun? What would it be like to be physically, emotionally and spiritually intimate the way you truly want to be? What do you/would you have in common? How would you ideally raise children? Even if you are already in a relationship and it’s great, what more do you want?


Begin closing the gap by describing where you are now and where you want to be.




The first step in finding and attracting your ideal mate is defining what you want in that person. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, your ideal mate could walk right by you and you


might not even notice him or her! By clarifying precisely what you want and reviewing your list each day, you will literally program your unconscious to help you find your ideal person.


EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate

The Ideal Mate

Describe your ideal mate’s traits, habits, qualities, appearance – everything you can think of that would be important to you.

The Mate from Hell

If you have a hard time coming up with your “wish list,” start by defining “the mate from hell.” Write about the person you couldn’t stand to be with. What traits would they have? What qualities could you not stand?


Note: If you are already in a relationship that you want to make better, this process will help you
discover each other, renew the reverence in your relationship and meet each other’s needs at a much
deeper level.



EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate (continued)

What Kind of Person Would You Have to Be to Attract Such a Mate?


You need to become the kind of person you would like to find. Describe the values, characteristics, conduct and habits you would need in order to deserve the mate you just described.



Closing the Gap

To close the gap between where you are and where you want to be, you’ve got to know where you really are. If you’re already in a relationship, go back to the “must” items on your lists from Steps 1 and 2. On a 0–10 scale, first rate your partner and then rate yourself on how well those musts are being met.


If you’re not in a relationship, score yourself alone. Go back to your must items from Step 2, and rate yourself on a 0–10 scale. How close are you to being the person who will attract the kind of person you want?


How to Deal with the Inevitable Challenges That Will Arise

Challenges show up in every relationship. If the same ones seem to keep popping up and if they seem overwhelming, it may be that your natures are completely different and not complementary or that you don’t share the same values.


Running from a relationship is not the answer. Anywhere you go, you take yourself with you! Honesty and clear communication are the only solutions.


  • Have an honest conversation with your partner about ways to meet


both your needs and theirs.

  • Make yourself stronger and better, give more, focus on their needs.


Sometimes you have to make the hardest decision of all about the relationship. Get clear on what’s best for you and the other person.




Resistance, Resentment, Rejection, Repression





STEP 1: First Learn to Love Yourself

For the next seven days, take two minutes each morning to look in the mirror and repeat, “I love you [your name], I love you [your name] . . .” Tell yourself the specific reasons you love yourself.


Write down some of those reasons here.


STEP 2: If you’re in a relationship, make an action plan for taking it to the next level. Make a list of things you can do to enhance your relationship. Or if you truly are not matched in your natures, your values and your goals, get really clear about that, have an honest conversation and make some decisions. Make a game plan for what you are going to do.




Step 3: If you’re single, make a marketing plan for attracting your ideal mate.


Where do you need to spend your time? Whom do you need to talk to? Create a plan for the next 30 days.



Relationships, finances, emotions, your career . . . none of these matter if you don’t have your health.

To avoid ending up as “the richest person in the graveyard,” make your health an absolute priority.


Don’t let anyone convince you to give this responsibility to “experts.” You must be your own authority. Model people who not only have studied the subject but have consistently used it to achieve the results you desire. With a few simple changes, you can give yourself the gifts of explosive energy, improved immune function and weight loss.


The Truth about Germs and Illness

Ten people can be exposed to the same germ, but not all of them become ill. Why? Because germs are not the source of disease. Contact with a specific germ is not an absolute guarantee of contracting disease. Several other factors are involved:


  • The amount of stress or emotion in your life


  •   Your genetic tendencies
  • The things you do to keep your body in balance


  • The pollution level of your environment (your body)


  • Your philosophies about health


The Acid-Alkaline Balancing Act

Our bodies are driven by electrical impulses in a complex electromagnetic system. This system requires a delicate balance between the levels of acid and alkalinity. You can easily test this balance by measuring your pH level; ideal blood pH is 7.36.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Acid                         Neutral                     Alkaline


Acid in the system disrupts the balance, causing red blood cells to stick together, weaken and die. When this happens, more acid is released into the bloodstream, causing a vicious and deadly cycle of pollution. The body tries to compensate by calling upon its alkaline reserves, but eventually these are depleted and acid wreaks havoc, burning through your arteries. Again, the body tries to compensate by lining the artery walls with cholesterol . . . another deadly solution!




Alkalize and Energize


The key to maintaining balance is found in two simple steps:


STEP 1: Alkalize

Alkalizing breaks the cycle of excess acid. It’s the difference between life and death, between losing weight and keeping it on.


STEP 2: Energize

Your body operates on a subtle electromagnetic current. Your brain, your heart and all of your organs emit fields of electrical impulses. Foods provide value only when they can be converted into the elements necessary for this chemistry to take place. Energizing means avoiding foods that take away more energy than they provide.



Your environment is disturbed by something

  •   Emotions—negative emotions, thoughts, words and actions have a tremendous impact on your bloodstream.


  •   Polluted environment—smog in the air makes you acidic.


  •   Acid diet—animal proteins, cooked oils, sugar and refined carbohydrates are all sources of acid. Sugar equals acid and acid equals glue.


  •   Radiation—no one really knows what impact constant exposure to things like computer


screens may have, but excess radiation could easily disturb the delicate acid/alkaline balance.


Cells become disorganized


  •   When cells are disturbed, they become disorganized in an attempt to deal with or adapt to the new (disturbed) environment. They weaken, die or mutate.


As cells attempt to adapt, the environment is compromised


  •   Ruptured or dead cells give off excess acid. The new environment becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold.


The environment becomes polluted


  •   Bacteria, yeast, fungus and other creatures feed on your energy stores and excrete acid waste, causing even more pollution, more disturbance, more disorganization and more acids.


You develop what most people think of as debilitating disease or aging


  • The truth is, it’s an acid problem that begins with disturbance.


The Three-Step Cycle of Regaining Balance

Cleanse your system, ideally for 7–10 days (or a minimum of 3–4 days)


You don’t need a blood test to know you’ve built up some toxicity and acid through your lifestyle until now. The best way to cleanse is to superhydrate your system with plenty of fluids that are alkaline in nature. Green drinks, such as wheat grass or our Inner Balance green drink product, will provide an instant boost to your alkalinity.

Interrupt destructive patterns that don’t serve you

Identify and break your destructive patterns. Stop indulging in negative emotions or eating acidic foods.

Provide your body with the core nutrients it really needs



Vitamins & minerals

Live alkaline foods



Regaining Balance: Stories of Success

  • Hypercholesterol Study: The National Institutes of Health followed an entire family whose cholesterol levels were over 450. After switching to an alkaline diet, one woman lost 50 pounds and lowered her cholesterol by 190 points in just six weeks.
  • Seeing Is Believing: I saw my own blood cells go from torn and leaking to healthy and intact. I felt better than ever and saw the proof under the microscope with my own eyes.
  • Sean’s Wish: Remember Sean? Within 12 months, he went from being fragile and breakable to doing pushups and sporting a “six-pack” of abdominal muscles.



Everything in life shifts when you put yourself back in balance. Take control of your body with this simple three-step challenge. For the next 10 days:


STEP 1: Cleanse your system

STEP 2: Interrupt destructive patterns that don’t serve you

STEP 3: Provide your body with its vital needs


Never leave the site of setting a goal without doing something toward its attainment. If you’re steady to take your life to the highest level of energy possible, make sure you follow these steps and do something right now.




STEP 1: Cleanse your system


Start cleansing right away by drinking plenty of water. Another way to do it is with high-alkaline green drinks, like wheat grass or Tony Robbins’ Inner Balance® Pure Energy Greens. For more information about this and other Inner Balance® products, all designed by Harvard nutritionist Dr. Stacey Bell, call:


HOW MUCH WATER IS ENOUGH? Drink half your body weight in ounces every day. If you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water.


STEP 2: Interrupt destructive patterns that don’t serve you

Write down at least three destructive patterns in which you’ve been engaging. Come up with one or two ways to interrupt each pattern the next time it arises.

Destructive Pattern

Example: I often get angry.

Pattern Interrupts


When I begin to feel angry, I will take five deep breaths and list at least three things I’m grateful for in my life.


STEP 3: Provide your body with its vital needs

Write a paragraph or two describing why you are now committed to providing your body with the things it needs. What will it give you? What has not doing this up until now caused you to miss out on or lose in your life?





Frustration, anger, resentment, depression—compare these emotions to joy, passion, contentment, excitement and ecstasy! Our lives are defined by the emotions we feel on a daily basis. What we


do is not based on our ability, our talent or our skills it’s based on how we feel. Most of us live our lives in reaction to our environment. Our emotions are like the ocean—some days they’re a brewing storm; other days they’re as calm as they can be. This session is about taking control of the most important and powerful part of your life: your emotions.


Emotions are signals calling us to action. Often, the emotions that seem the most painful may be telling us we need to make changes. If we heed these signals, we can utilize them to change the quality of our experience and our lives immediately.


Where do emotions come from? Whether we give ourselves positive, negative or neutral feelings is determined by the rules we have and the meanings or interpretations we attach to events in our lives. What we feel is based not on our experience but on our interpretation of the experience. Remember . . . You are always in control of how you feel. Nothing controls you but you.


Exercise: Hope vs. Certainty


Think about something you’d like to have happen in the future and hope it will happen. Close your eyes and notice how it feels to hope. Do you see two different possibilities—having it work out and not work out?


Open your eyes, shake your body out a little and get rid of that hoping feeling. Now close your eyes and think about this same thing you’d like to have happen, but this time expect it to happen. Notice how it feels and how this is different from hoping.


Open your eyes. What was the difference? You just controlled your emotions!




Six Steps to Mastering Your Emotions

How do most people handle their emotions? They avoid them endure them or use them to compete with other people. There’s a fourth way, a better way, and you can do it in six simple steps —learn from your emotions and utilize them!

Identify the emotion and appreciate the message:

It’s saying you have to change something.



What is this emotion trying to tell me? What message is it offering?

Do I need to change my perception (the meaning) or my procedures (my communication or my behavior)?


Get curious and ask questions:


How do I really want to feel? As soon as you identify what you want to feel, you’re moving in the direction you want to go.

What would I have to believe in order to feel that way now?

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

What’s great about this, or what can I learn from this?


Get confident:


Recall a specific time when you felt this emotion before and somehow got over it.

Remembering a time when you were able to deal with the emotion will reassure you that you can deal with it now.


Get certain:

Imagine coming up with different ways of handling this emotion. If one doesn’t work, try another. Rehearse until you feel confident.

  1. Get excited and take action!


Do something right away that shows you can handle this emotion. Express your emotion in a way that reinforces what you’ve rehearsed in your mind and changes the way you feel.



The 10 Emotions of Power

The best way to get yourself to do something is to put yourself in an emotional state where that behavior becomes automatic. For example, the easiest way to have close relationships and do the things that make you feel close to other people is to cultivate the emotion of being loving and warm. Here are 10 quick emotions to plant in your life on a daily basis. If you cultivate these emotions and focus on feeling them every day, you will plant the seeds of greatness in your life.


Love and Warmth

Appreciation and Gratitude


Excitement and Passion










Let’s start using the six steps and the 10 action signals we’ve learned in this session.


STEP 1: For the next two days, notice any negative or disempowering feelings that come up, and apply the six-step process. Record your progress below.

Negative emotion:

How I handled it:


  1. Identify the emotion and appreciate the message
  2. Clarify: What is it trying to tell me? Do I need to change my perception or my procedures?
  3. Get curious:
  • How do I really want to feel?
  • What would I have to believe in order to feel that way now?
  • What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
  • What can I learn from this?
  1. Get confident: I’ve handled things like this before.
  2. Get certain: Rehearse dealing with it in the future.
  3. Get excited and take action




STEP 2: Make a list of all the things you can do to make yourself feel good.

Most people have only a few ways to feel good. Expand your list and include things you can do at any moment in time, no matter where you are, like . . .

  • Taking a deep refreshing breath
  • Singing your favorite song
  • Feeling grateful for love in your life


STEP 3: For each of the 10 action signals you learned in this session, develop a new belief that will help you avoid feeling these emotions




Obtaining the financial freedom and abundance you deserve is easy. The secret to getting beyond scarcity is to start beyond it by feeling a sense of abundance right now and living your life as if


you already were financially independent.


Does This Really Work?

You bet it does! In this session, I shared my story of going from scarcity to abundance and back again to illustrate a few key points I learned along the way:


Make it a must

Give yourself a compelling future that makes it impossible for you to fail. My must for financial independence was the birth of my son and my desire to give him an extraordinary

 quality of life.


Get hungry

Stop blaming everyone else. Set your goals, make them a must and commit to making the necessary changes now.

Add value to other people’s lives

Remember, your income is in direct proportion to your contribution.


Don’t be a victim of the “tall poppy syndrome”

Other people may want to chop you down to their size, but don’t let that happen!


The Power of Compounding

Compounding occurs when you invest money and allow it to continuously reinvest itself. With this strategy, you’ll realize explosive growth beyond your wildest imagination.



In an 18-hole golf game, if you bet just 10 cents on the first hole and double your bet every hole thereafter, the last hole will be worth $13,107.20. No matter how little you start with, you must start now! If you wait until the third hole to begin, betting on 15 holes instead of 18, the total comes to only $1,600.

Saving $150 a month ($5 a day) at a 15% annual return for 30 years yields $1,051,000.

Saving $250 a month in that same period of time produces $7.8 million.

Investing $100 a month at your child’s birth at a 15% rate of return results in $110,000 when the child turns 19. Leave it alone, and it grows to $9.6 million when he or she is age 50, $32.9 million at age 60, and $158 million at age 70!

UPS deliveryman Ted Johnson never made more than $30,000 a year but left a legacy of more than $70 million!


Statistics show you’re going to live a long time. What are you going to do when you get there? Handling your finances is critical, and compounding is the ticket, so start investing now. If you’re not willing to take a dime out of a dollar today, you won’t be anymore likely to take a hundred thousand out of a million later.




The Value of Stocks

Long-term dependability

Since World War II, the best investment through time has been the stock market, delivering a 12% rate of compounded return for nearly 50 years.


Short-term flexibility

Buying and selling stocks is fast and easy. It’s much faster, for example, than selling a piece of real estate.


Sir John Templeton’s Strategy: “Three Bucket” Asset Allocation

Decide what percentage of your income to invest, and allocate it into each of the following areas in a proportion that meets your needs and satisfies your risk tolerance. By determining your asset allocation in advance and sticking to your plan, you’ll avoid the temptation of spur-of-the-moment decisions.


Security Bucket

This bucket is for low-risk investments such as fixed income (treasury bills, corporate bonds, money market accounts) and equity (insurance policies, your home). The growth rate on these investments seems slow at first but compounds over time. What goes into this bucket should stay here—allow the profits to be reinvested.


Growth Bucket

This bucket is for higher-risk investments with more potential for growth, such as mutual funds, collectibles, real estate and stocks. Reinvest one-third of the profits in your security bucket, one-third in your growth bucket and one-third in your dream bucket.


Dream Bucket

This is the place to have some fun and save for the things you want in life. Whether it be a boat, a yacht, a vacation home or a sports team, this bucket lets you start building toward your dreams and making them come true.


Pay Yourself First!

Here’s the best-kept secret to painless investing: Never see the money! Decide how much you want to invest, and have it deducted directly from your paycheck



Why People Fail to Become Wealthy: 12 Financial Traps to Avoid

They never define what wealth means to them.

They make wealth a moving target.

They define wealth in ways that make it impossible to achieve.

They never even start.

They never make wealth an absolute must.

They don’t have a realistic plan.

They fail to follow through.

They make “experts” responsible for their decisions.

When faced with major challenges, they give up.

They fail to conduct life as if it was a business.

They allow other people’s emotions to affect the implementation of their plan.


They never get quality coaching.

How to Be Wealthy Right Now

This part is easy! Just do the exact opposite of the 12 financial traps:

Define what wealth means to you, exactly what will it take for you to feel wealthy.

Lock that definition firmly in place. Don’t keep raising the bar.

Make sure your definition is achievable.

Create a plan that is achievable.

Make it a must for you by listing the reasons you must be wealthy.

Finalize your plan and work out the details.

Follow through on your plan by taking immediate action toward its attainment.

Make yourself responsible. Let experts coach you, but don’t abdicate your responsibility.

Don’t give up when the going gets tough.

Make your life a business, and expect a year-end profit.

Don’t let other people’s emotions control or cause you to deviate from your asset allocation.

Get good coaching.


Finally, remember that real wealth comes from an abundance in all areas: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The real key to unlocking wealth is just one thing . . . gratitude. The moment you feel grateful is the moment you feel rich.




STEP 1: Decide how you’re going to allocate your assets.

I’m going to invest __________% of my income.

I’m going to split my investments in this ratio (for example, 50/50 or 60/40):

Security Bucket: __________%

Growth Bucket: __________%


STEP 2: Make it a must for you. Write a paragraph or two about why you must be wealthy and what it will do for you, your family, your life. What will it give you? Who will you be? What will you do with your wealth?



STEP 3: Start making your plan. Write down the steps you must take to begin or improve your investing strategy.


  • Open a money market account
  • Call accounting and start my payroll deduction
  • Start researching stockbrokers
  • Call Robbins Research and get a great coach!


STEP 4: Never leave the scene of a decision without taking some action. Choose two of the items you listed in Step 3, and do them today. Make a note of what you did:




Everything on earth has a purpose—and that includes you! Your purpose in life provides you with an inner drive that, once you tap into it, can give you immense fulfillment and unlimited joy.


Your Purpose in Life

does not change

is eternal

is available to you each and every moment


Three Decisions Shape Your Life

Everything you do has a consequence. What ultimately shapes your life, though, are the decisions you make. You can have the life you deserve, where all your consequences are positive ones. How? By making these three decisions:


Decide what to focus on

What you focus on determines how you think, feel, contribute. Choose an empowering focus in every situation.


Decide what things mean

Meaning is something you determine. You cannot control events, but you can control what events mean to you.


Decide what you will do when something happens

Remember, God’s delays are not God’s denials . . . unless you give up.


Discover the Sources of Pain

Whatever drives you shapes your life. Human beings are primarily driven by two things: the need to avoid pain and the need to gain pleasure. Pain can be useful, like when a child learns to stay away from a hot stove, or pain can be destructive, as it was for the woman who believed marriage equaled death.


Why am I feeling this pain?

What unique thing is happening when I feel this pain?

What recent thing happens about the same time I feel the pain?

What consistent factor is present when I experience the pain?

If you’re experiencing pain in any area of your life, these three questions can help you discover the source, decide whether it’s helping or hurting you and give you the information you need to create a deeper meaning.



How Will You Know Your Life’s Purpose? When You Decide What It Is!

According to the Massachusetts Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the most important risk factor in dying of your first heart attack is job dissatisfaction. Make sure you have a deeper meaning for your life than “I’m on that grindstone again!”


Victor Frankl, a Nazi concentration camp survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, found his purpose in his future. He vowed that somehow he would survive, share his story and make sure that nothing like the Holocaust could ever happen again.


Near the end of his life, actor Michael Landon discovered a profound truth. In reminding people to live life to the fullest, every minute of every day, he developed a compelling purpose for his final days.


Your Purpose in Life Is Up to You

Are you being efficient or effective? Being efficient means doing things right. Being effective means doing the right things.


Why Some People Don’t Win the Game of Life

So many people feel like they can’t win the game of life. Why? For these seven reasons:


They don’t know the purpose of the game.


Even though they don’t know the purpose, they have rules for themselves and everyone else about how the game must be played.

Their rules are in conflict.

Even when they play by the rules, they don’t always win.

Sometimes they get rewarded for breaking the rules.

They have to work with other people who all have the wrong rules.

They think it’s a life-and-death game, putting so much fear and pressure on themselves that they never truly live.



Seven Strategies Used by Winners

1.They decide the purpose of the game.

  1. They have fewer rules about how to be happy.
  2. Their rules are consistent.
  3. They give themselves pleasure whenever they win.
  4. They give themselves short bursts of pain if they violate their sense of purpose in life.
  5. They know that everybody has different rules. Their relationships succeed because they try to understand the other person’s rules.
  6. They don’t take life too seriously.


Lose a Dream and Find Your Destiny

No matter what happens, you must find an empowering meaning. Ask yourself, “How can I use this?” Often in life, when you look back on your worst situations, they turn out to be your best—if you are willing to trust that they happened for a reason. Look for the benefits, and you will find them.


Don’t wait for that glorious moment when you save someone’s life. Start saving a life today by enjoying the one you have. Find your purpose in something simple, like Cecil did: love people, love animals, love beings and make the world a little bit better just by being nice.



Doc Graham, in the film Field of Dreams, got to play baseball for only five minutes.


To him it wasn’t a disaster . . . but being a doctor for only five minutes would have been.




Life is about two things: being and doing. Ultimately, your destiny is about who you become and what you do. To discover a greater sense of meaning for your life, follow these three steps and start discovering your life’s purpose.


STEP 1: Remember what you wanted to be when you “grew up,” and remember the times when you felt like you were really “on a roll.”

With your eyes closed, remember when you were five, six, seven years old. What did you want to be when you grew up? Why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?

Think of something else you wanted to be when you were growing up. Why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?



  • What did you want to do?
  • Why did you want to do that?
  • What feelings were you hoping to get from that?
  • Who were your role models?

I wanted to be an archaeologist, a police artist, a rock star. Today I dig for the truth and hang out with bands like Aerosmith!


Think of a third thing you wanted to be. Again, why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?


Now, with your eyes closed again, think about a time when you were really on a roll, where things flowed effortlessly. What were you doing, feeling, experiencing?


Think of another time you were on a roll, where you felt, “This is what life’s about.” What was happening? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Were other people involved? How were you being, and what were you doing? Capture not only the idea but the feeling as well.


Think of a third time when you felt incredible. Notice what you were doing, creating, sharing, feeling.


STEP 2: Write your purpose.

Write a simple phrase, a sentence or two. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time.

Keep brainstorming, writing several until you find the one that feels right.

Your purpose statement must:

1 Be stated in the positive

  1. Be brief
  2. Include “emotionally charged” words
  3. Tell how you’re going to be, what you’re going to do
  4. Include yourself and others
  5. Be achievable in your lifetime
  6. Be able to be experienced every day
  7. Make you happy . . . really happy!


EXAMPLE The purpose of my life is to be fun, happy and grateful, to enjoy my life and share my love with others.

The purpose of my life is to:


STEP 3: For the next month, keep your purpose statement in front of you.

Put a copy in the system you use for managing your life, and hang another copy on a nearby wall. As you look at it each day, think about how you can live your purpose even more.


I can live my purpose even more by:



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