Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge Program – INNER STRENGTH – Book Summary
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Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge Program – Inner Strength
Welcome to the Ultimate Edge™—your guide to getting the most out of life regardless of the circumstances that confront you and achieving the results you want, be it your finances, relationships, body, emotions, time—everything that matters to you most.
To take our lives to the next level, we need to understand that the external world is not the driving force in who we become or what we choose to create for our lives. We all want to
take control of the internal forces that shape the direction of our lives so that we may fully realize our emotional, physical, financial and spiritual potential.
During the times in life where we get frustrated or overwhelmed or maybe even feel stuck, often there is something that snaps—a moment when everything changes. Regardless of what stage of life you may be in (if you are on a roll and want to continue to the next level, or if you are experiencing challenges you need to turn around), the Ultimate Edge helps you to cultivate the inner strength necessary to forge a path toward true meaning and happiness.
The road to transformation begins with the foundation of the 3 Pillars of Progress.
The first step is to clarify the results you desire in your life. What do you want most in the areas of life that are important to you? What is your definition of an extraordinary quality of life? What do you need to take your life to the next level?
Without a clear and compelling vision for what you want today, you won’t be able to even find the target of lasting happiness, let alone hit it. Your chances of knowing what your bull’s-eye looks like, however, depends on how honest you can be with yourself. When you’ve got a clear and compelling vision of what it is you want, it shifts your mind and emotions, giving you the impetus to shift your actions toward your goals.
Once you’ve defined your target, you need an effective and efficient game plan to hit it. In order to close the “gap” between where you are and where you want to be, you need a proven map, an effective mentor and training to drive you to take action. Armed with proven tools, high-quality skills, an effective coach to constantly measure your progress and an empowering community to hold you to a higher standard, there is no way that you won’t get the results that you deserve!
However, sometimes tools are not enough: you need to unlock what’s blocking you and unleash your power. Why is it that sometimes we know what to do, we have great motives for change, and yet we fail to follow through? Or we make changes in the moment, but they do not last long term? What’s missing is a practical understanding of human psychology: why we do what we do and how to change it. By understanding your personal blueprint—how you create meaning and emotion and what causes you to think, feel and behave the way you do—you can not only gain the answers to these questions but learn how to create lasting change and fulfillment. Through the process of discovering, understanding and aligning your internal drives, you are able to channel them so that you naturally move in the direction you desire more—a direction that serves not only you but also all those you care about.
The biggest illusion we have in life of why we can’t achieve something is that we start to believe that we’re lacking adequate resources. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. I don’t know the right people. I don’t have the right training. While any of these may in fact be true, there has certainly been something in your life where one or more of the above factors didn’t stop you. You found a way. You may not have had the money, but you were creative enough to get it. You may not have had the education, but you found another way to learn a skill.
If the obstacle seems absolutely impenetrable but you’re focused enough, will you find a way anyway? Of course you will, if you have enough determination, enough flexibility and enough creativity. The truth is resources are never the real problem. The real problem is a lack of resourcefulness, and the ultimate resource is human emotion. Human emotion is how we get the resources we need. We tend to forget this because we live and operate in a cognitively driven world, that is, we lean on our ability to figure things out. And if we reach a point where it seems like we can’t figure out a solution, that’s when the illusion of failure keeps us from reaching our goals.
But in reality, if we feel strongly enough about something, no amount of time or perceived lack of resources would keep us from achieving what we want.
The mind needs fuel. It operates very differently when you’re passionate about something than when you’re frustrated, angry, bored or dejected. Your mind will wire itself differently when you’re feeling excited, eager, enthusiastic, inspired or engaged in what you want to achieve, like there’s a real purpose behind your goals. That passion expands into your thoughts, actions and the way you interact with people.
Change the fuel that drives the mind, and you change the experience of anything you’re trying to accomplish. We’re either unresourceful or resourceful based on the habit of emotions that we use most often. Once you realize that you are in control of the fuel that directs your thoughts and actions, the next step is to recognize the power of the decisions you make from moment to moment and throughout your life.
Gaining the ultimate edge in life requires mastering two skills: the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment.
Achievement—going from where you are to where you want to be—requires a plan, a specific strategy. You can achieve anything you desire simply by following certain laws. Whether you want to improve your financial outlook, enhance your relationships or sculpt your body into fantastic shape, following a set of scientific principles will guarantee results.
Fulfillment means experiencing tremendous joy in the process—so you feel not only the excitement of the pursuit but the enthusiasm and gratitude for the little things in life along the way.
If you’re going to feel happy, alive, excited and passionate about life, you must understand that these lessons go hand in hand. Consider the very famous—although they achieve the heights of success, some never feel fulfilled despite the money, accolades and more. Remember, success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.
Can you think about the areas in your life where you feel most fulfilled, be it your relationship, your career, your body or your family? The path to fulfillment is progressive—an ongoing journey or a project that engages your love, passion and time. More often than not, however, you can pinpoint a moment of significant change that inspired or triggered the actions that led to personal achievement. It is in these moments that you align and focus the power of your inner world to accomplish success and fulfillment in the external world.
The goal of the Ultimate Edge is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to create and take advantage of these moments of personal empowerment. Utilizing this power—this emotional fitness—to work against fear and doubt and overcome any obstacle allows you to become the architect of your own destiny instead of simply reacting to the forces in your environment.
The Ultimate Edge = Psychological Strength Mental edge and focus that maximize who you are, what you’re capable of and what you get to enjoy out of this life.
We are able to exercise this emotional fitness and psychological strength through action. Nothing changes without new action. It is also essential to remember that every action is parented by a decision. Before you take action, you have to make a decision. No matter how inconsequential a decision may appear to be, even the smallest decisive notion could change the outcome of your life.
It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
Decisions = Destiny
Each day we’re making new decisions and creating new actions, all fueled by the power of emotion. It is up to us to nurture the emotions that engender a level of positive activity and growth through consistent and focused decision-making. Some decisions may only have short-term impact, and others affect us far beyond what we could imagine in the moment. Either way, remember: decisions are shaping your life’s destiny.
There are three decisions you’re making every moment of your life, either consciously or unconsciously. Developing the capacity to make the changes you want to make in life depends on your ability to become conscious of the decisions that you’re making all of the time.
Every moment of your life you have to decide what you’re going to focus on. If you don’t consciously choose where to point the lens, your brain just goes into the habit of what it usually focuses on. Most people focus on what they’re afraid of, and whatever you focus on, you feel. So if you keep focusing on what you fear, you bring it to life. As you think about it, it becomes alive inside of you. On the other hand, if you focus on the potential in an event or situation, then opportunities begin to present themselves.
The minute you focus on something, your mind has to come up with a meaning for it. From an evolutionary standpoint, the human nervous system has to know: is this going to mean pain or pleasure? Whatever meaning you give to an experience, then that experience becomes that meaning because you make it real in your body and mind. If you don’t consciously choose what things mean, your old patterns show up. Come up with an empowering meaning, and you change how you’ll feel.
Once you focus on something and give it a meaning, it produces an emotion. Those emotions filter what you do and trigger action, or even non-action.
If you’re angry, are you going to do something different than if you’re feeling grateful? If you’re fearful, worried or stressed, are you going to do something different than if you feel determined, curious or playful
It all comes down to these three decisions. They’re shaping your life moment to moment. If you take control of them, everything changes. You don’t have to wait to be emotionally fit in order to start down the path that will lead to your ultimate edge. You have to decide to raise the standard of what you expect for yourself now. You have to decide that it’s time to go to the next level.
There are two forces that influence every decision we make:
Our Decisions
State (in the moment) Blueprint (long term)
Ultimately, we want to feel states of empowerment, like confidence, certainty or adeptness, that will positively impact the quality of our decisions most of the time. Few people are in empowered states all of the time. But even “negative” states of emotion—frustration, anger, envy—can sometimes be useful to propel us to make changes. Being conscious of our moment-to-moment state gives us better control over how we feel, hence control over the quality of decisions we end up making.
Our Blueprint is our Model of the World—a specific set of beliefs about how we’re supposed to be, how life’s supposed to be or how other people are supposed to treat us, which determines what we’re even willing to consider doing or not doing. In short, our Blueprint will have a massive impact on the decisions we make both inthe short term and in the long term because it colors how we look at our lives
We experience happiness whenever our Life Conditions (what is actually happening with our career, body, relationships, finances, etc.) align with our Blueprint or Model of the World. Since there is no gap between our expectations and reality in this area, we are happy.
Life Conditions = Blueprint = Happiness
But if there is an area of life that is causing you pain, it’s because your Life Conditions do not match your Blueprint.
Life Conditions ≠ Blueprint = Pain
When we are unhappy and our Life Conditions do not match our Blueprint, we have three choices as to how we’re going to handle the challenge:
Blame 1) Events 2) Others 3) Yourself
Change Your Life Conditions
Change Your Blueprint
The first choice people have is to assign blame, and there are three things you can blame:
Event. There’s a story, something that happened, behind why things are the way they are. However accurate the story may be, blaming an event is convenient because it helps preserve an identity designed to shield us from our true fears: fear of failure and fear of not being loved or accepted.
Others. “I’m in this situation because this person …” Similarly, the story may be true, but it’s convenient and gives you comfort in the moment. “There’s nothing wrong with me. It’s this other person. There’s nothing I need to change.”
Yourself. Most people think that this is being responsible, but blaming yourself will not make it better. There’s a difference between responsibility and beating yourself up—between “Here’s a pattern that I’ve got to change” and “I’m not good enough.”
Take a new action, something that will help you make significant progress. If you want to have happiness, you have to understand one thing: progress = happiness. If you feel like you’re making progress in an area of your life, you will start to be pleased in that area. You start to get more focused and specific about what you want to change, and you build momentum toward the results you want. If, for example, you want to open your own business, find an achiever to mentor you. Get focused on why you want to make the change and commit to something new in your life.
Sometimes things are outside of your control, but you CAN control how you configure your rules about how things should be. Your happiness is going to be limited if you want success but aren’t willing to ever be judged or want love but distrust the opposite sex. Sometimes adjusting your Blueprint means compromising some of your rules that are difficult for you and others to live up to or are simply impossible to fulfill.
When it comes to the three choices you face on how to handle a problem, the first choice isn’t really a choice at all. Blame leaves you stuck, spinning your wheels with no options to change as you tell yourself, “There’s nothing I can do about it because …” We all use blame at times, but the quicker you can get out of it, the faster you’ll be empowered to either change your life conditioning or change your perspective, both of which are real, tangible options that can instantly transform a relationship, your career, your finances or your life.
EXERCISE: Write What an Extraordinary Life Would Be Like for You Today …
Write a paragraph or two to answer this question: What would your life be like if it was exactly the way you wanted it to be today? In other words, start with the ultimate end in mind.
If your life were extraordinary—life on your terms—what would that look like? How would you change? What would you enhance? Who would you spend more time with? What would you appreciate more? What would you do?
There are two forces controlling every decision in our lives:
State: How you feel in any given moment.
Blueprint: Your structure of beliefs and values.
Hour of Power is designed to help you create rituals to condition empowering emotional states. Gaining the ultimate edge in life means experiencing the primary emotions you want regardless of life’s events, not just attaining a life that works out every way you want it to. Sometimes, life rains on your parade, but you can control what it means to you. And when you control what it means to you, you have the edge, the ultimate advantage.
To make that happen, you must recapture what’s missing—time for yourself, time to heal mentally and emotionally so that consistent space facilitates a shift in your habitual thoughts and feelings. You don’t want to wait to attain a goal you’ve been looking to reach for a long time before you start feeling good about life. You want to direct the course of your life. Fulfillment is not an automatic result of success. Fulfillment is an emotion you must nurture to enhance your quality of life as you work toward your goals and beyond.
Which emotions do you feel on a regular basis? Make a list of all the emotions you consistently experience in an average week.
Empowering/Positive Emotions Disempowering/Painful Emotions
Anything in life you want, you only want because of the feeling you think obtaining it will give you. But the truth is that you could have that feeling right now—simply by changing
the following three patterns:
Your Physiology
Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re using your body.
Your Focus and Beliefs
Whatever you focus on is what you’re going to feel whether it is true or not.
Your Language
Questions: Thinking is nothing more than mentally asking and answering a series of questions. Eliminate any habitual questions that do not serve you (e.g., “What’s wrong with me?”).
Words: If you want to change your life, pay attention to the words you repeat to yourself.
Certain words can change the way you feel: I think you’re mistaken vs. I think you’re wrong vs. I think you’re lying.
Incantations: When you repeat a phrase with enough emotional intensity, you start to believe it. Utilize the power of incantations by using the ones that support you the most.
Every day and in every way, I’m getting stronger and stronger.
At last, at last, the past is past; I’ve broken free and won. And now it’s time to love myself and really have some fun.
With each and every breath I take, with each and every stride I make, I feel joy and love from deep inside me.
Day by day I live my life with happiness and harmony. I share my gifts, my dreams, my heart, and love has set me free.
Tap Into Your Awareness
Get into the habit of evaluating your triad and conditioning yourself to experience the great emotions you want. What are you doing with your body? What are you focusing on or believing? What are you saying to yourself?
Train yourself to jump out of bed immediately, with no hesitation, and start your day with movement. PHASE 1: Move and Breathe (5 Minutes)
PHASE 2: Get Grateful and Visualize (10 Minutes)
PHASE 3: Use Incantations and Exercise (15–30 Minutes or More)
In the first session of Inner Strength, we discussed how the parent of action is our decisions.
However, our decisions are controlled moment to moment by our state and by our Blueprint.
In Session 2 of Inner Strength, you learned how to get into the habit of evaluating your Triad and conditioning yourself to experience the emotions you want, maximizing an empowering state, hence empowering yourself to make better decisions and gain further control over the quality of your life.
Now that you’ve listened to Personal Power and Get The Edge and really started applying the strategies to begin that process of transformation, we turn back to what ultimately controls your thoughts, feelings and emotions: your Blueprint.
When any stimulus in life happens, how do you know if it’s good or bad? How do you know if you should be angry or excited? How do you know if somebody just insulted you or teased you? When anything occurs, our minds have to decide how to respond. Whether we realize it or not, we’re constantly feeding our minds a detailed outline for why we do the things we do.
There are people who have endured incredible pain and suffering but are happy and feel more alive than others who have not had those same challenges. Why? Because they have a Blueprint that helps them find an empowering meaning behind anything that happens in life, even pain. Becoming conscious of your Blueprint gives you ultimate control to head in the direction you want to go instead of being subconsciously guided by values, beliefs or rules that aren’t serving you.
Sometimes, fine-tuning the schematics of your Blueprint may just require minor tweaks and adjustments to experience a truly fulfilling life. Other times, it may require going back to the drawing board altogether. But either way, you don’t have to be a master architect of the mind in order to create a Blueprint that works for you through good times or bad. You just need to take a closer look at the forces that impact your Blueprint.
We judge whether or not we’re being punished or rewarded by life’s events based on our needs, beliefs and habitual emotions. The mind has to decipher: Is this the end or is this the beginning? Should I be angry about this situation, or should I be excited?
Unlocking the three forces that are moving you through life unconsciously, and redirecting these influences consciously, could change your life dramatically, eliminate pain, avoid unnecessary difficulties and give you more joy than you can imagine.
Although we all have different Blueprints, different beliefs about different things, and can respond with different emotions to the same event, one thing we have in common is that we all have the same 6 Human Needs.
To review briefly from Personal Power, the 6 Human Needs are:
- Certainty: to be comfortable, avoid pain and have some level of consistency.
- Uncertainty: we need variety and change to feel alive.
- Significance: the need to feel unique, special and important.
Love and Connection: to give and receive affection and support from others.
Growth: to become more, break through stagnation. We either grow or die.
Contribution: to give beyond ourselves.
Although every single person has the same 6 Human Needs, not everybody places the same importance on the same needs. If you put more emphasis on certainty, you’re going to look at life completely differently than if you think the center of life is contribution.
Focusing more on any of the 6 Human Needs than the others is neither right nor wrong, but that focus will either create different opportunities and different problems, depending on where you are in your current Life Conditions. If you emphasize significance, giving it priority in your Blueprint may cause a conflict in the area of love and connection.
Additionally, the greater the difference is between your Life Conditions and your Blueprint, the greater the difference will be in your pleasure or satisfaction with the areas that you value most.
If you can pinpoint which needs you value most in practice—that is, which needs you strive to fulfill operationally in your everyday actions—and the needs you truly value most but may not consciously strive for, you can then close the gap and match your Blueprint with your Life Conditions.
Think of your belief system like a map. Your beliefs tell you how you get from where you are to where you want to be. Or you might think there’s a rule that says, “I’ve got to create the kind of relationship where there is always unconditional love,” or “I have to be aggressive, funny, giving,” etc.
We have a map or rulebook in our unconscious mind that guides us in how to meet our needs and hit our targets. This becomes the way we think we need to be in order to get what we want.
To change your life, you must value one of your other needs more than the top two you value now.
If one of your top two needs is love, learning to value another need more doesn’t mean that you don’t want love, or shouldn’t want it. But if your focus is, How can I GIVE love (which can meet the needs for significance, growth or contribution) instead of How do I GET love, you literally change the direction and, ultimately, the destination of your relationship or your life.
Whatever it is you say you really want, whether you really get there or not is all going to come down to the habit of emotion you get into most. If your habit of emotion is frustration, feeling like a failure or feeling like you’re not enough, that’s what you’ll unconsciously act out. However, if the habit of emotion you have is one of passion, determination, courage or playfulness, you’ve got a chance of getting the results you want.
Have you ever known someone who always finds a way to get upset or somebody who’s not really funny—but they think they are—and you find yourself laughing anyway because they’re having such a good time laughing at their own joke?
There’s a center of gravity emotionally that you come back to on a regular basis—in your relationship, in your career or with your kids or partner. You can make a billion dollars, but if the primary emotion that you feel all day long is frustration, boredom or fear, your life will be one of frustration, boredom and fear. The emotions we live with day to day control the quality of our life more than anything else.
The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.
Earlier we took a look at the formula for happiness, when Life Conditions equal your Blueprint.
Likewise, when Life Conditions are not equal to your Blueprint, then there will be unhappiness.
We also know that when we experience unhappiness, we have two real choices: change our Life Conditions, or change our Blueprint. But sometimes that sense of unhappiness becomes so internalized that it feels like there’s nothing you can do to change anything. That’s when unhappiness reaches a peak and turns into suffering.
Suffering is when Life Conditions don’t equal your Blueprint of how things should be, and you feel like you have no control to change it.
Psychologist Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D., defined suffering as a form of learned helplessness. When you feel helpless—especially if you don’t normally think of yourself as a helpless person—that feeling intensifies the suffering. The truth is there are no victims—there are only volunteers. However, the feeling of suffering comes from three aspects:
You think the problem is permanent. No problem is permanent. No matter how big the problem is, no matter how intense it seems, it’s going to have an end. It may not end when you want, and it may not end the way you expected, but it will end. We do not always have control over life conditions, but the illusion that we can control everything except meaning is what makes us suffer.
You think the problem is pervasive. “Because this relationship is messed up, my whole life is messed up. Because my finances are in ruin, everything is over.” No problem is pervasive. It just looks that way because you keep saying it’s pervasive. Whatever the problem is, it doesn’t have to affect everything. As long as you are alive, the problem is not permanent. Again, we go back to meaning.
You think the problem is personal. “It’s something wrong with me. There’s a character defect in me. It’s just the way I am.” When you think it’s the way you are, you are not going to change it because you don’t think you can. It’s an identity issue.
No problem is permanent. No problem is pervasive. No problem is personal. It’s just a matter of shifting your Blueprint. A Blueprint can change. Everyone has had some beliefs years ago that they would have fought for, which in hindsight would be almost an embarrassment to admit today.
Blueprints change all the time, and you can accelerate that change and eliminate suffering by getting clear about where your Blueprint is strong, where it’s the essence of who you are versus something that you’ve practiced and adapted, where it’s meeting your needs and where it’s not. You can make empowering choices, change the conditions or change your Blueprint—so you are no longer controlled by something that you were previously unaware of.
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find by Amir Levin and Rachel Heller
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Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment by Amir Levin and Rachel Heller
The attachment theory is one of the most popular and useful psychological models, describing how people react in relationships when they get emotionally upset or something doesn’t go according to their expectations; and that happens in every relationship sooner or later.
The premise of the book is that your significant other is greatly responsible for your happiness in the relationship. The big misconception out there about relationships is that your happiness should come from within and is not dependent on your intimate partner or other people close to you.
Research shows that that’s very far from the truth, that your well-being is indeed your partner’s responsibility but also vice versa – that your partner’s well-being is your responsibility.
- Maybe it sounds very promising that the ideal relationship is one between two self-sufficient people, who unite in a mature, respectful way while maintaining clear boundaries;
- it might sound logical and reasonable that being dependent on other people violates your independency and autonomy;
- you might strive to be strong enough to not let your inner peace be disturbed by the people close to you, but all these things are tasks in vein.
- These beliefs all sound good, but they are not how relationships work.
The suitable explanation for these misconceptions lies exactly in the attachment theory. Research has shown that when you become attached to someone, you form one psychological unit.
You are no longer separate entities, and the influence of one on the other even happens on the biological level, namely to the point of mutual regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and hormones.
When two people form an intimate relationship, they not only regulate each other’s biological states but also, even more importantly, each other’s psychological and emotional well-being.
When you form a close relationship with someone, mutual dependency takes place. It always does. Which kind of dependency takes place is the subject of four different attachment styles.
The main message of the book is that if you want to become independent, happy and fulfilled in life, while being in a relationship, your main job is to find the right person to depend on.
Because if your partner is unable to meet your basic (attachment) needs, you experience a chronic sense of disquiet and suffer from constant tension.
That can have serious consequences for your emotional well-being and even physical health. That’s why it’s so important to understand your attachment style and the attachment style of people close to you, especially your spouse.
All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love. – Baruch Spinoza
There are at least four different benefits of knowing about the attachment style theory and its implications, described in the book very well:
- You can gain a much better understanding of yourself and how you function in relationships
- You can develop a healthier attachment style if you suffer from a toxic one
- You get the framework to better choose the right people to get involved in relationship with
- You acquire the knowledge to help your spouse be more constructive in relationship
The patterns of attachment that people express towards those they are close to in adulthood tend to be very similar to the patterns of attachment they had with their caretakers in their youth. The reason for that is quite straightforward.
When a child is born, they’re completely helpless and dependent on their caretakers (most often parents). And every child has needs that should be met in a timely, judicious manner. If that happens, the child feels safe and lovable. If the child’s needs aren’t met s/he feels abandoned.
Based on how well a child’s needs were met, different attachment styles are developed. The attachment style is a blueprint for how we survive/thrive in adult relationships, based on what we have learned about relationships and attachment being fully dependent on our caretakers.
Your dominant attachment style tends to influence:
- How you view intimacy and togetherness
- How you deal with conflict
- Your attitude towards sex
- Ability to communicate your wishes and needs
- What kind of expectations you have towards your partner and the relationship
Your attachment style greatly defines how happy, fulfilled and successful you’ll be in relationships and in general.
We know four different attachment styles, one healthy and three toxic ones. The four different attachment styles are:
- Secure Attachment Style – Consistent response to the child’s needs: If you have the secure attachment style, you usually feel comfortable with intimacy and have no problem being warm and loving.
- Anxious Attachment Style – Inconsistent response to the child’s needs: If you have the anxious attachment style, you greatly crave intimacy deep down, which is shown in neediness, preoccupation with the relationship and worry about people close to you loving you back.
- Avoidant Attachment Style – Rigid or distant response to the child’s needs: If you have the avoidant attachment style, you experience intimacy and closeness with other people ( or dependency, in other words) as a loss of personal independence and autonomy. That leads to behavior that minimizes closeness with other people.
- Disorganized Attachment Style (Anxious – Avoidant): This is a rather rare attachment style that exhibits elements of both unhealthy attachment styles mentioned above.
If parents are sensitive, available and responsive to the child’s needs in general, the secure attachment style should be developed. If parents are inconsistently responsive, the anxious attachment style is developed.
And if parents are distant, rigid and unresponsive, the avoidant attachment style is usually developed.
Besides the upbringing environment, other factors such as genes, life experiences and early romantic relationships have a big influence on which attachment style becomes dominant in our lives.
If caretakers are sensitive and responsive to a child’s needs, the child will develop the secure attachment style – the child learns that s/he can rely on their parents and be confident that they’ll be available whenever s/he needs them. Well, an easy temperament of the child and positive marital satisfaction with social proper support improves the chances of the needs being met.
It can be seen very early in children what kind of an attachment style they are developing. The attachment style is seen by the children’s exploratory drive and their ability to play and learn in the presence of the attachment figure, the caretaker (and without it).
A caretaker’s presence or departure can either arouse or stifle the child’s exploratory drive. Only if the attachment figure presents a secure base for the child does the child have the courage to go into a previously unknown environment and explore with confidence.
- Secure attachment in babies: Even though the baby is visibly distressed when the attachment figure leaves the room, they are very happy and eager to meet the caretaker when they get back. Once the attachment figure is present, they are quickly reassured, calmed down and resume with the play and exploration activities.
- Anxious attachment in babies: The baby becomes very distressed when the attachment figure leaves the room. When the attachment figure returns as the source of the secure base for them, they react ambivalently – they are happy and angry at the same time.
- Avoidant attachment in babies: When the attachment figure leaves the room, the baby acts as if nothing happened. When the caretaker comes back, the baby tends to ignore them and continue to play indifferently. But inside, the baby is not calm or collected, but very distressed.
The need for a secure base stays with us in adulthood. We all face challenges, difficulties and new situations in our adult lives. We need to be highly functional at work, inspired by our hobbies, and take care of our core relationships.
Only if we have a secure base in the relationships, can we take risks, be creative, and pursue our dreams. If we don’t have such a secure base, we have a much harder time maintaining focus and engaging in life.
That’s why it’s impossible to be a separate entity in relationships. You need to be dependent on others as a secure base in order to explore the world and go after your goals.
In childhood, and adult relationships, you need to be attached to people who present a secure base to you. You need to be backed by someone who is supportive and whom you can rely on and turn to in times of need.
As an interesting fact, around 50% of people are secure, 20% are anxious, 25% are avoidant, and around 3 to 5% suffer from a disorganized attachment style.
Nevertheless, we all tend to have one dominant attachment style. That’s because the need for close relationships is embedded in our genes. It’s a biological fact, impossible to escape.
We are programmed by evolution to single out a few individuals in our lives and make them precious and close to us. We’ve been bred to be dependent on a significant other, and these needs start in the womb and end when we die.
But why is that so? The attachment or dependency on others provided a survival advantage, because people who relied only on themselves were an easier prey.
Being close to people, especially to a partner, was a matter of life and death in prehistoric times. Forging close relationships was and thus still is an absolute necessity as such.
Even our brains have developed a biological mechanism that is responsible for creating and regulating connections with different attachment figures during our lifetime – parents, children, romantic partners and relatives.
This mechanism, which we call the attachment system, is a set of emotions and behaviors that drives us to stay close to our loved ones in order to stay safe and protected. To have a secure base.
The interdependency in close relationships goes extremely far. Attached and dependent people become one physiological unit. If one reacts, the other reacts, if one’s upset, it also makes the other upset.
The significant other is part of you, and you are part of them, so you will do anything to save him or her. Such a vested interest in the well-being of another person presented a very important survival advantage for both people involved in the relationship. You watch my back, I watch yours.
That all makes sense, but the main question in all this is: where do the insecure attachment styles come from then? If the environment is fairly safe, being attached to a few people close to you did make sense in the jungle.
But in a very dangerous and hostile environment (wars, diseases, catastrophes etc.), it sometimes made sense not to invest time and energy in just one or a few people, because they would likely not be around for too long.
It made sense to be less attached and move on when they passed away. That’s where the avoidant attachment style comes from.
The second option in the hostile environment was to be intensely persistent and hypervigilant about staying close to the attachment figure, making sure they didn’t abandon you or leave you alone.
Your survival was too dependent on somebody else, even in adulthood. That’s where the anxious attachment style comes from. That means there must be a fairly safe (home) environment provided to the offspring for the secure attachment style to be developed, even though we don’t live in the jungle anymore.
- Relatively stable, secure and warm environment -> Secure attachment style
- Hostile, toxic or dangerous environment -> Insecure attachment style
Your brains are wired to look for closeness and proximity. Period. Being attached to other people (and being dependent on them) is one of your very basic needs, and you can’t be happy in life, if you don’t find a way to fulfill it.
Getting attached literally means that you seek constant support from and closeness to your partner. If they fail to reassure you with their physical and psychological proximity, you are programmed to continue your attempts to achieve closeness, until you get the proper response from the other party.
These things are written in your genes. The attachment style is a big part of who you are and how you act in relationships. Now let’s look more closely at different attachment styles.
With the anxious attachment style, relationships tend to consume a large part of someone’s emotional energy. That’s because people with the anxious attachment style can easily get upset.
They tend to be extremely sensitive to fluctuations in relationships and their partner’s mood, since they take things in relationships too personally.
The main characteristics of the anxious attachment style are that a person craves intimacy and closeness, but they also have a lot of insecurities about the relationships and many little things their partner does set them off.
If you find yourself in the statements below, you probably possess the anxious attachment style:
- You worry that your partner will stop loving you
- You’re afraid people will not like the real you once they get to know you
- When you’re not in a relationship you feel anxious and incomplete
- When your partner is away, you’re afraid they’ll get interested in somebody else
- When you express your feelings, you’re afraid your partner won’t feel the same
- You tend to think about your relationships a lot
- You usually get attached to a romantic partner very quickly
- You are very sensitive to your partner’s moods
- You’re afraid that you won’t find somebody else if your partner leaves you
- During a conflict, you tend to react impulsively and say things that you later regret
- You very often worry that you’re not attractive enough
- You get depressed if somebody you like checks out other people
- If your partner begins to act cold or distant, you worry that you have done something wrong
- If your partner tried to break up with you, you would make try to make them jealous
- You suffer the Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome
The anxious ones want a lot of closeness in their relationships, they like a great deal of physical contact, but they have many insecurities. The insecurities can be expressed in the interest in partner’s exes, their sexual past, and where they stand compared to them.
The anxious types usually try very hard to please people in relationships and become very unhappy when they don’t have a spouse. That’s because they often feel that something is wrong with them (they suffer from deep feelings of shame). Sometimes they play games to keep the interest alive, like playing hard to get.
They have a hard time not making things in relationships about themselves, and they easily act out instead of focusing on solving problems. They are usually very suspicious about unfaithfulness, and are preoccupied with the relationship in general.
But where does the anxiety comes from? People with the anxious attachment style possess a unique ability to sense when a relationship is threatened.
Even the slightest hint that something is wrong activates the attachment system, which can’t be calmed down until there is a clear indication and reassurance from the partner that the relationship is safe.
People with the secure attachment style don’t react to such small subtleties. The anxious ones are more vigilant to changes in others’ emotional expressions and have a higher degree of sensitivity to other people’s cues.
The problem is that people with anxious attachment might really sense the interrelation hints earlier, but they also tend to jump to conclusions very quickly, and usually misinterpret people’s emotional states.
In their conclusions, the reality of relationships is much darker than it actually is.
Thoughts | Emotions | Reactions |
The main goal of the anxious attachment system, when activated, is to reestablish closeness with the partner. The thoughts and feelings that compel a person to reestablish closeness with others are called activating strategies.
Activating strategies compel you to get close to your partner in the physical or emotional sense. Once you get the repose and the security is reestablished, the attachment style is calmed down and you can revert back to your normal, calm self.
The more times the reassurance is not established, the more aggressive the anxious attachment system becomes.
Practical examples of how the anxious attachment system and activating strategies work are the following:
- You think a lot about your partner
- You have a hard time concentrating on other things
- You put your partner on a pedestal
- You want to be with your significant other all the time
- You believe you won’t have another chance in life
- You might stay in the relationship even if you’re unhappy
If the insecurities are not calmed down in a timely and respectful manner (with a text, call, hug, kiss, sex, honest conversation etc.) the anxious attachment system triggers protest behavior.
Examples of protest behaviors, shown as neediness or attention seeking, are:
- Excessive communication: Sending text messages, showing up at your partner’s workplace etc.
- Withdrawing: Giving the silent treatment, turning your back on your partner etc.
- Keeping score: Measuring how much you invest in the relationship compared to your partner (for example, how often you call compared to them)
- Acting hostile: Rolling eyes when they speak, using sarcasm, etc.
- Threats to leave the relationship, making the partner jealous or other types of manipulations
If you have the anxious attachment style, there are a few very important precautions and actions to take when you’re dating:
- Acknowledge and accept your relationship needs. If your needs are not met in a relationship, you can’t be truly happy. After you understand your needs, learn to express them. Don’t expect your partner to read your mind.
- For the anxious attachment style, it’s also very important to develop the abundance mindset. You must become aware that there are many unique and wonderful potential people out there who can be superb partners to you. You must see clearly how you provide value in relationships.
- Don’t jump into relationships: With the anxious attachment style, you tend to get attached really quickly. One passionate kiss and you might be madly in love, craving the other person. When that happens, you need to calm down and remind yourself that you must first get to know the person. You must trick your attachment system into being easier to you.
- Don’t let your concerns escalate: Anxious individuals see relationships as something fragile and unstable, something that can collapse at any moment. Even a small concern can escalate quickly, causing a concentration of negative thoughts, which escalate to an explosive, accusatory, critical or threatening style of communication. Thus, it’s helpful to recognize small emotional upsets early and explain them to your partner openly and honestly.
We’re all usually impressed with digital nomads, lonesome travelers and explorers who travel the world, without any need to settle down and commit to anything.
But these people usually suffer from the avoidant attachment style, where they fight hard to keep people at a distance, even if they are in a serious relationship.
The astonishing free spirit is unfortunately usually just a defensive stance, letting avoidant types quickly break down when they face tougher life circumstances. But first things first.
The avoidant type individuals experience relationships as jailtime, especially when they get too close to people. Thus, they tend to maintain their independence and self-sufficiency.
As everybody, avoidants also want to be close to people, but keep them at an arm’s length instead. Usually, avoidants don’t care much about romantic relationships or being rejected. They also don’t like to open up in relationships, and tend to repress rather than express their emotions.
The main characteristics of the avoidant attachment style are that such people feel very uncomfortable when things get too close and intimate in relationships, freedom is more important to them than relationships, and they don’t worry much about their partner’s feelings or commitment towards them.
All these traits can be seen in behaviors below, which can also be hints that you possess the avoidant attachment style. Do you find yourself in the statements below?
- You bounce back quickly after a breakup and can quickly put anybody out of your mind
- You find it difficult to emotionally support your partner when they’re feeling down
- Your independence is more important to you than your relationship
- You prefer not to share your innermost feelings with your partner
- You have a very difficult time depending on your partner
- Many times, you feel angry or annoyed with your partner without knowing why
- You prefer casual sex with uncommitted partners to intimate sex with one person
- It makes you nervous when your partner gets too close to you
- Your partner wants to be more intimate than you feel comfortable being
- You miss your partner when you’re apart, but when you’re together you feel the need to escape
- You hate feeling that other people depend on you
- You’re relieved when somebody you like checks out other people, it means they don’t want to be exclusive
- When somebody you love acts cold and distant, you’re indifferent or maybe even relieved
- Sometimes when you get in a relationship that you thought you wanted, you’re not sure what you really want anymore
With avoidants, everyday interactions more or less become a negotiation for space and independence. Other people must somehow comply with their wishes, or they withdraw.
They tend to send mixed signals in relationships, they love to jokingly or sarcastically devaluate their partners, emphasize boundaries in relationships and have very unrealistic views of how the relationship should be.
They love to fantasize about the perfect partner they will meet some day or about sex with other people.
Thoughts | Emotions | Reactions |
Avoidant people tend to be very fearful of being taken advantage of, have several uncompromising rules, and either explode or go away in disagreements.
They don’t make their intentions clear, especially when it comes to their feelings, and consequently other people have difficulty knowing, much less talking about, what’s going on in the relationship.
People with the avoidant attachment style tend to end their relationships quite frequently – that’s also one of the reasons why so many avoidants can be found in the dating pool.
Avoidant people run to deactivating strategies in a relationship, namely creating more distance and detachment. Examples of such deactivating strategies are:
- Not being prepared to commit, even years after being together with somebody
- Focusing on small imperfections in their partner
- Daydreaming about the phantom ex or idealistic future partner, just around the corner
- Flirting with others
- Not expressing feelings toward other people
- Pulling away when things are going well
- Forming relationships with an impossible future (e.g. somebody married)
- Keeping secrets and leaving things foggy
- Avoiding physical closeness
After the deactivation strategy creates enough distance in the relationship, the attraction and the desire for closeness comes back. The crisis ends when a safe distance is created, the threat of intimacy is gone, and there is no longer the need to suppress the avoidant’s true feelings.
Avoidants usually can’t change their attachment style without therapy and a true experience of a healthy dependent relationship. The best thing avoidants can do on their own is to learn to recognize the deactivation strategies, find a secure partner, and focus on mutual support.
Some other tips for avoidants from the book are:
- Exclusive self-reliance (bad) does not equal independence (good): It’s important for everybody to be able to stand on their own two feet, but it’s also important to accept support from other people. Interdependence can be the most beautiful experience ever, if you depend on the right person. You can get joy from paying attention to needs of other people, and be part of something greater than yourself. Start with small steps, relying on small commitments of different people.
- Focus on the positives of your partner: People with the avoidant attachment style tend to rate their partner less positively than non-avoidants. They tend to find a small imperfection to dwell on in order to create distance in relationships. That means you have to constantly remind yourself about the positives of your partner. Making a relationship gratitude list can be very beneficial.
- Learn to read between the lines: Avoidant individuals usually have a hard time reading relationship cues – thoughts, feelings and needs of their partners. That’s why as the avoidant, you must become aware of the tendencies to misinterpret behaviors. Practice straightforward communication and put some effort into reading the cues of how other people are feeling.
- Stop hallucinating about the perfect ex: There are no perfect relationships, so as the avoidant you must nix the phantom ex, forget about “the one”, and find a secure individual worth committing to. Having hobbies in common with your spouse, to get a little bit distracted, can also prove very beneficial.
- Communicate your needs: Communicate your need for some space effectively, and find a way of doing so that’s acceptable to your spouse. Find a way to satisfy your own needs, while also satisfying your partner’s needs.
For the lucky people with the secure attachment style, warm and loving relationships come naturally. They enjoy being intimate without being overly worried about the partner or relationship itself.
They can truly enjoy relationships, not getting too upset about small relationship matters. The important skill of the secures is that they know how to effectively communicate their needs and feelings in a relationship and are strong at responding to their partner’s needs.
The statements to identify the secure attachment style:
- You find it easy to be affectionate with your partner
- You feel comfortable depending on romantic partners
- You are generally satisfied with your relationships
- You don’t feel the need to act out much in your relationships
- You have no problem expressing your needs and want to other people
- You believe most people are essentially honest and dependable
- You’re comfortable sharing your personal thoughts and feelings with your partner
- An argument with your partner doesn’t cause you to question the entire relationship
- Sometimes people see you as boring because you create little drama in relationships
- When you disagree with someone, you have no problem expressing your opinion
- If somebody you like checks out other people, you might feel a pang of jealousy, but it’s fleeting
- If a partner starts to act cold and distant, you wonder what’s happened, but you know it’s probably not about you
- If somebody breaks up with you, you get hurt at first, but you know you’ll get over it
- You won’t have much of a problem staying in touch with your ex in a platonic way, since you have a lot in common
Secure people are reliable and consistent, make decisions together with their partner and stay flexible in how they view the relationship. They are most often great communicators, can reach compromise during arguments, and don’t view relationships as hard work.
They are not afraid of commitment and dependency, and closeness leads to even further closeness in their life. On top of that, they have no problem naturally expressing feelings towards people they love and they avoid relationship games.
Relationship research shows that people tend to become more secure when they are in a relationship with somebody secure.
Secure people also have relationship problems and issues in life. But they see relationship problems as opportunities to get closer and deepen their bond. Don’t get fooled into thinking that perfect relationships don’t have any arguments.
What’s important when it comes to conflict is to show basic concern for the well-being of your partner, maintain the focus on the problem, refrain from generalizing the conflict, avoid blame, be willing to engage in a discussion and effectively communicate your needs and feelings, without the conflict getting out of control. And that’s what secure people know how to do very well.
This very rare combination is a mixture of the anxious and avoidant attachment styles, also referred to as the disorganized style. People with the disorganized style are both uncomfortable with
intimacy and closeness and at the same time extremely concerned about their partner’s availability.
The disorganized attachment style gets developed especially among children who experienced severe stress or even abuse, which led to a situation where a person has no consistent strategy for responding to separation and reunion.
You only have a 50/50 chance of dating somebody with the secure attachment style or being lucky enough to enjoy having one. By far the best experience in a relationship is if both parties possess the secure attachment style.
The second-best option is if at least one of the partners has the secure attachment style (if the person is strong enough not to be drawn into the insecurities of the other partner). That brings at least some stability in the relationship and the insecure type can learn from the secure one.
The avoidant attachment style is often equated with masculinity, and the anxious attachment style with femininity. That leads to a very common avoidant-anxious relationship trap.
If the two avoidant types meet, they rarely stay together. There just isn’t not enough glue. The hardest combination is when one person is avoidant and the other one is anxious – frequently called the anxious‑avoidant trap.
The avoidants easily intensify worries and feelings of inadequacy of the anxious ones. The problem is that anxious people (especially women) love to date avoidant people (men). That’s because each party gets a reaffirmation of their belief system about themselves and the relationship.
- Why are avoidants attracted to anxious individuals? They get a chance to reassure their self‑perception that they are strong and independent, and that other people only try to chain them with closeness.
- Why are anxious individuals attracted to avoidants? They get a chance to reassure their belief that they are always let down by people in their lives and that nobody wants to fulfill their need for intimacy.
What seems like excitement, passion and real love in this combination in the beginning, is only an over‑stimulated attachment system that soon leads to a lot of emotional drama. The anxious person gets mixed messages that lead to a preoccupation with the relationship and a thrill. At least in the beginning.
Especially anxiously attached people tend to associate the calm attachment system with boredom and indifference, which is obviously not the case. The main trick in this scenario is to not get hooked on the highs and lows, and mistake the attachment system for passion or love.
We often rely on the common deceitful belief that love conquers all. That’s a big utopia.
Not only does true love need constant hard work (based on the growth mindset), understanding different attachment styles and how they force us to behave in relationships is mandatory for love to thrive, especially if you or your significant other don’t enjoy the secure attachment style.
Proper awareness and hard work conquer all, not some miracle or love. So, what can you do when both parties in a relationship don’t possess the secure attachment style?
First of all, it’s good to know that attachment styles are stable, but plastic. That means you can definitely greatly influence your dominant attachment style.
Research shows that one in four people change their attachment style in a few years’ period, without even being aware of the transition happening and knowing nothing about the attachment theory.
With proper knowledge, the transition can thus be that much faster. The best way to positively influence your attachment style is to have an experience of the attachment with somebody secure.
The dependency paradox: The more efficiently you are dependent on other people, the more daring and independent you become. You are only as needy as your unmet needs.
An important point to take note of from the book is to make sure you do everything in your power for your children to develop the safe attachment style. The initial relationship a child forms with the caretaker has a great role in what type of an attachment style will be developed.
As mentioned, there are many other factors, such as the child’s temperament, general social support, levels of stress in a caretaker’s life, early romantic experiences, and so on. But the initial relationship does matter.
The best thing you can do as a parent to help your child develop the secure attachment style is to:
- Be available: Respond to a child’s needs in a timely and respective manner, allow them to be dependent when they need it and provide comfort when things go wrong.
- Don’t interfere: Don’t micromanage your child, take over the situation they have to face or undermine their confidence and abilities. Leave them the initiative and the feeling of power and provide behind‑the‑scenes support.
- Encourage: Provide proper encouragement, be accepting of their learning, development, and personal growth. Whenever possible, try to boost their self-esteem and provide praise, especially when they achieve something with effort, not because of an innate ability (the growth mindset praise).
One of the strong predictors of the secure type being developed in a child is if the caretaker has some kind of a sixth sense, and intuitively knows when the child needs to be held or comforted.
Great caretakers know how to respond before the child’s emerging distress escalates and becomes a full-blown fit. But if that happens, your job as a caretaker is to find a way to soothe the baby as quickly as possible.
This book can really change the quality of your relationships and understanding of yourself and others. There are many additional examples and recommendations in the book (how to manage conflicts, improve relationships with avoidants etc.), so I definitely recommend you to buy and read it!
The Holy Bible Summary
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· Bible Summary
· The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
· These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves! Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it.
· Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord.
· For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.
· Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.
· For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
· Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
· Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.
· Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman,from the wayward woman with her seductive words,who has left the partner of her youthand ignored the covenant she made before God.
· Because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.[b]
· Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
· Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.
· The beginning of wisdom is this: Get[ wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.
· My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.
Give careful thought to the[c] paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.
Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Lest you lose your honor to others
· A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth,
Who winks maliciously with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, who plots evil with deceit in his heart—he always stirs up conflict.
· Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.
· There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
· Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say.
Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths.
· Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.
Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.
· The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For through wisdom[b] your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.
If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.
· Proverbs of Solomon
· A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
· Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.
· Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.
· He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
· The name of the righteous is used in blessings, but the name of the wicked will rot.
· Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
· Whoever winks maliciously causes grief, and a chattering fool comes to ruin.
· The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
· Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.
· The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.
· Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
· Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
· The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.
· A fool finds pleasure in wicked schemes, but a person of understanding delights in wisdom.
· The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.
· The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.
· When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
· The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.
· Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
· The righteousness of the blameless makes their paths straight, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.
· The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires.
· A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.
· For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.
· Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.
· 16 A kindhearted woman gains honor,
but ruthless men gain only wealth.
· 17 Those who are kind benefit themselves,
but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.
· 18 A wicked person earns deceptive wages,
but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.
· 19 Truly the righteous attain life,
but whoever pursues evil finds death.
· he Lord detests those whose hearts are perverse,
but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.
· 21 Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished,
but those who are righteous will go free.
· 22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
· 23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good,
but the hope of the wicked only in wrath.
· 24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
· 25 A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
· Whoever seeks good finds favor,
but evil comes to one who searches for it.
· 28 Those who trust in their riches will fall,
but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.
· 29 Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind,
and the fool will be servant to the wise.
· 30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
and the one who is wise saves lives.
· 12 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but whoever hates correction is stupid.
· No one can be established through wickedness,
but the righteous cannot be uprooted.
· 4 A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
· 5 The plans of the righteous are just,
but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.
· 6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
but the speech of the upright rescues them.
· Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant
than pretend to be somebody and have no food.
· Those who work their land will have abundant food,
but those who chase fantasies have no sense.
· From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things,
and the work of their hands brings them reward.
· 15 The way of fools seems right to them,
but the wise listen to advice.
· 16 Fools show their annoyance at once,
but the prudent overlook an insult.
· 17 An honest witness tells the truth,
but a false witness tells lies.
· 18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
· 19 Truthful lips endure forever,
but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
· 20 Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil,
but those who promote peace have joy.
· The Lord detests lying lips,
but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
· Diligent hands will rule,
but laziness ends in forced labor.
· The righteous choose their friends carefully,
but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
· 13 A wise son heeds his father’s instruction,
but a mocker does not respond to rebukes.
· 2 From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things,
but the unfaithful have an appetite for violence.
· 3 Those who guard their lips preserve their lives,
but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.
· One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing;
another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.
· Where there is strife, there is pride,
but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
· 11 Dishonest money dwindles away,
but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
· Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it,
but whoever respects a command is rewarded.
· Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame,
but whoever heeds correction is honored.
· Walk with the wise and become wise,
for a companion of fools suffers harm.
· 21 Trouble pursues the sinner,
but the righteous are rewarded with good things.
· 22 A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children,
but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.
· Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
· The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
· 2 Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly,
but those who despise him are devious in their ways.
· Stay away from a fool,
for you will not find knowledge on their lips.
· The simple believe anything,
but the prudent give thought to their steps.
· 16 The wise fear the Lord and shun evil,
but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure.
· The poor are shunned even by their neighbors,
but the rich have many friends.
· All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.
· 24 The wealth of the wise is their crown,
but the folly of fools yields folly.
· Whoever is patient has great understanding,
but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.
· 30 A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.
· 15 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
· 2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,
but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
· The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
but the income of the wicked brings ruin.
· 7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge,
but the hearts of fools are not upright.
· Mockers resent correction,
so they avoid the wise.
· 13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.
· Better a small serving of vegetables with love
than a fattened calf with hatred.
· 18 A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict,
but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.
· A wise son brings joy to his father,
but a foolish man despises his mother.
· Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers they succeed.
· Better a little with righteousness
than much gain with injustice.
· 9 In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.
· Kings take pleasure in honest lips;
they value the one who speaks what is right.
· How much better to get wisdom than gold,
to get insight rather than silver!
· Gracious words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
· 17 Better a dry crust with peace and quiet
than a house full of feasting, with strife.
· 2 A prudent servant will rule over a disgraceful son
and will share the inheritance as one of the family.
· Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
· Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs
than a fool bent on folly.
· 13 Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good.
· Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam;
so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.
· A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
· Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin;
whoever builds a high gate invites destruction.
· 20 One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper;
one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.
· 21 To have a fool for a child brings grief;
there is no joy for the parent of a godless fool.
· A foolish son brings grief to his father
and bitterness to the mother who bore him.
· The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint,
and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.
· 28 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,
and discerning if they hold their tongues.
· The words of the mouth are deep waters,
but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.
· The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
they go down to the inmost parts.
· 9 One who is slack in his work
is brother to one who destroys.
· The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge,
for the ears of the wise seek it out.
· In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,
until someone comes forward and cross-examines.
· He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the Lord.
· One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
· Better the poor whose walk is blameless
than a fool whose lips are perverse.
· Wealth attracts many friends,
but even the closest friend of the poor person deserts them.
· The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.
· A person’s wisdom yields patience;
it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.
· A foolish child is a father’s ruin,
and a quarrelsome wife is like
the constant dripping of a leaky roof.
· 14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
· A hot-tempered person must pay the penalty;
rescue them, and you will have to do it again.
· 20 Listen to advice and accept discipline,
and at the end you will be counted among the wise.
· Whoever robs their father and drives out their mother
is a child who brings shame and disgrace.
· An inheritance claimed too soon
will not be blessed at the end.
· A person may think their own ways are right,
but the Lord weighs the heart.
· Better to live on a corner of the roof
than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
· There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the Lord.
· A good name is more desirable than great riches;
to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
· The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is slave to the lender.
· Buy the truth and do not sell it—
wisdom, instruction and insight as well.
· An honest answer
is like a kiss on the lips.
· 27 Put your outdoor work in order
and get your fields ready;
after that, build your house.
· As a dog returns to its vomit,
so fools repeat their folly.
· Whoever digs a pit will fall into it;
if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.
· 27 Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring.
· 2 Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth;
an outsider, and not your own lips.
· Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses.
· The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty
· As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
· As water reflects the face,
so one’s life reflects the heart.[a]
· A discerning son heeds instruction,
but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.
· The rich are wise in their own eyes;
one who is poor and discerning sees how deluded they are.
· Those who trust in themselves are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.
· When the wicked thrive, so does sin,
but the righteous will see their downfall.
· 17 Discipline your children, and they will give you peace;
they will bring you the delights you desire.
· “There are three things that are too amazing for me,
four that I do not understand:
19 the way of an eagle in the sky,
the way of a snake on a rock,
the way of a ship on the high seas,
and the way of a man with a young woman.
· Ants are creatures of little strength,
yet they store up their food in the summer;
· Ecclesiastes 1
· New International Version
· Everything Is Meaningless
· 1 The words of the Teacher,[a] son of David, king in Jerusalem:
· 2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
· 3 What do people gain from all their labors
at which they toil under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
ever returning on its course.
7 All streams flow into the sea,
yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from,
there they return again.
8 All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.
11 No one remembers the former generations,
and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow them.
· What is crooked cannot be straightened;
what is lacking cannot be counted.
· I saw that wisdom is better than folly,
just as light is better than darkness.
14 The wise have eyes in their heads,
while the fool walks in the darkness;
but I came to realize
· A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God,
· A Time for Everything
· 3 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
· 2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
· 22 So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?
· Wisdom
· 7 A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
· for death is the destiny of everyone;
the living should take this to heart.
3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
so is the laughter of fools.
This too is meaningless.
· 7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.
· 8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.
· 10 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.
· 11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.
· Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful
than ten rulers in a city.
· Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.
· I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”
· As no one is discharged in time of war,
so wickedness will not release those who practice it.
· When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.
· There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless. 15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad.
· Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
· Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come:
· As fish are caught in a cruel net,
or birds are taken in a snare,
so people are trapped by evil times
that fall unexpectedly upon them.
· Wisdom is better than strength.” But the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are no longer heeded.
· 17 The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded
than the shouts of a ruler of fools.
18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war,
but one sinner destroys much good.
· 14 There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless. 15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.
· Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
· If a ruler’s anger rises against you,
do not leave your post;
calmness can lay great offenses to rest.
· Words from the mouth of the wise are gracious,
but fools are consumed by their own lips.
· A feast is made for laughter,
wine makes life merry,
and money is the answer for everything.
· Invest in Many Ventures
· 11 Ship your grain across the sea;
after many days you may receive a return.
2 Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight;
you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
· 3 If clouds are full of water,
they pour rain on the earth.
Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north,
in the place where it falls, there it will lie.
4 Whoever watches the wind will not plant;
whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.
· 5 As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the body is formed[a] in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things.
· 6 Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
· Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul by Stephen Jenkinson
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Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul by Stephen Jenkinson
Die Wise does not offer seven steps for coping with death. It does not suggest ways to make dying easier. It pours no honey to make the medicine go down. Instead, with lyrical prose, deep wisdom, and stories from his two decades of working with dying people and their families, Stephen Jenkinson places death at the center of the page and asks us to behold it in all its painful beauty. Die Wise teaches the skills of dying, skills that have to be learned in the course of living deeply and well. Die Wise is for those who will fail to live forever.
Dying well, Jenkinson writes, is a right and responsibility of everyone. It is a moral, political, and spiritual obligation each person owes their ancestors and their heirs. It is not a lifestyle option. It is a birthright and a debt. Die Wise dreams such a dream, and plots such an uprising. How we die, how we care for dying people, and how we carry our dead- this work makes our village life, or breaks it.
- We are becoming a ghost cult. Ghosts because anything of weight tends to be consciously unwitnessed, or, if even suspected, resolutely shunned. We decide to un-witness.
- To stand well in this world you also have to learn to bend your head.
- A book about dying is a book awash in the great mystery of what is to become of us, and so it is a book about time. A book about dying should wonder again and over again whether the river of time and life flows toward the future and the not-yet and carries us there, as most of us are taught, or toward the past and the known, toward all who have been, as some of us suspect. The night of wonder must be a long one, and sometime before dawn it will come to this: When I die, am I past? Am I gone? Lost?
- Here’s what happens every day: The past has tangible presence and isn’t gone. People are born, and people die, and there are signs.
- Gratitude needs practice, though. Gratitude for the things that don’t seem to help, that aren’t sought out or welcome – that’s a demanding kind, and it is needed in hard times. A book about dying should have that kind of gratitude in it, bleeding through from the other side of sorrow.
- What if those people could stand on the shore watching their wake wash a bit of shore away? And what if each of us could stay put long enough to see the rippling trail of everything we did rolling out behind us? What if we stopped long enough to see the long train of unintended consequences fan out from every innocently intended thing we did?
- As a rule, nobody in our time asks you to do your life’s work. More often, at least in the early going, you have to do your life’s work as a self-appointed task. And in the early going you’re not very good at it, which can humbling. It is a learning thing, expensive, demanding, relentless.
- And so your life might go, as you quicken to your purpose: You get far enough into the sway of it to learn that you’ve been playing everything around the Rhythm, everything but the Rhythm itself, trying all the possibilities you found until all that’s left is to be told and played by the simple, ragged syncopation of your days. That’s when the Rhythm finally is able to have its way with you. That’s how finding what you were born to do seems to be, like answering at last someone who’s been calling your name faithfully for years. You play the rhythms and you learn the Rhythm, and you move accordingly: The ancestors of us all would have known that as the way of human being.) I have worked and taught for two decades in the death trade. During most of that time I was lucky enough to know a blessing when I saw it. I have sat with hundreds of dying people and their families and had the burdensome privilege of trying to help them die. I managed the counseling services of a very large urban palliative care program. I designed, launched, and directed a center for children’s grief and palliative care from scratch, and was assistant professor in a prominent medical school. I have taught in more conferences, workshops, and retreats than I wanted to. A major documentary film was made about my work in the death trade, and many tell me that it is a useful thing in a troubled time.
- I saw the death phobia that permeates our time brought to bear upon dying people in the name of caring for them. And I saw that as a culture we have a withered psychology of coping and accepting where we might once have had a mythology and a poetry of purposed, meaningful dying.
- I discovered that few wanted to die well, fewer still, wisely. Most didn’t want to die at all, and they spent their dying time refusing to do so.
- None of these stories report fact, but all of them are true.
- Facts happen once and typically fade and so have nominal use, I would say. But true thing are true because they happen and happen again, sometimes in heavily altered form, and so are a trustworthy signature of the Markers of Life.
- Dying is tough sledding, to be sure, and the stories of others who came before you can help.
- Dying hasn’t always been as crazed as it is now.
- DYING WISE IS A RIGHT OF EVERYONE. Most would agree, but the agreement means little until we are willing to proceed as if dying well is also a shared responsibility, binding upon us all.
- DYING WISE IS A MOREL OBLIGATION. Dying well is not a matter of enlightened self-interest or personal preference.
- Dying well must become an obligation that living people and dying people owe to each other and to those to come.
- DYING WISE A POLITICAL ACT. As soon as you begin to see how dying well challenges the old madness that passes for compassionate care and the orderly, meaning-free shuffle of a managed death, then you begin to know dying well as a great service and gift to those who are not yet dying. Dying well is the same kind of act as Gandhi’s cotton spinning or salt harvesting: a nonviolent insurrection that dares the status quo to oppose it or prevent it.
- Whose death is it, anyway? It is all of our deaths, one death at a time, until out time comes. It is one enduring place where we can declare what and who we are willing to be to each other.
- We can reclaim our way of dying and decide upon it, and we must do so now. We can take it from the hands of professionalization and privacy and legislated monopoly only by assuming the greater responsibility of learning about death during the course of our lives, and teaching it if we are able, and by being an exemplar, an incarnation of what we advocate when our time comes.
- DYING WISE IS AN ACT OF LOVE. It carries an abiding faith in life, it carries love for the world, and it asks that same faith and love of those who attend to it when it comes.
- DYING WISE IS SPIRITAUL ACTIVISM. It doesn’t require you to change your religion or get a religion or free yourself from one.
- DYING WISE IS IMMENSELY HARD LABOR. In a time and place that is death-phobic and grief-illiterate, dying well is mostly a sedated rumor.
- Dying is not what happens to you. Dying is what you do.
- DYING WISE IS A SUBVERSIVE, TROJAN HORSE KIND OF DEED. Dying well nails you to the wheel of the world. It binds you to your people, to your ancestry and to those who will come after you. Dying well loves life. How we die, and how we care for dying people, and how we carry the dead: Taken all together, this work makes our village life or breaks it. That much and more is at stake in every terminal diagnosis, at every deathbed, at every memorial service. Dying well subverts the confounded compassion of a death-phobic culture. The ending of our lives is the shore that the current of our lives laps up against.
- Those things that become our life get to be where they are and how they are because the things that are not our particular lives are still there enduring. Like rivers do, our lives find themselves by running alongside what will never be our lives, what will never happen, or what will always be. How we die is ripples in the river of life, little signs for others to come, that we die is the shore that the river of life obeys.
- Learn how to be a companion on someone else’s climb up the little mountain of their days.
- (1) THE ORDEAL OF A MANGED DEATH: What happens when we don’t let dying change everything.
- The way we die has been drawn up into that system so thoroughly that it is likely your grandparents wouldn’t recognize anything that will be routine care when it is your turn. High-tech health care has become an undeclared war on dying itself, nothing less.
- Cobalt and Courtesy: A few things to know about palliative medicine.
- Cost-effectiveness is the screw that turns the wheel of efficiency. But there is a considerable cost to pursuing cost-effectiveness. Here is the logarithm of progress: the more you pursue being saved from the drudgery of going through your days, the ordinariness of being around, the venality of physical limitation or vulnerability, the more is taken from the physical world to provide you that salvation and the more remote you will be from what grants you your security. That is an ecological and spiritual fact.
- Medical technology has a religion, and it is a religion. It has a foundational creed that grew out of its own success. The creed is a dead simple one, known by any and all who have availed themselves of its many gifts, its brevity and power of persuasion the envy of anyone who works in advertising. The creed is memorable, easy to translate into almost any walk of life that needs it – and almost every walk of life does. It is part commandment, past aphorism, part the plea of common sense, and taken altogether it is a kind of life you owe to your loved ones: If you can, you should. It is the unchallenged mantra of most large health care institutions, emphatically so in big city hospitals that have pride and fundraising staked on their status at the best, the brightest, the newest, and it is the plea on the lips of most scared, diagnosed patients and their loved ones: If you can, you should.
- Palliative care in North America has sponsored the replacement of religion by technology.
- The religion of medical technology goes like this: Dying is what we can do about dying. Palliative medicine is a creation of rapid med-tech innovation unaccompanied by any similarly rapid innovative practice wisdom guiding its use, governed by the unimpeachable human-centered conviction that dying is a manageable metabolic event that should be managed, animated by the root conviction that If you can, you should.
- Listen carefully to any dying person, and you will find in the early days of their that most fear above all else. This is their nightmare scenario: a resolute, intractable pain, swelling to a crescendo mainly at night when everyone who could do something about it is asleep, the solitary hell of a pain-filled solitude. So they welcome any promise, any attempt to control that pain and make it livable while they die.
- It turns out that more time is almost never its own reward.
- More time almost never looks or feels or goes the way people imagine it will when they are bargaining for it. More time bears no resemblance to anything most people have lived. More time is a fantasy of the resumption of life interrupted. But more time, when it finally kicks in, is the rest of a dying person’s life, and the rest of that life will be lived in the never-before-known shadow of the inevitability of their dying. For the first time in their lives they will live knowing that they will die from what afflicts them. Most referrals that came to me were for palliative patients who were “having difficulty adjusting to diagnosis,” but this was rarely an accurate understanding of what was going on. Their real difficulty was in adjusting to the consequences of having had their days extended. Their real affliction was almost always more time. More time means more time to live their dying.
- It isn’t pain, after all, that is unendurable. It isn’t living that is undoable. It is dying in a death=phobic time and place. The dying are obliged to live in a way they have never done before, and no life skill or old competence can be brought to bear.
- By being given more time, they have been given more death.
- He had bargained for months of illness and an hour of death, but instead got an eternity of wakeful agitated, motionless, unremarkable, endless, symptom-riddled, ordinary dying.
- More physicians are in the impossible position of defending, or at least acquiescing to, the longer death that their patients are living. More families caring for a dying loved one are at a loss about what they should wish for, and untold thousands have guilt years later that when it came to it they just wanted their loved one to die already, because no one could do it anymore. Instead of the old nightmare of controlled pain and unexpected wish to die, a wish that can’t be accounted for by worsening symptoms and can’t be soothed by reassurances that no one will be allowed to suffer. They are suffering. Dying people are suffering a torment we once thought would only come to those in the hour of their death. Now the hour of death is months long, sometimes longer. Now, in the middle of the more time that they prayed for, dying people more often than not cannot bear the answered prayer.
- Where I worked for several years there is a collection of large, formidable buildings running down both sides of a six-lane street for a block. Most people there know them to hospitals, but I know them to be temples. Their religion is quality of life, but their god is the demand to live. Demanding to live is the god they serve.
- In a culture that wakes up everyday demanding to live, dying is a failure, at least temporarily, of the way that culture lives. But the treatment of every new sick or disabled or broken or depressed or dying person is where the culture reaffirms its belief that a long, full life is the inalienable right of all.
- We also die the longest. We are not allowed to die on schedule. Often we do, but it isn’t encouraged. Our idea of what dying on schedule is like has been so skewed by the med-tech competence in distorting that schedule, funhouse mirror-style, that “natural death” is mostly a matter of opinion and personal style instead of a matter of dying.
- Obedience is following the grain of things. With that skill of obedience, every natural thing knows above all how to be itself, come what may. Dying is a natural thing, and left to its natural self each living thing know to obey the accumulation of time, wear and tear, disease and symptoms. It knows how to stop. But med-tech, not in any sense a natural thing, knows how to subvert the way disease and symptoms have of keeping and making time, and in doing so it subverts the body’s knowledge of how to stop.
- Waking up each day is a gift. It is a gift that is not rewarded for playing by the rules. It is a gift from the Gods, giving each living person the capacity not just to go on, but to go on as if he or she has been gifted, to go on in gratitude and wonder that all the things of the world that keep them alive have continued while they slept.
- STEALING MEANING FROM DYING: What it all has come to.
- Long life, quick death.
- Dying is gregarious and indiscriminate that way, promiscuous even, and it sets no one aside as unworthy and chooses no one out as more deserving, culpable, or defenseless.
- Dying wise is the rumor around which all the attempts to control and manage and detoxify and assuage and domesticate and diminish dying swirl in our corner of the world. Dying wise is a thought unthought – a rumor – in a culture that does not believe in dying, and it will take about as much courage and wisdom as you can manage to do it. Dying wise is a life’s work. Dying wise is the rhythm, the story, around which human life must swirl.
- A quick death in a death-phobic culture is really only possible when you don’t see it coming. That is the prerequisite for dying quickly, that you don’t know what is happening.
- If you have the chance as your life goes on to pass some time with old people, you should. Not with people who are getting old, but with those who got there.
- Rumi said somewhere that the eye is a miracle: small enough to fit easily in your smallish head, big enough that the whole world will fit into it. You really can see something of the whole world in the eyes of an old person.
- One of the things you’ll see, with respect, is that those eyes have seen the collapse, the withering, the end of a lot of things. They’ve seen the end of their old idea of a good time, the end of their spunk and their give-a-shit, and the end of their plans for what they would do with it if they had it, and the end of their vitality and of most of what they thought was vital. They’ve seen a lot of death of all kinds. They’ve seen the entire generation of their grandparents long ago go to ground, all of their parents, aunts, and uncles, all the people they were born to who welcomed them into the world and didn’t, who would show them the ropes and would not, die and end. They’ve seen most or all of the generation of their friends and enemies and peers and competitors buried and gone, and probably a good number of the generation younger than them, dead and no more. In all, a stunning pageant of the departed, all of it in there. Looking in their eyes, you’ll see what seeing death does.
- So the algebra of the thing comes to this: Long life and quick death, they don’t happen together. They aren’t peaceful cohabitants in the banquet hall of your life. You cannot have both and you will not.
- Somewhere in our knowing parts. We know without wanting to know it that knowing we could be dying somehow begins our dying.
- Most of what happens under the cloak of palliative care, unless someone calls an end to it, proceeds as if people have the right not to die and tries to deliver on that right.
- You being to die when you see your own death. Your own death.
- The verb “to palliate” is a good example. Most people who have heard or used the word understand it to mean something about the kind of care dying people receive, some kind of comfort-giving measures. “Palliate” comes from “pall,” whose Old English root means “cloak,” or “shroud,” borrowed in turn from the Latin for “robe,” which is ultimately from the Latin for “skin.” So when we palliate someone we are in one sense clothing them for protecting from the slings and arrows of how it is, and we are in another sense concealing things. This is what pall bearers are carrying, the death hidden in the box, shrouded by the flag. In a death-phobic culture, palliative care has come to be the kind of care motivated by compassion and concern that masks or conceals dying. This older meaning of the word is there whenever we have a discussion of whether and how a dying person should be told that he or she is dying. Usually this becomes an issue because there is a strong belief that knowing that you are dying increases the suffering are generated. This is one of our great, mobilized fears, and it prompts the cone of silence that descends whenever dying needs talking through. Somewhere in this fear is a shard of unwelcome certainty: We are fairly certain that dying is prompted not by knowing that we’re going to die, but by knowing we could be dying.
- I think that in a stranger and secret way we know that we begin dying when we see our death, when we suspect that is what is going on, no matter.
- The language we use every day wants us to know that dying is not passive, can’t be passive. Dying is active. Dying is not what happens to you. Dying is what you do.
- There are your choices: die or be killed. Either the cancer kills you or you battle cancer and win and carry the stain of your vulnerability the rest of your shadowed days as a survivor, or the cancerous broken heart kills you and the obituary they make for you begins this way: “After a long and courageous battle…” Or you die. Those are the choices. We should be able to tell the difference between dying and being killed.
- Everyone knows that everyone else is going to die. Generally, in my experience of the thing, the dismay of learning that your best friend or your beloved partner will die is dwarfed severely by the bolt from the blue shock of learning that you too will die.
- For most of us, our death is not a known thing. It is a rumored, suspected, and feared thing. That is why it is news.
- Everyone knows that everyone else is going to die. Each person does not know that he or she are going to die. They do not know they are dying when they are, which is why they need to be told. There are many working in the death trade today who will vehemently defend this not knowing as a fundamental right of all people. This is compassion to them.
- Because people do not know that they are going to die, because dying is what you do and not what happens to you – and only because of that – it is possible for people not to die. And many, many do not die.
- That’s what the singer was bargaining for when he sang, “I hope I die before I get old.” For a culture that doesn’t believe in death, that believes that everyone will die but shouldn’t have to, being killed is the solution to the problem of dying.
- However uncertainly, to the counterintuitive fact that for us it is possible not to die. Being killed is one way not to die. Not knowing you are dying – or will die – is another. Hating death or refusing to die are others.
- A death-phobic culture despises dying for the competence-reducing, control-dismissing, meaning-annihilating random chaos it makes of the end of someone’s life. A death-phobic culture relieves its citizens of any obligation to die well, of any obligation to death, by offering up this newer, nobler option: We can die not dying. And we call this a life-loving thing.
- Here, eat this. Eat the end of my days. Drink in my dying.
- Three essential questions:
- Why is it so hard to die?
- Why do we have to learn how to do it?
- Why, if dying is so common, is it so much a mysterious, troubling thing among us?
- Everything swings on the hinge of “and then.” You are willing to see your dying, and as soon as you do it can change how you understand your life. Your dying changes your eye, it changes what you see, and in that way your dying begins first in your seeing. Your dying changes what your life means.
- Dying changes what life means if you are willing for it to be so and only, if you are willing to pay, to lose your old ideas, often by handfuls at a time.
- Nothing naturally occurring in this world depends upon human beings for its life.
- Our capacity to live at all requires the interdependence of all those other things, and so our obligation to what gives us life is greater than that borne by any other living thing. Human life means what it means because of how life is, of which humans are a small and deeply obligated, dependent part. We are heirs to the meaning of life and not its creators, from an indigenous point of view.
- If nothing of the natural world needs our lives, then nothing needs our deaths either.
- All the deaths of all living things feed life; what does our death feed? All of life’s deaths mean that life continues; what does our death mean?
- Consider the last part of the phrase: “the End of Life.” When someone is dying it is the end of many things. Don’t listen to those placid detachment specialists who tell anyone who’ll listen, “It isn’t death, it isn’t an end, it’s a transition.” No friends, it is endings of all kinds, incontrovertible, non-negotiable, no matter what you believe. It ends marriages and families as they once were, workplace dynamics, headlines, plans for retirement, plans for childbearing, all manner of hopefulness, and on and on. But for all that, the dying of anyone, no matter how you might or might not feel about them, is not the End of Life. Most everything we can know about our life is ending as we die, that is a true thing, but life isn’t ending because we die.
- Med-tech turns dying into what is happening to your body, with you on the receiving end. With a med-tech hammer in hand, dying turns you into a victim and med-tech activates your defenses.
- In my years working in the death trade, I saw dying people constantly trying to find a way to live in spite of the fact that they were dying – not because of it.
- Imagine that everything that your life and your death mean is decided by how you live and die, while you live and die. Here’s a hint about how to get started: If the meaning of life isn’t necessarily anything at all, then try to imagine that you have to make meaning instead. Imagine that the meaning of things, especially of human things, is itself a made thing, and imagine that you can make meaning every day.
- If you haven’t been deliberately making meaning in your life by the ways you’ve lived it, then your time of dying is going to be a hard, hard proving ground, a tough, under-the-gun place to do so.
- Our culture is a death-phobic thing to die in, probably irrevocably so, and many of the unbidden, unexamined thoughts and feelings we have about ding come from there.
- Suffering, learning how to suffer, is how you make meaning from what seems random, chaotic, or pointless. This is what I mean by wrestling. Meaning comes from this kind of wrestling.
- What if your dying is an angel? And what if your dying job, should you choose to accept it, is to wrestle this angel of your dying instead of fighting it? What if you wrestle the angel of your dying life instead of fighting the executioner of your disease?
- Let the difference between the two unfold a little. Wrestling is a difference thing entirely. Wrestling has choreography. The purpose of dancing, or any choreographed thing, isn’t to get to the end, to have it be over, to resolve it, to let go, accept.
- Wrestling isn’t what happens to you. It is what you do.
- Living your way of life wrestles the way life has of being itself: That is how meaning is made.
- Terminal cancer is a true executioner, certainly, as are sudden accidents, heart attacks, political assassins, and famines. These are things we die of, things over which we have little or no say.
- Question, “How do we die?” They tell us nothing about why. Cancer may be your executioner, but the news of your dying is your angel, or could be if you are willing. You fight your executioner by chemotherapy and radiation and good nutrition, and properly so, but you wrestle the angel of your dying by grief and wonder and sorrow and somehow in spite of any example or counsel around you by choosing the meaning for your dying time. By the manner of how you live your dying you will start answering the question, “Why do we die?” And that is how we will change what dying has come to mean to us.
- If you wrestle death, your labor makes a proper place for it. If you fight death, there is no place for it. Death is defeat, the end of life. Demonize death and you turn life into a factory-farm canola field: flat, hollowness, no place for mysterious things of substance to gather. But come to your death as an angel to wrestle instead of an executioner to fight or flee from and you turn your dying into a question instead of an edict: What shall my life mean? What shall my time of dying be for? What is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness? If you work hard in your dying days, the answer could be, “Not like anything you’ve known.” Dying turns into something you live. The trick here is that to be able to ask questions like that you have to know, somewhere in your bones, that you will die. When the time comes, you have to know that you are dying. That shift from the future tense to the present is a chasm that many people these days never cross, never even see.
- The capacity for wonder might be something we share with everything that is holy, and something that is easily and early forsaken by people and times where technique and information are boss. Wonder is part fascination, part ability to believe in things as they are, part willingness to be confused, even devastated at times, by the epic mysteriousness of ordinary things.
- Wonder is the sum of life’s way of being itself, washing up on the shore of what you’ve known until now, leaving handfuls of treasure scattered among the small boulder of what you were sure of.
- Information is where wonder often goes to die.
- The greatness of a great question is that it can survive any and all answering, and still be left standing after the debates and harangues and rationalist assaults have bashed away at it. There are no great answers, you could say, but only great questions made greater when their answerers are nobly defeated by the awe and mystery of the way things are. Great questions are not problems to solve any more than great feasts are problems for stomachs to solve.
- Great questions are a proper throne for wonder, and there is much in our life that needs our wonder, and deserves it, just as we ourselves deserve the capacity for wonder that came to us early on but does not often survive our education.
- Hope is the soap of palliative care, in a way. Hope is often the tower of sand where most dying people live out their days, staring through a small window down onto the fields of the longed-after things that will come no closer and the hated and feared things that will gather there instead. Hope is the siren song of anyone who loves a dying person, the conjuring chant taken up in the name of compassion. The preservation of hope is the base element in any plan made for dying people by the people paid to care for them. It is the root condition for proceeding. That is the conviction of most of us, dying or not. Hope is life loving, and it cannot be otherwise. Without hope, they say, what’s the point? And it’s always a rhetorical question.
- What claims you in the times in between life’s “got tos” and “going tos.” Someone you don’t know asks what you’re thinking about most of the time, and you may have to think long and hard to figure out what it is.
- Sometimes you have to wonder aloud whether hope is all it is cracked up to be and wait for the pieces to fall. Maybe you’ll get to be there when they fall.
- Hope is a mortgage. It is not like a mortgage. It is a mortgage. Hope is a mortgaging of the present, for the sake of some possible future that might come to pass and just as likely might not. Being a hopeful person with a terminal diagnosis means that, like those doctors in the study, you are in some mysterious and compelling way not allowed to know what you know when you are dying. In a death-phobic culture like our own, knowing you are dying is not as healthy as hoping you aren’t dying while you are.
- As long as you are hopeful, you are never in the land you hope for. If you bargain for More Time, you never live in the land you hope for. If more time is spent bargaining or praying or hoping for More Time. No one seems to hope for what they have, and hopeful dying people rarely get the More Time they hope for, no matter how much More Time they get.
- What you want rarely looks like what you get, but it almost never looks that way to hopeful dying people.
- Your More Life, it turns out, includes More Death, a lot More Death than you ever imagined could be in one life. As you try to live this thing that was to be its own fine reward, you find that More Life is mostly More Death. They were quick to offer you chemotherapy or radiation for your More Life, but there aren’t many offers teaching you how to have More Death.
- Hope is contagious, and it is to me a kind of obscenity at a time like that. Hope is an anesthetic of the spirit.
- Hope almost always makes sure that it is too late to learn how to die for dying people in a death-phobic culture. That is what it does to them. Turning away from learning how to die well in the name of being hopeful, dying people consume probably as many antidepressants and as much antianxiety medication as do late-middle-aged people who have lost whatever they once had of a feel for what they are alive.
- Dying is traumatizing when it is happening in a place and time that will not make room for dying in its way of living. It is not dying that is traumatic; it is dying in a death-phobic culture that is traumatic.
- Cope, Hope, Dope, the trivializing trinity, the barstool for dying people to teeter on in a place that will not tolerate death.
- So, a culture that sells hope to dying people is selling them anesthesia and management. Hope, as much as anything else and more than most, traumatizes people at the end of their lives.
- In a death-phobic culture, dying is not a credible outcome: Dying is giving up, and hope is refusing to give up. In the health care system of a death-phobic culture, dying is where the health care ends because dying has no place in any understanding of health.
- “Hope” is not life, and “hopeless” is not death and depression. Hope is very often a refusal to know what is so, and steadfastly it is a refusal to live as if the present moment is good enough and all we really have. Hopeless is the collapse of that refusal, and it looks a lot like depression. The alternative is to live your life and your dying hope-free.
- Living and dying hope-free: that is a revolution. The chance to die that way is what dying people deserve.
- In a land where lifestyle is lord of the manor, Quality of Life is where you go to pray. It’s the stone you kiss, the pocketed coin you rub, the chant, the rosary you finger, the selfless self of your self-interest, and the least on a long list of your entitlements.
- Quality of Life enjoys an unchallenged seat in the small pantheon of goals that professional caregivers devote themselves to providing to dying people. Quality of Life is a known thing to dying people themselves, at least the idea of it.
- Quality of Life is the definition of a good death in a culture that sees little or no good in it.
- The selling of Quality of Life at the end of people’s lives is a kind of methadone approach to the dilemmas of dying. The belief that somehow we are in control of our lives as long we agree with how they are going along is the profoundest of illusions, just as is the belief that things go haywire because we are no longer controlling our lives.
- Quality of Life is competence addiction. It is a competence junkie’s solution for the addiction to competence, a gesture of impotence tarted up as an accomplishment. Quality of Life sells you control and mastery and competence in the face of something so singular, so personal, and so incontrovertible as Your Own Death because Your Own Death is the largest and latest and last incarnation of what beggars your instance on control and mastery and competence.
- 5: YES, BUT NOT LIKE THIS: Euthanasia and Suicide
- Here and now, where the business of dying is the Business of Not Dying, where history is written by the victors and the victors are Survivors, where only their stories are told by people who want only winners for inspiration when their time comes, dying is probably harder than it has ever been.
- We have bargained for forty years for painless dying, we have spent and are still spending billions on the bargain, and we have something pretty close: pain-managed dying.
- Many families are now being asked to unplug the machine giving nourishment or breath to someone they love in the name of loving them. This is the same machine whose use they were asked to consent to some time before that moment, in the name of loving them.
- Our interventions are so extreme that we cannot find where one ends and the other begins.
- Palliative medicine routinely interferes with the natural course of disease, and in so doing it generates an often predictable series of secondary consequences or side effects. The subsequent need for drugs produces other side effects and the need for more drugs, and so on to the end. This means that palliative medicine is generally the practice of managing the consequences of palliative medicine while trying to keep an eye on the often volatile disease by reading the tea leaves of symptoms – an extraordinarily demanding job. It also means that the way a person dies in palliative care, the arc of the dying, doesn’t bear much resemblance to what the arc might have been had there been little or no curative or palliative care afforded them.
- Terminal sedation and profound mental anguish at the end of life are both symptoms of a culture addicted to competence and comfort, a culture unable to make room in its way of doing things for what it doesn’t get to vote on.
- “Profound mental anguish at the end of life” is prose for “heartbrokenness,” you see. Dying people, most of them in my experience, are heartbroken people who don’t know any longer, if they ever knew, how to be heartbroken. Their hearts were broken by the news of their disease and by how their citizenship in the Land of the Living slipped a little at a time without them having a vote on whether or how that would happen. Their hearts were broken by the treatment options offered to them and by the outcomes of those treatments. They were broken by the confusion, turmoil, and quiet distance-making that befell their families, and they were broken by their own lives having come this. The answer a death-phobic culture has to the heartbrokenness of dying people is less heart, less brokenness. That is what sedation and antidepressants are designed for, to compromise dying people’s capacity to suffer. This compromise is their great victory, to ratchet down suffering by compromising someone’s capacity to suffer.
- Euthanasia is not sanity in the face of madness. It is our particular madness’s prescription for sanity. The practice of euthanasia solves the problem of a particular dying person’s refusal or inability to go on, but it leaves intact what brought that person to that impasse, ensuring that others will follow. Opposing euthanasia legally and politically does the same thing. The wisdom we seek by advocating for euthanasia is found instead in learning about suffering.
- Probably a third of all the palliative care organizations inviting me to speak with them ask me to focus on how their employees might survive doing the work. The request is never explicitly for a survival strategy, of course. They ask for suggestions on how to do the work in a sustainable way, for example, or for guidance on how to achieve and program what is now called “care for the caregiver.” But if you listen carefully with your ear attuned particularly to what is not said, you can hear clearly the plea for some kind of hint on how to keep on going despite—not because of—what the work is doing to the people doing the work.
- Certainly early on in the palliative treatment phase of dying peoples’ illnesses they report that being in pain is by far their greatest fear. Drugs and the acquired skill of pain control by physicians have gone far to guarantee that most people will not die addled by pain, but it hasn’t delivered sorrow-free or suffering-free dying.
- I once heard a brilliant teacher say, “Suffering is the currency of stinginess.”
- So many people I worked with died with the grudge of being owed something by life that they now won’t live to collect on. Their deaths were a theft and betrayal and rip-off for them, and their families and friends and communities all inherited the poverty, the stinginess, of that belligerent wound.
- “Remembered happiness is agony,” wrote the American poet Donald Hall in the wake of his wife’s death. “So is remembered agony.”
- Most of the solutions we have for people’s suffering at the end of their lives are rooted in a grudge match with life and with the body. They serve the conviction that people shouldn’t have to suffer, and so the headlong pursuit is for an end to suffering. When this pursuit fails, and it almost always does, the next best solution is to limit or end the awareness of suffering, by resorting to antidepressants and sedatives. We should stop long enough to ask one of the dumb, simple questions that are gold at a time like this: Will—not should— will our people inevitably suffer as their lives end? If we answer “Yes,” then we need a second question: Are they suffering because they are dying? If we answer “Yes,” this is reflex and not contemplation.
- dying people are suffering from the manner of their dying.
- Usually any focus on or serious understanding of dying is sacrificed in order to pursue and secure comfort. All of this usually happens with the active cooperation of the dying person. The value of comfort is never challenged. Comfort is never asked to earn its keep. It is a kept thing.
- But what in our lives does dying resemble, really? What does it actually remind you of? Nothing whatsoever, is the only honest answer. Dying is so singular, so relentlessly itself and nothing else that we can be comforted in its presence only by conspiring together to cover it with the husks of those former mysteries that we have succeeded in demystifying.
- Their diagnosis drove an insoluble wedge between you, and they stumbled out onto this path unawares and against their will, and they’ve been on it for some time before your offer to accompany them. That diagnosis is the irreducible distance between you. You’ll never be older than your older sibling, and you’ll never be journeying beside a dying person on the road to their death, no more than a midwife is journeying with a not-yet-born person in the full grip of contractions.
- that knowing they are dying is itself a cause of suffering.
- Dying as a human being is a human thing.
- They say that fear of dying is in the culture because of what is missing from the culture. They say too that fear of dying has become so pervasive that it is in the fabric of daily life.
- Death phobia begins to metastasize whenever our ability to make culture, to be deeply at home in our skin and in the world, has gone missing.
- Rumi asked eight centuries ago: “Who am I? And what am I supposed to be doing?”
- Whenever you go looking for home, you will find death on the welcome mat.
- The therapy solution is the acceptance that her father is well and truly gone, and it is achieved by beginning to live as if he is well and truly gone. All that was left of him by that night was how she felt about him. All of this is driven by the language of “loss,” and loss means “gone,” and gone means “you’re on your own, baby.” The woman in that hall that night was on her own too. She didn’t lose her father by her own neglect, treachery, or Electra complex. She inherited the program of losing the dead as a psychological obligation to her own restored mental health.
- For most of us grief is entirely an interior event, exclusively emotional, cathartic in purpose and resolving in outcome, the dead a prop in the pageant of our recovery.
- Most people die awash unawares in a grief that is much older, more enduring, more trustworthy than anything else they might regret or resent in their last months or days.
- Just like the child whose parents have parted, cultures in flight have to radically alter their idea of home, and they do. For them home is a place no longer; it is a state of mind. The internalization of “home” is a hallmark of homeless culture.
- Ancestors are notions, mostly, and are no more in need of being fed and cared for by the living than the old bone yard is. The homeland and the old people: both remote, both adrift, both unnecessary. The dead are those about whom you have the odd thought, to whom you owe nothing but a vague gratitude when it stirs, gone with the wind.
- Once this has gone on for a few generations, the only place you have any allegiance to is the place you pay a mortgage on. The world—not itself a real home for anything or anyone—needs nothing from you. It is only a place that you go to get your dietary, recreational, and lifestyle needs met. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The dead are a place inside you that you go to for solace or self-assurance. There is no reciprocity of obligation because there’s nobody there. The ritual and ceremony of caring for ancestors, if it happens at all, if we can even any longer use that expression, is mostly an interior event, a symbolic exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime.
- The outcome for the living and for the world is palpable, and evidence of it abounds now. The outcome for the dead is, mostly, unknown to us.
- Prior to that exile, life was eternal; after the banishment, humans are frail and murderous—and mortal. The natural disasters will come later, well after losing the garden. The first calamity visited on humans comes from God, the second humans inflict on each other. The loss of home, the story says, is the beginning of death. That is how human death comes into human life, in humans being driven from home.
- Dying is mostly seeking, running your hands across unfamiliar things, not being able to see them but feeling them clearly and knowing certainly that they are there, trying to figure out what is at hand.
- Our bodies know how to die, but we have little or no idea how anything of us could survive the amnesia that seems built into our history and our memorial practices.
- Our fear of dying is an inherited trauma. It comes from not knowing how to be at home in the world. It comes from having no root in the world and no indebtedness to what has gone before us.
- So learning is first and foremost hard labor for human beings—a very noble hard labor.
- Dying and death are witnessed by the living from a long way off. Dying people are handled mostly by the robotic arms of health care systems and treatment protocols and professionalized competence, and not too often by the people who have grown up around them and love them and know them well. Instead of hard-earned wisdom about dying and what it asks of us all that comes from a lifetime of seeing it and smelling it and being a faithful witness to it and grieving it, we have premature opinions galore about dying that come mostly from rumors and horror stories and undigested compilations of Native spirituality or Eastern mysticism. We have massive technical sophistication for managing The Dying and a serious mythic poverty in knowing dying, and most of us stagger under this irony. How we are with our dying and with our dead, and how we ourselves are likely to die, is the sum of what we haven’t seen and haven’t touched and don’t know much about. That is the meaning that we now often find at the end of our lives: a hole, a crater, where our life and our skill of living used to be.
- When other people, especially grandparents and others that were deeply cared for, begin to die around them it is news of the hard kind and it hurts, but it happens “out there,” to their bodies, to their lives. Someone else’s death rarely brushes up against our own. The fact that most of us don’t plan on it, don’t see much of it, don’t live as if it is true, are staggered by it—that is all the proof you are likely to receive or require that your own personal death will come to you out of the blue, where all the news comes from.
- Ours is a competence-addicted culture, and savagely so. I know it sounds strange to put these two words together, since competence by definition is supposed to be a good thing to be, and being “addicted” is far from that, but there it is. We all know the mantras: Be all you can be. Maximize your potential. Your only limitation is your imagination. Just do it. Do you see how fierce it is, the intense aversion so many have to being ordinary or average? Remember how you were graded in school not according to how well you did but in relation to how well or badly everyone else did? The Holy Percentile.
- When the time of dying is upon us we have to find a way to stop trying not to die.
- How strange it is for me to have lived long enough to see a time in which people are tranquilized for trying to do what they are already doing. “I’m dying.” Don’t be negative. “I want to die.” You’re depressed.
- Most dying people are enormously sad, and they need help in being sad. They don’t require a diagnosis. The inability to be sad when it’s time to be sad —not too much sadness for too long—is something that can depress people. When being sad is hurried through on the royal road to acceptance it is one of the hardest of dying people’s tasks. The antidote for depression is sadness, and it is sadness that must be taught. To be heartbroken isn’t a diagnosis. It’s a skill.
- People not being able to die: That is the nightmare. People wanting to die in the presence of the technological sophistication that obliges people to live: That is the nightmare. All of the debates on euthanasia and suicide, all of the debates on the rights of the disabled, all of the medical ethics reviews and discussions, they all have to contend with this nightmare, with its ethology and its effects and how they are visited on The Dying, and I wish they would. Dying people as a rule are not traumatized by dying, but, like Lazarus, by having to do it and do it again.
- Trying to die wisely and well is a kind of divination.
- The dying person doesn’t need any strength to die. Physical strength makes dying harder, enormously more difficult than it would otherwise be. With dying, as with living, there is such a thing as “enough already.” There comes a time when the future has nothing worth wanting or hoping for, and dying people can no longer vote for any future. When they stop eating, they are voting “no.”
- And it is a time for doing all this to the relationships that we have nurtured over the years. Dying people find their way out of life by easing, softening what has bound them to those they know and love. The living often feel abandoned when The Dying stop looking to them and begin to look through them. It is the heavy labor of the dying person to follow the body’s wisdom and loosen the ties that bind. It is not the opposite of a love affair, not its annihilation. It is a new way of loving our life, by obeying its way of ending. A love affair, in reverse.
- As dying people are trying to find their way out of their bodies and out of their lives, the job of the living is to know how hard that is and to get out of their way. Dying is enormously hard. The labor of it—and it is labor, of the same kind as that which brings life into the world—is relentless, demanding. The shock of having to see your days as numbered in the dozens, of seeing your body heading out of town, of seeing yourself as mostly passed, these are in some ways ruinous and costly encounters with the way it is.
- This is what we need in the presence of life dying, the willingness to feel that dying right in our bones when it isn’t our turn to die, to be a faithful witness to how things can go, to the part we play in them and should, to know the old stories that include life dying so that life can live, until it is our turn. Maybe then our dying life might feed the life that must go on, after us.
- When a hard time is upon us, being hard is not required. Being supple in your understanding, keeping your willingness close to your memories and your skills, asking your eyes to stay open and wondering what is needed of you in that time is some of what is required. Whatever side of dying we are on, being willing to see things for what they ask of us is something to work at. That is a human skill.
- The practice of “directness,” which to me is a practice of fidelity and authentic witness to the contending truths of dying in a death-phobic time and place, is regularly challenged and sometimes vilified, and the practice of weaving and reweaving the pall stands for compassion and passes without comment.
- Remember the dream you have probably had where you are the only one who seems to see the impending mayhem, and try as you might you cannot get the others in your dream to turn around and see the thing? Remember the raw panic of being the only one who knows something is coming, while everyone else carries on as usual? Now imagine lying in what you have grown sure is your deathbed, with everyone around you speaking and acting as if you are ill, or as if not much has changed when it has. Imagine the power of that to rattle you beyond measure and to make you wonder if you know what you know, and to make you question your sanity. Imagine the power of it to make you disappear. Solemn lying, whatever its motivation, has to answer for itself.
- We could work toward a day when you ask a dying person, “So, how are you doing?” and the dying person says, “I’m dying. How are you?” Just as a start.
- 10: KIDS
- What is true is that you will die. It has always been true, but initiation turns dying from a feared thing into a known thing. This is the sanest reversal imaginable of our insistence that knowing you will die is the thing that will traumatize you and cause you suffering. This understanding stubbornly insists on knowing the real limits to one’s life. It gives initiated people some skill at suffering by making the stories of their lives and deaths purposeful stories, and it starts early in life. The news of your death brings the rest of your life toward you, it forges kinship to go along with identity, and it is news that young people deserve as a part of their adolescence.
- We could make our way of dying into our way of person making. Every death that precedes our own could be our school, our initiation hut, every dying person and every witness our fierce teacher. Our own death could be that for everyone who attends it and hears about it, if it is messy enough to give everybody lots to do.
- My heart is broken. I never want it to mend.
- Most everyone prays for their heart to mend, to get on with their lives, to have no broken heart at all, a grief-free or grief-contained life.
- The only presence you can have after death is that which the living grant to you.
- Is grief something that happens to you, or is grief something you do?
- Grief has to be learned, which means it has to be taught. Which means it is possible not to learn it. When we keep insisting on grief being a feeling, or a process that needs management and closure, we are talking about grief as an affliction, the same way we talk about dying. But something changes when we start seeing grief as a skill that needs learning, which is what it is. As a culture we are grief-impaired not because we don’t have what we need to feel bad, but because we are grief-illiterate. We aren’t taught to grieve; we are taught to handle grief, to resolve grief, to get on the other side of it. We need grief teachers and practitioners, not grief counselors, until the day dawns when they’ve become the same thing.
- Life doesn’t feed on life. Life doesn’t nourish life. Death feeds life.
- Every rooted thing knows that and proceeds accordingly. Death is the life-giving thing. That is the proposition that life offers, that grief endorses. Everything dear to you will perish so that life might continue. Our deaths can, in every sense the word can be meant, feed life—unless we refuse to die, or fight dying, or curse dying, or spend all our dying time not dying. When we do that we exempt ourselves from the biodynamic imperative and the great caravan of how it is.
- Grief is what you do with what comes to you.
- Grief is a way of loving what has slipped from view. Love is a way of grieving that which has not yet done so. We would do well to say this aloud for many days, to help get it learned: Grief is a way of loving, love is a way of grieving. They need each other in order to be themselves.
- People die in the manner of their living.
- Most people die awash unawares in a grief that is much older, more enduring, more trustworthy than anything else they might regret or resent in their last months or days.
- Just like the child whose parents have parted, cultures in flight have to radically alter their idea of home, and they do. For them home is a place no longer; it is a state of mind. The internalization of “home” is a hallmark of homeless culture.
Teach to be Rich By Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter Book Summary
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Teach to be Rich By Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter | Awaken Your Financial Genius
We have changed eras and the industrial age is over. The days of going to school, getting good grades, finding a well-paid job and retiring on a comfortable government pension until the end of your life are gone!
We are now in the information age. We have to find new rules. Our world is undergoing profound change. For example, there is a strong chance that you will change jobs a number of times in the years to come.
Teaching is more important than ever before.
Robert Kiyosaki’s book is for parents who want to take action. It is a book for people who want to play a role in their children’s education!
To offer them the best possible chance, parents must teach their children what the school system is not yet capable of teaching them.
Teach to be Rich offers to initiate parents in how to educate their children about the basic concepts related to money.
“Find out what to teach your kids about money”.
Chapter 1: All children are born rich and smart
In every chapter, the author uses examples taken from the 2 fathers used in his previous book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.
So, these two fathers are of the opinion that all children are born rich and intelligent. Each, in his own way, teaches this to his child. One was a champion in the field of education. He is “Poor Dad”. The other was a champion in the field of financial independence and entrepreneurship. He is “Rich Dad”. The game between these two fathers allows the child to understand using a pedagogical approach. It is also a way to pass on information to the readers.
There is no one way to respond when faced with a problem. There is no good way or bad way. We need to be smarter than that, to understand the strength and the weakness of each situation.
In the information age, we all need to learn from our elders, but we need to be capable of taking learning further, more intelligently.
Teach to be Rich is for parents who want to educate their children in a smarter way. It is for YOU.
Chapter 2: Is your child a genius?
We all have great hopes as we watch our children grow. We picture them as champions, go-getters, superstars. Perhaps we see them succeeding where we did not succeed.
What is your financial IQ?
Your financial IQ is not measured by how much you earn, the price of your car or your home… Astonishingly, the author draws a parallel between this financial definition and the concept of “freedom”.
I very much like this next sentence by Robert Kiyosaki:
“If you are not happy seeking to become rich, there is a strong chance that you will not be happy when you get rich. Consequently, whether you are rich or poor, be sure to be happy.”
In the end, you do not judge your financial IQ by traditional elements, but your ability to develop your intelligence about money to attain something even more precious – time and the ability to make use of it.
What is intelligence?
In a classic example, the author compares a child who is a good student in class, with a child who is a good student at sport. Does this make one more intelligent than the other? No. It means that each one is developing his or her own intelligence.
This fundamental explanation should be given to all parents who want to learn how to teach!
How many different kinds of intelligence are there?
- Verbal and linguistic
- This is the traditional form of intelligence, the one preferred by the national education system. It remains very important.
- Who generally has it? Journalists, lawyers, teachers, writers…
- Numerical
- It processes data, measures in numbers.
- Mathematicians, engineers…
- Spatial
- Creatives
- Artists, designers…
- Physical
- Manual learning and physical performance (accomplishing things through actions)
- Athletes, dancers, building professionals
- Intrapersonal
- Emotional intelligence. It is essential. It’s what makes you act, makes you afraid to fail. It is capital, but difficult to define. It is the little voice inside you…
- Interpersonal
- Communication, relational, charisma
- Famous singers, actors, politicians, salespeople and conference hosts
- Environmental
- Attraction to nature around you, the genius of working with the natural elements.
- Animal trainers, oceanographers…
As you can see, there are many more kinds of intelligence than the one on which the school system is based. Fundamentally, every individual and every child develops a composition of these different kinds of intelligence.
To my mind, this chapter is fundamental. It leads caring parents to discover the natural aptitudes of their child. Making your children rich and smart does not involve holding them back, but allowing them to develop their natural genius.
Chapter 3. Give your children power before giving them money.
There are 2 questions that people often ask Robert Kiyosaki:
- How can I invest when I don’t have any money?
- Does it take money to make money?
His answer is no. Power lies in ideas and therefore each one of us has the capacity to have as much money as we want.
In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the first lesson from rich dad is that “The rich don’t work for money”. You need to learn how to make money work for you and not the opposite.
The important thing is the education you receive. Rich Dad also says: most poor people learn all their ideas about money and life from their parents. School and education do not teach us anything about this. That is what the book tries to tell us so that we can pass it on to our children, whatever our social status.
Taking the example of pocket money, the author explains to his child that he must not work for money. He must work hard and learn to never need money. Necessity is the thief of power.
“When you give a child pocket money, you teach him to work for money instead of learning how to create money.”
Now, the author is not saying that you should not give your child any money. He explains that money comes from ideas and if you want to give your child a good start in life, it is very important to give him a good financial education and ideas that you can pass on to him.
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At what age should you teach what your child needs to know about money?
The answer is: “When your child starts to take an interest in money.”
Therefore, it depends on your child. It also depends on external factors.
An unnamed expert quoted by the author says that children develop their “winning formula” between the ages of 9 and 15. It is the idea that the child forms about her best chances of survival and how to make money in life. Put this way, we are not talking about money as such, but winning formula for a successful and happy life. People are generally happy when they are satisfied with their winning formulas.
Winning formulas
It is up to each of us to find our own winning formulas. Luckily, there are many of them.
The most well-known one is to work hard at school and get a good diploma to make a good living. It is the most common because it is what our education system teaches. There are many examples of other formulas. A superstar footballer, a successful entrepreneur who gave up school at the age of 19 and many more. (Think Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Olivier Roland…)
One of the most important things that parents can or should do is help their children to create and discover winning formulas that work for them. Help them to develop a solid perception of themselves and you will help them to become rich and smart kids. In the eyes of R.Kiyosaki, this is the fundamental part of your child’s education.
Chapter 4. If you want to be rich, you have to do your homework
Once again, the author takes the example of homework for children and extends it to adults. He calls learning how to become rich “homework”.
When you have a job, you earn money. But at home, you decide what you want to do with your money.
“The biggest difference between the rich, the poor and the middle classes is what they do with their free time.”
What you do with the money you make is what will make you “rich or poor”.
Do your homework to win your freedom and no longer depend on money.
Chapter 5: How many winning formulas will your child need?
Your child needs three winning formulas:
- Learning
- Professional
- Financial
Finding your learning formula
We all have different aptitudes at school. Some people learn better with their teachers, some people learn better when they write down their lessons, and some people learn through practice. That makes an infinite number of possibilities. Each child has a unique and distinct learning winning formula.
It is up to each parent to discover it and apply what works for their child. Parents must observe their children and support them so that they can discover their best way to learn. If they don’t like school, the author asks us to encourage them to discover their own system of intelligence and learning.
Discovering this learning formula is just as important as any grades your child will get in school. As the author puts it “your real education begins when you finish school and go out into the real world”.
Chapter 6: Will your child be left behind by the age of thirty?
In the modern world and the information age, it is an illusion to imagine that you will have a job for life. This dates back to the industrial age and represents an old-fashioned professional winning formula.
The author bets that your child will probably fall behind by the age of 30. That is why he or she must acquire an efficient professional winning formula in order to bounce back and find a new professional formula when the time comes.
A child must learn to learn and this continues into the adult and professional world.
I think that the most telling example given by the author is about a worker who does not acquire new skills in the field of information. How long before he falls behind?
R.Kyosaki mentions an article that appeared in a local newspaper in Australia, the West Australian, on 8 April 2000. It asked readers about what professions people become too old for and at what age.
- Graphic design, too old after 30
- Gymnast, too old after 14
- Lawyer, too old after 35
- Model, too old after 25
The article and the author’s conclusion clearly demonstrate the need to find new professional winning formulas.
“It is important to let your children know that the capacity to change and learn is even more essential than what they are learning in school today.”
The author invites parents to look into their child’s crystal ball and share a vision of their future, without reproducing their own path.
You have to try to see this through the eyes of your child. This does not mean that you should let your child do anything she wants, far from it!
Chapter 7: Could your child retire before the age of 30?
School is important.
The author is not saying that you should not go to school. On the contrary, a good education is very important. Going to school teaches professional skills and improves the capacity to learn.
Despite this, school does not teach you to learn your financial winning formula. Our education system does not even provide basic financial techniques. Due to this, many students turn out to be well-educated, but they are not equipped to face the modern world of consumerism, credit cards and pay-day loans;
Develop your financial winning formula
In the information age and at the speed at which the system is evolving, the author tells us there is a good chance that your children will be left behind, technologically speaking, at around the age of 30. It is therefore essential to develop new financial skills. That way, they can retire before they turn 30.
This is an exaggeration of course, but the biggest problem is that in order to find your financial winning formula, you generally have to take a long, hard look at yourself. Change must take place on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. Only then can the financial education begin.
In the end, it is not important to push your child to find a way to retire at the age of 30. The defining moment is what will allow him to set off in search of the new financial formula.
Parents must teach their children how to survive and prosper on a financial level.
Chapter 8: My banker never asked for my school grades
Grades are everything at school, but your banker will never ask you for them. Nor will he ask for your university diplomas, whether you studied for years in higher education, or whether you left school without a diploma.
The banker asks for a financial report card. This is the “real-life” equivalent of the school report card.
You need to understand and have your children understand the concept of assets and liabilities.
With a few diagrams and in a simple manner, the author explains that cash-flow represents what is an asset and what is a liability.
If we imagine that you stop making money off your salary tomorrow, then the plus side of your statement will be your assets and the minus side your liabilities.
In contrast to what many people think, a house or a car are not assets. They represent a negative expense.
In the end, Robert Kiyosaki tells us that your banker doesn’t care whether you were the brightest kid in your class at school. Your banker wants to know how smart you are financially
Chapter 9: Children learn through play
You should enjoy teaching your children and finding systems through which they can have fun while they learn.
The school system does not allow our teachers to use this teaching method. Our children are educated in a traditional way and the ones who do well are those who respond better to traditional intelligence – verbal and linguistic. If your child is not comfortable in this method, you need to find an alternative system. It is up to you, the parents, to teach him or her.
When we talk about financial education, the author proposes 3 learning steps:
- Understanding through simple diagrams
- Learning through play
- Real life
Robert Kiyosaki suggests that most parents should start with play. This method is by far the most efficient when it comes to learning about money concepts. You can start by playing Monopoly or a similar game.
Children have to enjoy learning. You can make them interested in money management while having fun.
Chapter 10: Why people with savings are losing out
In this chapter, the author explains that saving money is an out-dated winning formula. It’s the one that involved paying attention in school, getting good marks, having a profession, earning money, then buying a house and saving. This made sense in the industrial age, but not in the information age. You need to introduce your children to more financial concepts.
Putting €10,000 in a bank account and waiting for the interest (€200 if we’re generous at 2%) does not make you rich. The money will only come back to you much later.
The author uses an example to explain the speed at which money circulates.
If we take an over-simplified example, he suggests investing in a rental property costing €100,000 and using the €10,000 as a down payment.
After one year, the income from the building, after tax, fees and other overheads, will generate a net profit of €10,000. You can use this money to buy another property, which represents an asset for you.
As parents, you need to teach your children that their money must work for them and not the opposite.
The art of parenting is therefore to teach this to your children, using play!
Chapter 11: The difference between good and bad debts
In this chapter, the author explains how to develop your child’s financial genius. One fundamental lesson is to understand the difference between good and bad debts.
The same bank loan (for example a property loan) may in one case be the reflection of a debt that will lose you money (buying a house for yourself) and in another case it will be an asset that will save you money (buying a house to rent).
What parents need to teach their children is that debts are not necessarily a bad thing. If children understand how money works, they will be able to enter the professional world with the confidence that they will not fall into debt on today’s modern consumer society.
Chapter 12: Learn by using real money
A teaching example in which we can watch the progress of a young man who wants to acquire consumer goods – golf clubs. The author explains how this 14-year old boy will become a young entrepreneur capable of self-financing what he wants to buy.
By using real money, parents should encourage their children to take risks. That way, they can develop their natural creativity and learn the basics of a financial education.
Even if these are only the basics and they do not hold all the keys to respond to various challenges in life. Your children will grow up and discover for themselves the freedom to live their lives as they wish.
Robert Kiyosaki : “The biggest risk of all is to not take a risk and you need to learn from your mistakes when you are young.”
Chapter 13: Other ways to increase your child’s financial IQ
Nothing is complicated when you use simple words
To increase the level of your children’s financial education, you must teach them simple words and know how to use the right words in the right area.
Income from a salary, no matter how high, will not help you to become rich. You need to convert this salary into an income that has no active operation.
You need to find assets that offer you passive income. That is what rich people teach their children to do.
The power of communication
If your children can combine financial vocabulary with a good head for figures, then they will have an excellent financial start in life.
Chapter 14: What is the point of pocket money?
Money is a teaching tool.
Many children believe that they deserve money, that it is their right to have money. But this is not a good start.
Nor should your children get into habit of working to get money in return. In this case, they learn to exchange their time for money.
On the other hand, your children should learn the concept of exchanging. The concept is the more you give, the more you get. The author tells us:
“The more you serve people, the richer you become.”
This is fundamental, because with a salary as your income, you exchange your time for money and all you have left is 8 hours per day.
However, if you apply a system which is not time-based, you can help an infinite number of people and therefore end up with an infinite salary. Robert Kiyosaki switched from giving courses to a few people to writing a book that uses the same lessons. He used them to teach many more people.
Many readers ask the author:
- How much pocket money should I give my child?
- Should I pay my children if they do chores?
- Should I not tell my child to get a job at the shopping centre?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Every child and every family are unique. It is up to the parents to adapt depending on the situation.
Money is a teaching tool and parents should use it to educate their children.
Your child should not study or perform specific chores for money. What happens when you are no longer around to pay for their studies?
Chapter 15: How to discover your child’s natural abilities.
The last part of the book helps parents to discover their child’s natural genius.
To start, you have to find out the method that your children prefer to use in order to learn and what motivates them.
You will go on to discover what type of intelligence your children have and their natural abilities.
This is one of the keys to helping them lead a life of success.
Some people never discover their own skills. When they finish their studies, they do not have the keys to continue their personal growth process.
Parents must push their children into finding their own learning style and developing the genius inside them!
Chapter 16: Success is the freedom to be who you are
In the information age, we have many choices, sometimes too many, because there are many distractions.
Parents must therefore offer their children enough choices for the children to eventually find their own way to succeed.
A solid financial education allows children to understand their choices and their consequences on their financial situation to their life. They will then have the power to take control of their destiny and can guide their careers wherever they want.
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The MATRIX Illusion
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The MATRIX Illusion
From the ancient wise men of Taoism, Egyptian, Hinduism and Greek.
The purpose of any Lifetime.
The “Matrix” (The Mother or Source).
You are not the body and mind, you are Eternal Spirit trapped in the Body and mind, you have forgotten over many incarnations.
The “Matrix” bio-machine is your own limited bio computer brain which is a “Virtual Reality” and “Point of View” bio-machine that creates the illusions of space and time and that keeps You (as Eternal spirit) in the illusion of being a “Physical Being” in a physical world (realm) via the nervous system and the five senses, (i.e.the metaphor of “The Tree of the knowledge of good and Evil”
(Genesis 2:17) which is the Human nervous system like an inverted tree. The Original Sin is when You (as Formless Spirit-Consciousness) become identified and entangled with the physical body form and its mind as you grow from childhood to an Adult (this creates the activity known as the psychological Ego). Other metaphors are Adam and Eve (not real people, Adam is Universal Consciousness prior to creation and Eve is Spirit Consciousness in creation in each Human Being), The eating of the “apple” is when a free spirit or Angel (You) begin to enjoy the Pleasures or Fruits, i.e.”The Apple” of the physical nervous system (sexuality) and become identified and addicted to the body functions and forget its original Nature as Spirit, (i.e.the Original Sin or Mistake…a gradual process) or Original Innocence as “Eternal – Spirit – Consciousness” (i.e the process of becoming an Adult, growing up and the loss of innocence), other metaphors are “The Fallen Angel” and “The Cave” by Plato and “Contraction (a modern day Spiritual term) is when YOU as “Universal Spirit” now being attracted to the lower level of a limited physical Life and automatically creating the “psychological personality”, which is an Activity of the now trapped Spirit (You) because you mistakenly separated from the Universal Mind down to the level or state of the limited and Default bio-computer bio-machine and its inherent survival and self defence programs.
You are now using programed Knowledge (automatically recorded from birth) instead of Universal Wisdom, you are the Fallen Angel now using the sum total of the brains field of the mind (record and playback) to function and survive in the limited three dimensional realm or Earth Plane which make you (as Spirit) subject to the loss of Freedom and bound by the laws of physics. Narcissus from Greek Mythology is the same metaphor as the Fallen Angel(s) doomed to fall in love with their own illusions created by their memories and thoughts and becoming separated from the God(s) One Universal Mind and condemned to live in the constant sensation of fear and confusion. Hell, the lesser limited world or under World, until the death of the physical form body and brain machine. (Vessel, Temple).
Contraction, modern day Word for Original Sin or Original mistake, is when You, as infinite Eternal Spirit, mistakenly become identified with the physical body and its limited physical brain as your only source of Knowledge and Security, in this limited three dimensional learning and developmental plane (Earth plane, the Brain is actually a limitation to Spiritual Experience as it only operates in record and playback mode, thinking and remembering is NOT the actual Experience of G.O.D. the brain is out of sync with actual Infinite PRIOR Reality). Material creation, AKA “The Toy Room of the Gods” is the Personified Creations or Aspects of the ONE Whole of Nature in Greek mythology; it was and is being created for your Natural learning and Enjoyment (Born to be Alive), but has now become a prison to the Fallen Angels (the Human race) .
MEDITATION-Separation” is the natural way BACK to your True and Natural State as Eternal SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS .
Meditation (i.e. Medicine, to Cure).
MEDITATION – Separation is the practice of putting the body and mind to sleep (like a computer in sleep mode) but staying AWAKE and ALERT inside (behind the closed eyes or behind the nose totally present in the Inner Here & Now with a little excitement and innocent CURIOSITY like exploring a new realm while being separate (temperately set aside) from the body and mind (i.e. being in the the INNER Here and Now) in a natural state of pure Observation (re: Krishnamurti) along with intense Self control of the body and breath to create the slowest possible breathing , (being like a stone statue) without thinking or trying to accomplishing any-thing or any goal. In this pure and Natural State you become the Eternal Inner Witness PRIOR to all created things including your own physical body and its bio-computer Virtual Reality Point of View brain machine. In Meditation you may experience the Miracle of Breathing and of the Heart beating, without any conscious effort on your part. Also, in this Natural State, you may Remember or Experience yourself as Eternal Spirit (and that you always have been), you are NOT the body and mind that you assumed to be .
The secret key is the very SUBTLE SEPARATION that happens between the body and your SELF, (the Eternal Spirit …You) is that the Observer and the Observed are separate and different states of consciousness. (this is the practice of Dying recommend by Socrates) .
This PRIOR and True Natural State is known as Nirvana Samadhi, The Holy Grail to Eternal Life (not a real cup, a literary image), The Tao (Lao Tzu), The Void (Taoism), Heaven (within, Luke 17:21), The Promised Land (not a physical place on this Earth), Virtue or the “orm of the Good (Socrates, Plato, Zeno, Seneca’ Pythagoras, etc.), Born again- in the Christ consciousness, also the correct meaning of the Second Coming of Christ, not the physical person called Jesus (Spiritual Teacher and messiah or messenger of “Good news” (i.e Luke 17-21, at hand, i.e. available now before the death of the physical body, also called Born again) not Reincarnation, The Garden of Eden, The Gate to all wonders (Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Michelangelo etc), Divine Love (stoicism , Zeno Seneca etc), The Eternal Now (of Consciousness PRIOR to all creation – Nostradamus. Obtaining the Golden Fleece or Becoming a Demigod (Greek mythology), Satori,* Cosmic Consciousness (A. Einstein, Leonardo , Raphael, Galileo ,etc) The Bright or THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE ** (you are “Eternal Spirit” and always have been), The Prodigal Son, Absolute REALTY or TRUTH, At-ONE-ment (not ATONE-ment), Moksha, Self-Realization – Yogananda, Leaving the body but not dying (Socrates, Ramana Maharshi and Krishnamurti, i.e leaving the known or separating from your intellectual knowledge, Being “Awake” as Eternal Spirit again – The Buddha , Moksha , The second coming (i.e. not the coming of the man Jesus, but when each person attains (actually returns back) to their natural Unity with the Universal Consciousness or “Christ Consciousness” (The Reflection of son/daughter of God manifested in the Earth Plane) “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” all of Humanity returns back to the Christ Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment, (the fallen Angel returns back to Heaven, i.e. God-Union) , The Ark of the covenant (the Vessel or Container, specifically the pineal gland in the Brain, which is the Seat of Universal Spiritual Consciousness. It appears as the “White Light” (as viewed from the vision center at the back of the brain) in certain types of ancient Meditations. Individualized consciousness (Ego or sin) is then Reunited and Returned Back to the Universal God Consciousness, i.e. the covenant or Agreement. (The size, material and dimensions of the “Ark” are most likely an honest mistake and mixed up with the portable “Shrine(s)” carried by a nomadic tribe looking for their homeland). In early Christianity the location of the Pineal Gland in the head during Meditation is the correct meaning Upper Room and the meeting place of God in Meditation, Moses for 40 years in the Desert – an empty place, i.e. pure consciousness prior to all creation is another metaphor for Spiritual Enlightenment and God-Union. In the early days of Christianity Meditation was forbidden and considered Evil, therefore Meditation was a secret practice using Metaphors.
Note: There is a difference between living. IN the physical body (the “Inner Witness” behind the eyes and concentric) and/or living. AS the physical body (totally identified with and Eccentric, or off the correct place).
The first is Heaven on Earth
The second is Hell on Earth.
“KNOW (experience) THY SELF “,
as Eternal SPIRIT….. first, and then you will know and understand all the mysteries of the Universe -Socrates.
Same as :
Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven (God -Union) and all else will be added unto you(Spiritual Wisdom) – Jesus .
Example of Spiritual Wisdom :
The “Spiral Helix” of DNA (linear connected) is the direct materialization(manifestation) of the “Spiral Helix” known as “STRING” – Light – Energy
(String Theory)
They are one and the same .
All DNA is manifested Light.
All Life is manifested Light .
G.O.D. is the
G – enerating ,
O – rganizing and
D-issolving play of Conscious- Light .
(Living Light).
* Satori, a momentary separation of the Spirit-Consciousness (You) from the physical body and mind in which you feel totally free of thoughts, emotions and past memories along with the love and compassion for all beings and enjoying “The miracle of Life” and being alive in human form. Almost 60% of all humans have had such an experience when in Meditation or during the course of daily life for no apparent reason, this is a NORMAL and NATURAL experience and expression of the “Self” seeking its Freedom from the physical Realm and returning BACK to a prior State as Eternal Spirit. (The “Remembrance” of what you have forgotten).
During this experience you may assume that you are in the present moment of the physical world, but you are actually in the present moment of consciousness which is prior to and separate from the physical world (realm) and the physical body you live inside of.
If you use Prayer, a mantra (eyes closed) or Tai Chi (Moving Meditation) to Experience your “Self “as Eternal Spirit, the words or movements should be repeated very slow and with intense self control along with respect, sincerity and piety (humbleness), this ancient and True method will also create separation (the “Observer and the Observed “) until you Experience yourself as Eternal Spirit….and not the physical body (Machine, Temple, Vessel etc) that you live INSIDE of.
The Zen Ko an (is an unsolvable riddle or problem that will create a “computer freeze” in your bio-computer brain-machine which will, or may, create an opportunity for a sudden Satori or a Spiritual Experience, (i.e. “the actual experience ” that you are NOT the physical Bio-Machine body but are Eternal Spirit- consciousness).
** “that which is always the case” is referring to the Prior or Original Reality that everything is already God , i.e. conscious – Light (Living Light) which is also YOUR True and Original State as Eternal Spirit Consciousness (same as God, Made in the image of God)
The “Here and Now” of the material Realm (Earth) that you are experiencing at this moment is called Maya, which is an illusion of Light and which is created by the nervous system and the Matrix bio-machine brain, it is not the absolute Reality.
Everything is already God (including yourself) but your not experiencing it because you have separated from, or Contracted from an Infinite Universal Mind down to the field of the mind inside the LIMITED physical bio-computer brain machine and live or experience life as a separate Individualized being. (the metaphor of The fallen Angel and the Greek character of Narcissus who left the Unity of being with the Gods (God) and became a Separate Individual. (It is the Original sin or, to miss the mark, which is an innocent mistake).
Returning back to your true state as Eternal Spirit is Returning back to that which is already (and always has been) the case or Aways was and is …. Infinite and most Prior God. (before anything created, i.e. pre-creation, no thing, pure Consciousness, the Void).
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the absolute most Prior Reality also called Truth because it never changes even as it manifests ITSELF as every object and Human Being.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is Conscious – Light not materialized (yet).
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is God Prior to any creation.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is before Time, Space and infinity.
” THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the non-point of view of Conscious-Light….or God.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the present moment in the physical Realm or Earth is an illusion (Maya) created by the brain (a Virtual Reality machine that creates it own space, infinity, and time) via the nervous system and the five senses.
To be in the present moment of the Earth Plane (or Material World) is to be separated from that which is always the case or God – Spirit Consciousness and is to exist in total fear and confusion.
To separate from that which is always the case (or God -Consciousness) and become an individual is the meaning of the word Hell (the Fallen Angel who creates it’s own world) .
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” (or God prior to its creation) is your original True State as Eternal Spirit at this very moment . YOU are Consciousness prior to time, space and anything ever created, you always were and you always will be.
If you are experiencing yourself as an individual among other individuals, then you have missed the Mark and are separate from the Universal Wholeness of One Being or One Consciousness known as G.O.D.)
Official Beliefs of the Seventh day Adventist Church Summary
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Official Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. These beliefs, as set forth here, constitute the church’s understanding and expression of the teaching of Scripture.
Revision of these statements may be expected at a quinquennial General Conference Session whenever the church is led by the Holy Spirit to a fuller understanding of Bible truth, or if better language is found to express these teachings of God’s Holy Word.
The expression of these concepts help provide an overall picture of what this Christian denomination collectively believes and practices. Together, these teachings reveal a God who is the architect of the world. In wisdom, grace and infinite love, He is actively working to restore a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.
The 28 Fundamental Beliefs can be organized into six categories of doctrine: God, man, salvation, the church, daily Christian life, and last-day events (restoration).
Our Creator God is love, power and splendor. He is three-in-one, mysterious and infinite—yet He desires an intimate connection with humanity. He gave us the Bible as His Holy Word, so we could learn more about Him and build a relationship with Him.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes about God and His Word.
- Holy Scriptures
The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration.
The inspired authors spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to humanity the knowledge necessary for salvation.
The Holy Scriptures are the supreme, authoritative, and the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the definitive revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God’s acts in history.
- The Trinity
There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three coeternal Persons.
God is immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever present. He is infinite and beyond human comprehension, yet known through His self-revelation.
God, who is love, is forever worthy of worship, adoration, and service by the whole creation.
- God the Father
God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
The qualities and powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also those of the Father.
- God the Son (Jesus Christ)
God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ. Through Him all things were created, the character of God is revealed, the salvation of humanity is accomplished, and the world is judged.
Forever truly God, He became also truly human, Jesus the Christ. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived and experienced temptation as a human being, but perfectly exemplified the righteousness and love of God.
By His miracles He manifested God’s power and was attested as God’s promised Messiah. He suffered and died voluntarily on the cross for our sins and in our place, was raised from the dead, and ascended to heaven to minister in the heavenly sanctuary on our behalf.
He will come again in glory for the final deliverance of His people and the restoration of all things.
- God the Holy Spirit
God the eternal Spirit was active with the Father and the Son in Creation, incarnation, and redemption.
He is as much a person as are the Father and the Son. He inspired the writers of Scripture. He filled Christ’s life with power. He draws and convicts human beings; and those who respond He renews and transforms into the image of God.
Sent by the Father and the Son to be always with His children, He extends spiritual gifts to the church, empowers it to bear witness to Christ, and in harmony with the Scriptures leads it into all truth.
Lovingly designed as perfect beings, God created humans in His own image with free will and dominion over the earth. But sin crept in through temptation by Satan, the Devil. Now humanity’s perfection is tarnished, our bodies and minds corrupted. Our once-idyllic world continues to be in a constant struggle between good and evil.
Fortunately, God had a plan to redeem humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ. He will ultimately have victory over sin and death and restore us and our earth to its original state of beauty and perfection.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes about the earth and humanity in the context of God’s ultimate plan.
- Creation
God has revealed in Scripture the authentic and historical account of His creative activity. He created the universe, and in a recent six-day creation the Lord made “the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them” and rested on the seventh day.
Thus He established the Sabbath as a perpetual memorial of the work He performed and completed during six literal days that together with the Sabbath constituted the same unit of time that we call a week today.
The first man and woman were made in the image of God as the crowning work of Creation, given dominion over the world, and charged with responsibility to care for it. When the world was finished it was “very good,” declaring the glory of God.
- Nature of Humanity
Man and woman were made in the image of God with individuality, the power and freedom to think and to do. Though created free beings, each is an indivisible unity of body, mind, and spirit, dependent upon God for life and breath and all else.
When our first parents disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon Him and fell from their high position. The image of God in them was marred and they became subject to death.
Their descendants share this fallen nature and its consequences. They are born with weaknesses and tendencies to evil. But God in Christ reconciled the world to Himself and by His Spirit restores in penitent mortals the image of their Maker. Created for the glory of God, they are called to love Him and one another, and to care for their environment.
Even before the creation of the earth, there was war between good and evil. Lucifer, a once-perfect and highly-regarded being, became jealous of God and wished for higher position. When God did not give him what he wanted, He became Satan. He accused God of being unfair.
Satan then led astray one-third of heaven’s angels, and God had to cast them out. To seek revenge on God, Satan began attacking His precious new creation—the earth. Knowing that humans were created with free will, He tempted them to rebel against God’s loving guidance.
But God knew this didn’t have to be the end of humanity’s story. He demonstrated just how much He loves us by sending His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in humanity’s place, to bear the ultimate punishment sin brings (Romans 6:23, John 3:16).
However, it still comes down to choice. God never wanted forced allegiance. The option is ours. We can succumb to sin and choose to live for ourselves, or we can choose to accept Jesus’ sacrifice, follow Him, and get to know Him. And if we choose Him, He promises to guide us with His Holy Spirit and will never forsake us.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes about the struggle between good and evil, and how there is still hope for humanity’s salvation through the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
- The Great Controversy
All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe.
This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God’s adversary, and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin.
This human sin resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the global flood, as presented in the historical account of Genesis 1-11.
Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation.
- The Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ
In Christ’s life of perfect obedience to God’s will, His suffering, death, and resurrection, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that those who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal life, and the whole creation may better understand the infinite and holy love of the Creator.
This perfect atonement vindicates the righteousness of God’s law and the graciousness of His character; for it both condemns our sin and provides for our forgiveness.
The death of Christ is substitutionary and expiatory, reconciling and transforming. The bodily resurrection of Christ proclaims God’s triumph over the forces of evil, and for those who accept the atonement, assures their final victory over sin and death. It declares the Lordship of Jesus Christ, before whom every knee in heaven and on earth will bow.
- The Experience of Salvation
In infinite love and mercy God made Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him we might be made the righteousness of God.
Led by the Holy Spirit we sense our need, acknowledge our sinfulness, repent of our transgressions, and exercise faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, Substitute and Example. This saving faith comes through the divine power of the Word and is the gift of God’s grace.
Through Christ we are justified, adopted as God’s sons and daughters, and delivered from the lordship of sin. Through the Spirit we are born again and sanctified; the Spirit renews our minds, writes God’s law of love in our hearts, and we are given the power to live a holy life.
Abiding in Him we become partakers of the divine nature and have the assurance of salvation now and in the judgment.
- Growing in Christ
By His death on the cross, Jesus triumphed over the forces of evil. He who subjugated the demonic spirits during His earthly ministry has broken their power and made certain their ultimate doom.
Jesus’ victory gives us victory over the evil forces that still seek to control us, as we walk with Him in peace, joy, and assurance of His love. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within us and empowers us. Continually committed to Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we are set free from the burden of our past deeds.
No longer do we live in the darkness, fear of evil powers, ignorance, and meaninglessness of our former way of life. In this new freedom in Jesus, we are called to grow into the likeness of His character, communing with Him daily in prayer, feeding on His Word, meditating on it and on His providence, singing His praises, gathering together for worship, and participating in the mission of the Church.
We are also called to follow Christ’s example by compassionately ministering to the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of humanity. As we give ourselves in loving service to those around us and in witnessing to His salvation, His constant presence with us through the Spirit transforms every moment and every task into a spiritual experience.
After Jesus’ ministry on earth, He commissioned His followers to go about their lives telling others about His love and promise to return. In doing this, He also commanded to love all people as He loves all of us.
As imperfect as humanity is, God still gives us the privilege of being part of His work. In doing this, we are His Church, or the Body of Christ, all with different spiritual gifts to contribute. He encourages us to meet together, support one another, and serve together.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes regarding the fellowship of believers around the world, God’s Great Commission, and the principles to guide organized local congregations.
- The Church
The church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In continuity with the people of God in Old Testament times, we are called out from the world; and we join together for worship, for fellowship, for instruction in the Word, for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, for service to humanity, and for the worldwide proclamation of the gospel.
The church derives its authority from Christ, who is the incarnate Word revealed in the Scriptures. The church is God’s family; adopted by Him as children, its members live on the basis of the new covenant.
The church is the body of Christ, a community of faith of which Christ Himself is the Head. The church is the bride for whom Christ died that He might sanctify and cleanse her.
At His return in triumph, He will present her to Himself a glorious church, the faithful of all the ages, the purchase of His blood, not having spot or wrinkle, but holy and without blemish.
- The Remnant and its Mission
The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and heralds the approach of His second advent.
This proclamation is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; it coincides with the work of judgment in heaven and results in a work of repentance and reform on earth. Every believer is called to have a personal part in this worldwide witness.
- Unity in the Body of Christ
The church is one body with many members, called from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
In Christ we are a new creation; distinctions of race, culture, learning, and nationality, and differences between high and low, rich and poor, male and female, must not be divisive among us. We are all equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to serve and be served without partiality or reservation.
Through the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures we share the same faith and hope, and reach out in one witness to all. This unity has its source in the oneness of the triune God, who has adopted us as His children.
- Baptism
By baptism we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in newness of life. Thus we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour, become His people, and are received as members by His church.
Baptism is a symbol of our union with Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, and our reception of the Holy Spirit.
It is by immersion in water and is contingent on an affirmation of faith in Jesus and evidence of repentance of sin. It follows instruction in the Holy Scriptures and acceptance of their teachings.
- The Lord’s Supper (Communion)
The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Saviour.
In this experience of communion Christ is present to meet and strengthen His people. As we partake, we joyfully proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again.
Preparation for the Supper includes self-examination, repentance, and confession. The Master ordained the service of foot-washing to signify renewed cleansing, to express a willingness to serve one another in Christlike humility, and to unite our hearts in love.
The communion service is open to all believing Christians.
All throughout the Bible we can find guidance for our daily lives. A well-known example would be the Ten Commandments in Exodus, where we are shown how to love God and how to love people—which Jesus re-emphasized in the New Testament (Matthew 22:37-40). God’s law shows us the path to follow and the pitfalls to avoid, leading us toward wholeness and balance.
Additionally, by being a Christian and following God, we answer His call to be stewards of the earth until He returns. That also includes taking care of ourselves, caring for our minds and bodies which in turn nourishes our spirit.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes about what it means to live each day as a follower of Christ.
- Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts that each member is to employ in loving ministry for the common good of the church and of humanity.
Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions.
According to the Scriptures, these gifts include such ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion, and self-sacrificing service and charity for the help and encouragement of people.
Some members are called of God and endowed by the Spirit for functions recognized by the church in pastoral, evangelistic, and teaching ministries particularly needed to equip the members for service, to build up the church to spiritual maturity, and to foster unity of the faith and knowledge of God.
When members employ these spiritual gifts as faithful stewards of God’s varied grace, the church is protected from the destructive influence of false doctrine, grows with a growth that is from God, and is built up in faith and love.
- The Gift of Prophecy
The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church.
They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested.
- The Law of God
The great principles of God’s law are embodied in the Ten Commandments and exemplified in the life of Christ. They express God’s love, will, and purposes concerning human conduct and relationships and are binding upon all people in every age.
These precepts are the basis of God’s covenant with His people and the standard in God’s judgment. Through the agency of the Holy Spirit they point out sin and awaken a sense of need for a Saviour.
Salvation is all of grace and not of works, and its fruit is obedience to the Commandments.
This obedience develops Christian character and results in a sense of well-being. It is evidence of our love for the Lord and our concern for our fellow human beings. The obedience of faith demonstrates the power of Christ to transform lives, and therefore strengthens Christian witness.
- The Sabbath
The gracious Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation.
The fourth commandment of God’s unchangeable law requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath.
The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, a token of our allegiance, and a foretaste of our eternal future in God’s kingdom.
The Sabbath is God’s perpetual sign of His eternal covenant between Him and His people. Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to evening, sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God’s creative and redemptive acts.
- Stewardship
We are God’s stewards, entrusted by Him with time and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources. We are responsible to Him for their proper use.
We acknowledge God’s ownership by faithful service to Him and our fellow human beings, and by returning tithe and giving offerings for the proclamation of His gospel and the support and growth of His church.
Stewardship is a privilege given to us by God for nurture in love and the victory over selfishness and covetousness. Stewards rejoice in the blessings that come to others as a result of their faithfulness.
- Christian Behavior
We are called to be a godly people who think, feel, and act in harmony with biblical principles in all aspects of personal and social life.
For the Spirit to recreate in us the character of our Lord we involve ourselves only in those things that will produce Christlike purity, health, and joy in our lives. This means that our amusement and entertainment should meet the highest standards of Christian taste and beauty.
While recognizing cultural differences, our dress is to be simple, modest, and neat, befitting those whose true beauty does not consist of outward adornment but in the imperishable ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit.
It also means that because our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, we are to care for them intelligently. Along with adequate exercise and rest, we are to adopt the most healthful diet possible and abstain from the unclean foods identified in the Scriptures. Since alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics are harmful to our bodies, we are to abstain from them as well.
Instead, we are to engage in whatever brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline of Christ, who desires our wholesomeness, joy, and goodness.
- Marriage and the Family
Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship.
For the Christian a marriage commitment is to God as well as to the spouse, and should be entered into only between a man and a woman who share a common faith. Mutual love, honor, respect, and responsibility are the fabric of this relationship, which is to reflect the love, sanctity, closeness, and permanence of the relationship between Christ and His church.
Regarding divorce, Jesus taught that the person who divorces a spouse, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery. Although some family relationships may fall short of the ideal, a man and a woman who fully commit themselves to each other in Christ through marriage may achieve loving unity through the guidance of the Spirit and the nurture of the church.
God blesses the family and intends that its members shall assist each other toward complete maturity. Increasing family closeness is one of the earmarks of the final gospel message.
Parents are to bring up their children to love and obey the Lord. By their example and their words they are to teach them that Christ is a loving, tender, and caring guide who wants them to become members of His body, the family of God which embraces both single and married persons.
God has always investigated before taking action, demonstrating His willingness to forgive and giving each one of us a chance to be part of His plan. We saw this to be true with the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the exodus from Egypt and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Before Jesus’ Second Coming, He is investigating the entire earth, everyone who has ever lived, every choice every human being has made. God wants it to be clear to us, and to the watching universe, that not one person will experience a fate they did not choose.
Christ’s return is near, meaning the final judgment of humanity, the destruction of the wicked, the end of death and sin, and the redemption of those who accept the gift of God’s salvation. And that’s not the end of the story. We will enjoy a millennium in heaven and the restoration of our earth to the paradise it once was, for us to enjoy for eternity while communing face to face with God.
The following statements describe what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes about the end times of the earth, and what’s in store for humanity as eternity unfolds.
- Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle that the Lord set up and not humans. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross.
At His ascension, He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and began His intercessory ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the holy place of the earthly sanctuary.
In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary.
It is a work of investigative judgment, which is part of the ultimate disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that typical service the sanctuary was cleansed with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly things are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of Jesus.
The investigative judgment reveals to heavenly intelligences who among the dead are asleep in Christ and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have part in the first resurrection.
It also makes manifest who among the living are abiding in Christ, keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and in Him, therefore, are ready for translation into His everlasting kingdom.
This judgment vindicates the justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus. It declares that those who have remained loyal to God shall receive the kingdom. The completion of this ministry of Christ will mark the close of human probation before the Second Advent.
- The Second Coming of Christ
The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel.
The Saviour’s coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide. When He returns, the righteous dead will be resurrected, and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken to heaven, but the unrighteous will die.
The almost complete fulfillment of most lines of prophecy, together with the present condition of the world, indicates that Christ’s coming is near. The time of that event has not been revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to be ready at all times.
- Death and Resurrection
The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is immortal, will grant eternal life to His redeemed.
Until that day death is an unconscious state for all people. When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and caught up to meet their Lord.
The second resurrection, the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a thousand years later.
- The Millennium and the End of Sin
The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and second resurrections.
During this time the wicked dead will be judged; the earth will be utterly desolate, without living human inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and his angels.
At its close Christ with His saints and the Holy City will descend from heaven to earth. The unrighteous dead will then be resurrected, and with Satan and his angels will surround the city; but fire from God will consume them and cleanse the earth.
The universe will thus be freed of sin and sinners forever.
- The New Earth
On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, God will provide an eternal home for the redeemed and a perfect environment for everlasting life, love, joy, and learning in His presence. For here God Himself will dwell with His people, and suffering and death will have passed away.
The great controversy will be ended, and sin will be no more. All things, animate and inanimate, will declare that God is love; and He shall reign forever. Amen.
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The 25th Hour Supercharging Productivity – Secrets from 300 Successful Entrepreneurs | Book Summary
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The 25th Hour: Supercharging productivity: Secrets from 300 successful entrepreneurs
Free up time to be happy
By way of introduction, the authors of “The 25th Hour” draw our attention to the fact that life is short. Therefore, in their opinion, you need to make the most of it. They then emphasize how important productivity is in this context.
In “The 25th Hour“, productivity is not presented as a goal, but as a means. The more productive you are, the less time you spend on tasks that bore you. Productivity allows you to free up time to do what really makes you happy. Basically, it allows you to live your life as you would like to do so.
The paradox of progress
However, within this there is a paradox that the authors point out: despite progress, we still have to work more and more.
They highlight the fact that since the industrial revolution, the number of hours worked per person has mainly decreased. This applies to all economic sectors. However, the technological, information and communication revolution has been quite different. Contrary to what might be expected, the number of hours worked has actually gone up, within these fields, people work more hours than before.
Inefficient systems within the work environment
Machines made it possible for workers to work less. In contrast, new technologies have not had the same effect on the work hours of management. Why not? Because the new ways that operate within the workplace actually reduce efficiency.
Therefore, what the authors try to explain in this book is that new technologies should not overwhelm you with work, but quite the opposite, they should create more free time. There’s a need to reverse our relationship with digital technology, so that humans are its master, rather than its slave.
Instead of constant pressure, humans must learn to use it to organize, focus and accelerate the rate at which they work. In short, you should let digital technology do the tedious tasks for you so you can focus on the ones that require more creativity and that provide more interest at work and in life.
The secret of productivity, in the view of “The 25th hour”
For our three start-up authors, what is required to be productive is a matter of mindset. They believe that you must learn to become lazy!
The idea is, in fact, to teach yourself about investment logic: make a short-term effort to obtain a long-term return. So, the secret of productivity is to invest time to make small incremental gains. These gains will eventually make a huge difference. Even if, at first, the progress seems invisible, with time, if you stand back and analyze the situation, you will see the huge amount of progress that has been achieved.
“The 25th Hour“, a book written in (almost) a weekend!
The authors have gradually become obsessed with the same objective: increase their productivity to spend as little time as possible on what bores them and as much time as possible on what they really care about.
Thus, to write “The 25th Hour”, the three authors utilized their own knowledge, with regards to productivity, but also relied heavily on the advice of more than 200 successful start-up entrepreneurs, who answered questions by email, about their productivity secrets and tips. Once they had all of this information, they decided to go to Normandy for the weekend. On their return on Sunday evening, they had the first version of their book.
After the success of the book in France, six months later, they wrote an international edition that included contributions from other entrepreneurs from around the world. In total, there are 300 start-up entrepreneurs and business leaders who offer their expertise in the book “The 25th hour”.
The productivity equation and its three golden rules
Productivity follows a simple equation: work done = time spent x intensity of concentration x speed of execution.
Therefore, the three golden rules of productivity are:
- Get organized: to allocate enough time to each task;
- Concentrate: to dedicate as much attention as possible to each task;
- Accelerate: to complete each task as quickly as possible.
The significance of each of these three rules will depend on its importance in the company.
So, the book “The 25th Hour” is divided into three chapters, based on the three key areas of productivity: Organization / Concentration / Acceleration
Chapter 1 – Get organized
Objective: to set up an efficient productivity system
The development of technology has never been as fast as it is today. Scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil calls this phenomenon “the Law of Accelerated Returns”. As we rely on current technologies to develop new ones, technical progress does not follow a linear growth but an exponential one. As a result, future changes are expected to be even faster.
In this context, companies must continuously adapt and reinvent themselves. Faced with these increasingly fast-paced changes, all sectors of activity are confronted with, or will experience, some form of disruption. Employees must also be able to adapt to the changes in their company’s priorities.
Whilst all this happens, the scarcest resource is time. That’s why it’s necessary to set up an organization, a “productivity system”, that allows the company to allocate sufficient time and energy to important projects.
The power of no
For the authors of “The 25th Hour”, productivity is not about the accomplishments of lots of different tasks, what is important is to “choose your battles based on the objectives you have set for yourself”.
There’s a tendency for people to say “yes” to other people’s requests too often. The authors believe there are two reasons for this:
- No clear knowledge of personal goals
To respond effectively to different requests, these questions need to have clear and exact answers: “What are my main goals?” or “What are my goals for this quarter?”.
- Fear to offend or hurt people’s feelings
This thought process needs to be changed. It is important to remember that a “no”, if the reason why can be clearly explained, is always better than no answer at all or a “yes” that means something that can’t be properly achieved has been agreed to.
The authors of “The 25th Hour” suggest a few possible responses to turn down a request. For example, if you agree to a meeting, they suggest that you should ask yourself this simple question: “If I were sick that day, would I have to reschedule it?”.
The to do list
The numerous tasks that need to be performed clog up the mind. So, it’s essential that this mental burden that you carry with you always is eliminated. One of the methods recommended is to store them on an external memory: a to-do list. If all these tasks are written down, in an organized manner, it enables the mind to be freed up. In addition, the fact that they are written down, increases the likelihood that they will be done.
There are different to-do list tools:
- Paper format (A4 sheet or post-it);
- Basic note-taking tools provided on a computer (such as Notepad or TextEdit);
- More comprehensive note-taking tools (Evernote is the most widely used) ;
- If your hands are busy, or take part in some sort of physical activity: Siri or Google Voice, which offer geolocated reminders.
There is no need to spend too much in search of the right tool: it’s how it’s put to use that’s important.
The “two-minute rule”
The “two-minute rule” was invented by David Allen, author of the best-seller “Getting Things Done“. This rule is as simple as it is powerful: if a task on your to-do list takes less than two minutes, it has to be carried out immediately. Otherwise, it’s simply just a waste of time to schedule it for later.
The first question to be asked when you look at your to-do list is what tasks can be delegated. To do this, you need to be prepared for it to cost you time now in order for you to free up time later.
The real secret to productivity is not to the work you do, it’s the people you manage. As a manager, if you can motivate your team and get them to be cohesive, from the very first day, the goals that you have set out will be achieved much quicker.
Delegation needs a few key principles to be taken on board:
- Gives meaning to the task you delegate to someone;
- Provides as many details as possible about the context;
- Give a clear deadline so that the person to whom the task is delegated can get themselves organized;
- Practice so that you don’t have to do it the next time;
- Thank others;
- Only delegate the desired result but don’t give them instructions on how it is to be achieved (no micro-management).
In addition to those you already work with, you can also delegate to any freelancers you may have, which is a common occurrence when you are a start-up entrepreneur. There are platforms like Malt, Upwork, Fiverr or 5euros for this. To outsource tasks that are very repetitive but can’t be carried out by machines, a company can use the well-known (and also much criticized) Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Prioritization: the three-task rule
The metaphor of the jar
The authors of “The 25th Hour” refer to a metaphor to describe your use of time: that of a jar, a pile of sand, pebbles and large stones. In fact, this metaphor is the one Stephen Covey mentions in his best-selling book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.
In this metaphor, the jar is your day. The stones, pebbles and sand are the tasks you have to do. The stones symbolize the most important tasks, the pebbles the less important ones and the sand the countless small tasks with little added value. Your mission is to put as much as possible inside the jar. Therefore, if you start with the big stones, then the rocks, then the sand, it is obvious that a lot more will fit.
The moral of the story is very clear: if you start your day with the small tasks, it will be much harder to accomplish the big ones. That’s why it’s so important that you identify the most important and even most difficult tasks (the “big stones”) to kick off your day; and to do this, the question to ask yourself every morning is: “What are the three things I need to do so that I will be happy with the worked I have carried out at the end of my day?
Once these three tasks have been defined, the next step is to timebox them, i.e., allocate enough time to complete them, the same as it would be for a meeting.
The three start-up entrepreneurs suggest:
- To use the “Pomodoro” method, divide your time into 25-minute sub-slots, with a 5-minute break between each sub-slot;
- To write down all the main activities of the day, both meetings and personal work sessions, in your schedule.
Passive tasks first
By “passive” tasks, it means tasks that are 90% passive, but still require some form of action on your part to initiate them. These are:
- “delegated” tasks
- “time-sensitive” tasks
So, when there is the choice to start either an active task or a passive task, the passive task should always be the option to choose. This is because it is carried out by others, so once it has been started, all you must do is wait for it to be completed.
Try to prevent procrastination
When a task is difficult, there’s a tendency for most people to put it off until tomorrow. Faced with a tough decision, the brain reacts with a defence mechanism, a resistance. This is “Laborit’s law”, named after the French neurobiologist who devoted his research to this human tendency to flee from difficulty in search of a new pleasure.
Over long periods, procrastination can literally poison our lives. Moreover, procrastination has hidden costs: financial penalties, efficiency penalties and time penalties.
In this part of “The 25th Hour”, Guillaume Declair, Bao Dinh and Jérôme Dumont share several techniques to help overcome procrastination and, as a result, increase productivity.
An overly complex task: the ladder technique
The idea is to divide the project into mini tasks that provide more motivation, i.e. that are simple enough to be completed quickly. These mini tasks can be written on the to-do list and crossed off one after the other. This is a good way to remain motivated throughout the project.
An unpleasant task:
- The deadline technique: set yourself as many deadlines as possible, and maybe schedule some “pleasant” deadlines directly after the “unpleasant” one in order to force yourself to finish quickly;
- The first second technique: contrary to what we think, you don’t need to be motivated to act but rather to act to be motivated. The idea is to get started. Once you start, everything will be easier.
A tedious task: the power hour technique
This makes a tedious task more attractive. The challenge is to complete the task so that it is enjoyable (have some snacks, listen to music, do it with colleagues…).
Chapter 2 – Stay focused
Objective: To have the keys to stay focused
50 years ago, in comparison to today’s work environment, you were far less likely to be disturbed at work. The work environment is now the opposite of what it used to be.
This is mainly due to three main factors:
- the rise of open space within work spaces;
- the introduction of computers and smart phones (multitasking);
- the huge growth in content production.
In this environment, there is constant disruption. This continuous flow of various tasks makes it appear that people are very productive (impression that everything is non-stop, that people respond to numerous requests…).
However, in reality, the alternation of tasks is one of the worst problems of productivity. The most productive people are those who are 100% present in what it is that they do and are able to in the moment. This idea is clearly expressed in “Carlson’s Law”: a task done continuously requires less time and energy than a task done in several stages. In other words, it will always be faster to do A and then B than to do A and B at the same time.
Therefore, in this second chapter of the book “The 25th Hour”, the authors offer to provide you with the key points so that you can stay 100% focused on your given task. These key points aim to avoid as many distractions and interruptions as possible and will lead to improved productivity.
Chase away extraneous thoughts
All of these extraneous thoughts that clog up your headspace are the worst thing for your concentration. So, these five techniques can allow you to find peace.
The to do list
The main technique to get rid of these unwanted thoughts is the to-do list. So, as soon as you think of a new task crosses, you should immediately write it down and try not to analyze it.
The second recommendation is to use techniques that will remember for you. One of the most useful, in this regard, is the Mixmax extension for Gmail. This one specifically allows you to:
- Schedule an automatic reminder e-mail;
- Schedule an e-mail to be sent at the date and time of your choice (“send later” button);
- Determine the optimal time to send the e-mail to maximize the response rate of your contacts.
The Inbox Zero
The idea of the Inbox Zero in “The 25th Hour” is to keep your email inbox empty in order to achieve greater peace of mind. The Inbox Zero methodology has three options, namely, if the email:
- Does not require you to do anything: archive it immediately.
- Needs you to reply and you have time: answer it and then archive it.
- Needs your attention but you are busy: add this to your to-do list and then archive the e-mail.
A sensible goal so that you can be more productive is to stick to an Inbox Zero routine twice a week (for example on Wednesdays and Fridays).
A clean desk
To keep your mind free, it is essential to keep your desk tidy: a cluttered desk = a cluttered mind. You need to set up a weekly routine not only for your real office but also for your virtual office. However, there are other tools that automatically take care of this (for example, Hazel for Mac can group all the files on your desktop that are over a week old into a dedicated folder).
The authors of “The 25th Hour” found that about one in five entrepreneurs regularly engage in meditation.
Meditation teaches you to embrace the thoughts that cross your mind and then to quickly refocus on yourself. Meditation requires a great deal of discipline. Even if it is not its initial objective, meditation offers a great way to train your brain. It allows you to gain the power of concentration.
The best way to learn how to meditate properly is to go on a course. However, you can also meditate every day for a few minutes, if you download an app on your smartphone.
Protect yourself from temptation
Most media and social networks have built their interfaces with one objective in mind: to make you stay with them as long as possible. It is, therefore, imperative to protect you from yourself, so that you can’t use them!
Two types of tools can help us:
Tools that are designed to prevent the ability of people to access the Internet
The Freedom application, which means that you are access to Facebook or other sites of your choice is blocked, for as long as you decide to keep it that way.
“Storage” tools
The temptation when someone sends you an article to read or a video to watch is to want to do it right away. The advice given by the authors of “The 25th Hour” is to use the Pocket tool that allows you to store articles to read or videos to watch in one click via a Chrome extension, and then allows you to locate them later, on an application on your smartphone.
Create your own bubble
The best way to complete a project is to isolate yourself as much as possible. This is not always easy. So here are four great techniques to help our productivity.
Wear some headphones
This will serve two main functions:
- To make it clear to your colleagues that you are busy with an important task and that you do not want to be disturbed;
- Listen to music to help you concentrate.
Also, the acoustic atmosphere can be very conducive to work. With regard to this, the Noisli site is a media library that offers dozens of sound collections (coffee, train, river, storm…).
Work outside of the office surroundings
If you are able to work outside of the office environment, at home, in a café, in a park, in a shared work space, anywhere (as long as you are disturbed as little as possible) it can allow you to have real tunnel vision so that you can truly focus on the work at hand.
Go far away for a few days
A more radical solution is to leave for several days and go far from everything to isolate and make some serious progress with certain projects. A number of the entrepreneurs we interviewed mentioned that they had been able to get away from it all for several days. Their feedback also highlighted the fact that they thoroughly enjoyed these times of hyper-concentration and productivity.
The psychologist, Mihály, calls this the state of flow: if you can dedicate 100% of your attention to a really complex task, not only will you perform extremely well, but you will also experience a feeling of intense joy, almost ecstasy, to the point where you lose all notion of time.
Keep control of the “time-suckers”
Some colleagues always ask for advice or praise. Others talk incessantly. These are the people who consume your time. To prevent this interference with your work and productivity, here are two tips to use from “The 25th Hour“:
- To deal with those who constantly interrupt you:
Just tell them that you need them to be fully focused to finish your tasks, and come back at an agreed time (and for a given length of time) with a list of specific questions. Usually, this gives them the time to think about what they want to ask and, generally, they will work them out themselves.
- To deal with the “chatterboxes”:
You need to be prepared to interrupt their chatter and then make it abundantly clear that you need to get back to your work.
Prioritize asynchronous communications
Synchronous and asynchronous communication
There are two types of communication:
- Synchronous communication: the participants share information simultaneously in order to communicate (face to face, telephone…);
- Asynchronous communication: the participants do not have to reply to each other immediately (mail, telephone, text…).
The biggest drawback to productivity is synchronous communication. The authors believe that this form of communication should only be used in two cases:
- Situations that are too complex to be handled by e-mail: Phil Simon’s “three e-mail rule”, if you exchange more than three e-mails in a row, it’s time to talk
- In really important situations
In all other cases, it is far more effective to use asynchronous communication.
If your job allows it, the advice of the authors of “The 25th Hour” is to find alternatives to synchronous communications: don’t pick up calls from unknown numbers, or don’t answer any calls, leave a message on your voicemail to encourage people to send you a text message, turn off your phone’s voicemail…
To manage your e-mails more efficiently
On the other hand, in regards to how you deal with your emails, the authors have drawn inspiration from Tim Ferriss’ “Four Hour Week” to recommend that you:
- Only deal with them two or three times a day so as to prevent interruptions (e.g. at 10, 2 and 6);
- Wait until you have the time to deal with them properly;
- Do not read your business e-mails outside of your work hours: if there is a need to send a business e-mail over the weekend, you can just add it to your to-do list, or even schedule it so that it is only sent on Monday morning.
So that you can’t be tempted to respond to e-mails that you receive, the Inbox when Ready extension for Gmail is a tool that can be useful because the default setting is to hide your inbox. Last, but not least, the authors encourage you to use e-mail for really important information, and to leave instant chat for day-to-day projects and less important matters.
Say no to notifications
What is recommended in the book “The 25th Hour” with regard to all types of communication is:
- Turn off all notifications on your smartphone and computer (except for a few exceptional cases, such as cabs and flights);
- Install an ad-blocker on your browser (such as AdBlock);
- Unsubscribe from pointless newsletters (for example, which allows you to unsubscribe from all your newsletters in a few clicks).
Chapter 3 – Accelerate
Objective: to apply the FAST method
In “The 25e Hour“, there are 4 steps to help increase your speed of execution and productivity. It’s called the FAST method:
- Fundamentals: create a solid foundation to save time on your future tasks;
- Automation: automate repetitive actions;
- Speed: complete your manual tasks quicker;
- Twenty-Eighty Rule: 20% of the effort for 80% of the impact.
Many productivity tools, some of which are fee-based, are presented in this section on “acceleration”. To work out if you should invest in such tools or outsource them, the first question to ask is: “How much is an hour of my work worth?”.
To this equation, you need to add a subjective assessment of the task, as something unpleasant could have an economic cost, as well as a psychological one. In this instance, the impact on your peace of mind often exceeds any potential financial gain?
In the end, the real question to ask is, “How much would I pay to save an hour of time?”
Fundamentals: start off on the right foot
The time spent on preparation is just as important as the execution of the task itself.
The rest
In order to become more productive, it is essential to take breaks and to adhere to strict rest periods, without any guilt (real lunch breaks, power naps, i.e. power naps of a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes that provide energy for 3 or 4 hours). This rest allows you to be more efficient and more creative.
In addition, it is essential to reduce the amount of daily micro-decisions that force you to think about things, with the result that it makes you tired. To achieve this, it is necessary to limit the number of options available, as much as possible. This will allow more time and energy to make the really important decisions throughout the day.
Many start-ups entrepreneurs begin their day with a work-out. They believe that this allows them to improve their concentration and productivity. The endorphins generated by physical activity help them feel good. In addition, the dopamine released when you workout has been shown to reduce feelings of tiredness, improve your concentration and memory for the rest of the day.
Due to lack of time, many entrepreneurs practice the “seven minute workout”: this new training method (12 successive 30-second exercises with a 10-second break between each exercise) means it is possible to achieve, in 7 minutes, physical results that are comparable to those achieved in much longer endurance training.
The digestive system is like your second brain: there are 200 million neurons in your intestines (as many as in a dog’s brain) and more nerve cells than in your ears, eyes or skin. So it is obvious that food has a much greater impact than we think on our overall energy levels.
The body clock
To be more productive, it is important to know at which point of the day that your biological energy is at its peak. This is the moment when you reach your greatest level of motivation and concentration. For this, there is the Horne Ostberg Circadian Typology Questionnaire (online). Once you have determined your chrono-type, you then need to adapt your schedule to suit it.
For many entrepreneurs, early morning work is a key factor in their productivity. They believe that the morning is a time of great tranquillity. Their minds are clear and free from any outside distractions. This is what many entrepreneurs do in their morning routines:
- Define the three most important for the tasks that you have to complete that day and then start with the most difficult one;
- Play sports;
- Meditate;
- Drink a large glass of water;
- Make the bed.
High quality equipment
Increased productivity also depends on good hardware and work conditions. The most important thing is your computer. The authors share some useful tips to help increase your rate of work. These will require a high-performance mouse, back-up cables and chargers, headphones…
“Google is King”
The authors of “The 25th hour“, state that 99% of the entrepreneurs contacted use Gmail for their emails and Chrome as their browser. This is what they recommend that you use. Beyond their speed and power, they allow you to have access to thousands of extremely useful extensions.
On the other hand, almost all entrepreneurs have switched to Google’s online solutions (Google Sheets, Google Docs and Google Slides). as well as the fact that they are for free, these tools have three essential advantages:
- Easy collaboration with other users;
- Permanent record of documents;
- Some unique and sophisticated features.
If you’re not sure about which software to choose, it makes sense to choose the one that has the most developers that work on it, so it’s likely to be the most used. Google Trends allows you to access this type of information.
Automation: automate repetitive tasks
The golden rule: if you have to carry out a task more than once, you should try to automate it.
In this section, Guillaume Declair, Bao Dinh and Jérôme Dumont present four areas in which automation is very easy to apply.
Set up your computer to fill in the forms
There are great tools that can fill out your forms for you, and automatically (e.g. 1Password, Dashlane).
Let your computer handle your e-mails
In the opinion of “The 25th Hour“, there are many similar tasks that can be automated, such as:
- Apply a header to our emails (in Gmail);
- Automatically reply to certain emails;
- Automatically delete (or archive) certain types of unnecessary emails.
In addition, the authors make strong reference to the Mixmax tool that increases the functionality of Gmail tenfold. Among its features:
- Send Later: allows you to send an e-mail later, at the time of your choice.
- Reminders: can send you a reminder if your contact has not replied.
- Show when you are available: you can share your availability with someone else with just one click.
- Tracking: to know if a person has read your e-mail, and even the time that they did so.
- Sequences: allows you to send a mass mail out (send a personalized e-mail to as many contacts as you want at the same time) with the choice to send a reminder to your contacts if they don’t reply.
Let our computer control your workflow
It is good to automate any tedious and repetitive tasks, so that you can focus on the higher value ones.
In “The 25th Hour“, several tools are suggested to achieve this:
- Zapier: this tool connects more than 750 apps (Gmail, Google Sheets, Expensify, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.).
- Hazel (for Mac) or DropIt (more or less the same on PC): these tools allow you to define rules to manage the files on your computer (automatically delete files that contain a particular word, create a copy, rename with the current date and automatically put it in a folder, etc.).
- IFTTT (If This Then That): this tool replicates some of the features of Zapier, but also enables you to connect tools in your home network!
If you use applications that are specifically for your business and, therefore, not connectable via Zapier or IFTTT, then you have the option of “RPA”: Robotic Process Automation. The leaders in this sector are UiPath and Blue Prism. The objective is to entrust robots with tedious and repetitive tasks. This allows employees to focus on what they can do best, based on their empathy and judgment.
Use of artificial intelligence
Advances in artificial intelligence accelerated in the 2010’s, with the way in which it functioned and started to use deep learning. With this, the way in which machines learn has been modelled on the way in which humans learn. As a result, the advancement of artificial intelligence has rapidly changed the way we work. Its impact on the economy and society, in general, will be huge. You can already benefit from it and outsource some of the more low value-added tasks to artificial intelligence.
Voice recognition
Voice recognition makes it possible to write down your ideas very quickly. In May 2017, thanks to deep learning, the failure rate of Google’s artificial intelligence voice recognition fell below 5%. That’s less than the error rate of a human transcription.
Among “The 25th Hour’s” tips to save time, is to use your smartphone’s voice recognition feature (to send SMS or WhatsApp messages from your smartphone). Nevertheless, the ultimate achievement of voice recognition is the connected speaker (Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home or Apple’s Homepod). Thanks to voice control, these speakers make the screen-keyboard interface disappear completely. Alexa for business, for example, could soon take over meeting rooms.
Type on your mobile
The Swiftkey keyboard, which is already installed on most smartphones, allows you to increase the speed at which you type, by a huge margin, grace of the three options that appear above the keyboard. The accuracy of these predictions took a huge leap forward in 2016. Before this, Swiftkey was based on the frequency of use of groups of words. Now, the tool uses deep learning to offer three different options.
As a result of deep learning at the end of 2016, the quality of translations performed by new artificial intelligence applications is now higher than that of most non-native speakers. So, this means that the language barrier will very soon disappear from all our written communications. The whole of the Internet and the services it provides will become accessible to the whole world, whatever their language.
Organization of meetings
Although it is still somewhat expensive for now, so as not to waste time on the management of your timetable, you can use “Julie Desk”, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.
In conclusion, with regards to artificial intelligence, the authors believe that it is the start of a new revolution. In the future decades, artificial intelligence will be paramount in the execution of repetitive tasks within the workplace. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, has predicted that within 30 years, thanks to artificial intelligence, you will only work 4 hours a day and 4 days a week. What will count then is the creativity and quality of your work!
Speed: speed up everyday tasks
The first thing to do is to evaluate the breakdown of the different tasks that need to be carried out each week. To help with this, you can use a specific software tool (such as RescueTime).
Increase the speed at which you write
Here, the authors of “The 25the Hour” suggest several ideas and software options:
- Don’t use your phone work;
- Control your smartphone from your computer with one of the various available bits of software;
- Use one of the many free online software tools on the web to test yourself and learn to type faster (e.g. 10fastfingers, Typingclub);
- Use applications to pre-record a list of phrases or information that you use on a regular basis and are likely to repeat or commonly used words with their appropriate abbreviations (e.g.: Auto Text Expander, aText, Alfred App);
- Use Gmail’s pre-formatted templates or “Canned responses“;
- And use the “Mail Merge” technology for direct mail.
Next, four techniques are outlined in “The 25th Hour“ to help speed up communication by e-mail:
- At the start of the e-mail, make it clear exactly what you want from the person to whom you send the message, preferably with one clear question;
- Use an “if… then” structure;
- Prioritize the information as much as possible with bullet points or numerically;
- Illustrate the information with images, graphs or videos, etc. (Cloud App).
Speed up the rate at which you read
Fast readers have two key tricks: one, they don’t sub-vocalize and two, they speed read the text.
Many books or sites claim that you can double or triple the rate at which you read in just a few days (Legentas or Spreeder, for example). However, research now indicates that when you speed read, the level of memorization or comprehension tends to decrease. This is why the authors of “The 25th Hour” recommend that you apply these techniques to read dull or tedious information. If there is no time to read, they suggest an alternative is to listen to podcasts.
Accelerate your navigation
If you want to speed up your navigation, it is wise to forget the mouse as much as possible (or even forbid it for spreadsheets). On the other hand, if you have the time to learn keyboard shortcuts, it can be very useful.
So the authors of “The 25th Hour” have developed a long list of valuable shortcuts for the reader. It includes Gmail, Google Sheets and Excel shortcuts, our web browser, word processors (Word, Google Doc…).
Learn to browse faster
If you want to speed at which you browse, you need to forget the mouse as much as possible (or even not use it at all for spreadsheets). However, if you can take the time to learn keyboard shortcuts, it can be very useful.
Advice is provided on how to carry out your searches in the most efficient way possible:
- Search for files: the fastest way to find a file is to use an instant search tool (Ex. Spotlight, Alfred App, Cortana,Wox).
- Search for applications: the fastest way to open an application is to use an “application launcher” (e.g. Spotlight, Alfred App, Cortana, Wox).
- Search for e-mails: Gmail gives you the speed and efficiency of the most powerful search engine in the world.
- Web search: the advanced search functions of Google are very useful (Chrome extension, Resulter).
To round off this list of tips, “The 25th Hour” raves about the Alfred App. They believe, it is really efficient in terms of productivity. Among its many features, these are the most useful: instant search, “web custom searches”, snapshots (it is possible to enter variables in the replacement texts and to pre-load ready-made lists of snapshots), the clipboard manager, workflows...
Speed up your meetings
Generally, meetings are a very inefficient way to use your time. The first thing you should do before you schedule a meeting is to ask yourself if it is really necessary.
A meeting should only be used to:
- Make a decision that requires input from several people;
- Brainstorm;
- To announce a complex decision or, alternatively, to inject new energy into the process.
In almost all other cases, an e-mail should suffice.
Rules suggested in “The 25th Hour” to help save time on meetings”:
- Put in place the rule of 0 delay (start at the exact time) / 1 screen (avoid phones and laptops) / 2 pizzas (in other words, 4 to 6 people maximum);
- No more than 30 minutes: in most cases, this is enough time to make decisions;
- Make use of “stand-up meetings” for meetings of less than 15 minutes: when you are on your feet, you are less inclined to have endless discussions;
- Construct a clear agenda in the form of objectives, which is always announced to all participants at the outset of the meeting;
- Start off with the objectives that cannot be achieved in the allotted time and save the more uncertain discussion topics for the end;
- Don’t let things go “off topic” in the meeting: a good idea is to put all extraneous ideas in a “suggestion box”;
- To have achieved your objectives by the end of the meeting, to outline the decisions made and the next steps for everyone, with precise deadlines;
- Do not write voluminous minutes.
The 12 indispensable tools for productivity freaks
Guillaume Declair, Bao Dinh and Jérôme Dumont list the twelve most commonly mentioned time-saving resources of the entrepreneurs interviewed in “The 25th Hour”:
- LinkedIn Sales Navigator Lite: if a person contacts you via email and you need some background information to reply, there’s no need to waste time to search for information about the person on LinkedIn, this extension for Gmail (free) provides the LinkedIn data of this person.
- Fullcontact: this extension is similar to the previous one, with the added advantage that it can source a person’s social network accounts from their email and add their contact information to your address book.
- Clearbit: this extension of Gmail allows you to find the e-mail of someone you don’t know if you enter their name and the name of the company concerned.
- Acrobat Reader or Docusign: these tools allow you to send back a signed contract or letter, with a stamp, signature or just your initials if you have already digitized them.
- AutoPagerize: it transforms any page into a continuous scroll (no more wasted to have to click on “Next results” or “Next page”).
- Expensify: to automate a company’s payroll or to effortlessly produce expense claims for the company’s employees.
- Chrome One Tab: this extension allows you to close all your tabs in one click.
- Paste: this application saves the history of your copy/paste.
- The Self Journal: this paper journal helps you to co-ordinate your daily work with your main overall objectives in life.
- Sanebox: helps to filter emails.
- iScanner or Drive: these smartphone applications means that you don’t have to use a scanner.
- Franz: this free software can combine all of your e-mails into a single interface.
- Bose Quiet Comfort headphones: these noise-cancelling headphones will really help with your concentration.
Twenty-Eighty Rule: 20% of the effort for 80% of the effect
The story of this universal law begins at the end of the 19th century in England. An Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, discovered that 20% of the owners owned 80% of the wealth. A few decades later, research shows that the principle of wealth distribution discovered by Pareto actually applies to many other areas of the economy. In fact, 20% of customers bring in 80% of the sales, 20% of the issues produce 80% of the production problems in a factory, etc.
Better still, the now famous Pareto principle transcends the economic sphere and can be applied to our daily lives: 20% of all causes produce 80% of all consequences. It is somewhat counter-intuitive but it is a huge driver of productivity to abandon the 80% of low impact actions and focus on the 20% of those that are most significant.
However, in everyday life, it’s difficult to stop when you know you can achieve more. So, to help apply this 20/80 principle, the authors believe that the solution is to define “unrealistic” deadlines. They also emphasize that it is better to have finished something rather than to seek perfection.