Ori Hofmekler: The Warrior Diet Book Summary

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The warrior diet is essentially eating one meal a day and restricting calories and macronutrients

If you want to nibble on snacks during the day, you can do so with fruits, vegetables, and a little protein

This doesn’t include carbohydrates like bread and grains

Exercising on an empty stomach supports our sympathetic nervous system and promotes more weight loss

This diet guarantees several hours a day of fat burning hormones percolating through your body

During this period, your body is at a peak capacity to remove toxins and generate energy while staying alertresisting fatigue and stress

Long periods of undereating increase protein efficiency

Your body will become more efficient at recycling proteins and will be utilized more efficiently when you do eat them

Not eating for long periods also improves insulin sensitivity so that when you do eat, your blood sugar doesn’t fluctuate wildly and your body won’t store the carbohydrate calories as fat

The trick is to re-train your body and teach it to become more instinctive

You can do this by avoiding most foods during the day though he recommends eating vegetables and fruits, and a little protein during the day like eggs, cheese, yogurt, and high-quality whey

He refers to “Warrior” as an instinct deep within us all

Stubborn fat is the fat that’s hard to get rid of and is caused by an excess of the female hormone estrogen

The Warrior Diet Principle:

The warrior diet is based on the daily cycle of under-eating and overeating

The warrior diet goals:

Trigger the warrior instinct

Burn fat

Gain strength

Accelerate metabolism

Boost virility


Slow the aging process

Attain a sense of freedom

Reach satisfaction

Live instinctively

Chapter 1: The Warrior Instinct

The warrior instinct manifests itself through 3 other human instincts:

The instinct to survive and multiply

The hunter predator instinct

The scavenger instinct

Falcons are trained well keeping their edge by keeping them underfed which allows their vitality and sharpness to maintain

While hunters eat only once hungry, scavengers eat all the time

Chapter 2: The Warrior Cycle

The distinguishing aspects of the warrior cycle are:

The energy cycle

The cycle of materialism and de-materialism

The healing process of the cycle

When you eat several meals throughout the day, you don’t give your body a chance to go through the process of detoxification and healing, or deprivation and satisfaction

Chapter 3: The Undereating Phase

Controlled fasting is easier to follow than water or coffee fasts, and it accelerates detoxification and overall well-being

When you fast, insulin drops and the hormone glucagon increases

When it dominates, most of the bodies energy comes from glycogen reserves and fat stores

Also, the drop in insulin allows the growth hormone GH to peak

This increases the body’s capacity to rejuvenaterepair tissues, and burn fat

A natural elevation of GH should help slow the aging process

The fear of hunger

Many people today have an irrational almost phobic fear of hunger

We live in a society that teaches us that it isn’t ever good to be hungry

Learning to deal with hunger was practiced intentionally to make people tougher and stronger, thereby more resilient to life’s hardships

Fasting hunger pains only last a few minutes but your body adapts

You can eat fresh veggies or fruits and fresh juices, or light protein like yogurt or eggs

But always break your fast with fresh, raw foods

The principle of fasting is based on not eating a full meal during the day

You can consume certain live foods and drink a lot of water

Naturally stimulating beverages like coffee and tea are allowed and a few nutritional supplements are suggested

You must minimize to mostly live, raw food in the form of fruit, veggies, and natural juices, and small portions of light fresh protein foods like yogurt, boiled eggs, or whey protein shake

Processed carbs and sugar should be avoided during the undereating phase as to not burst your insulin levels

Fasting vs. starvation

Fasting is the art of manipulating the metabolic system

It is controlled and for a limited time

When you reach this peak time period and eat a large meal, your body will compensate and your metabolism will be boosted higher than it was before

Conversely, with starvation, the fasting is not controlled and the body is forced to slow down its metabolic rate and start to cannibalize muscle and lean tissue

Fasting to heal

Throughout history, people have incorporated fast as a natural therapeutic method

Overall, mind-body energy is increased with fasting

This healing force throws off accumulated toxinsclears dead cells, and rebalances and rejuvenates the body

The accumulation of material in your body, especially undigested food and toxins, makes you sick

To begin with, avoiding toxins is very important

But it is at least as important to give the body a chance to detoxify itself

When you eat the traditional 3 to 6 meals and other diets, you don’t give your body the chance to detoxify and get rid of all the waste material

Detoxification is literally the neutralizing, breaking down, and elimination of waste and toxins from the body

Every organism and cell has anabolic and catabolic processes

The anabolic process deposits material into the tissues

The catabolic process destroys and takes material away from the body whether through burning fat, eliminating waste, or removing toxins

This cycle of depositing and removing material should be done on a daily basis

The Warrior Diet is the only one he’s aware of that’s based on daily detoxification

Elimination is integral to detoxification

It’s also a vital part of the daily human cycle, or the Warrior’s cycle

The warrior diet promotes a healthy, natural elimination cycle

Your immune system is naturally boosted during fasting and detoxification

Detoxification and the healing process

Sometimes you may get allergic reactions but these are the body’s way naturally activating the immune system to help heal and cleanse itself by getting rid of toxins in any available way

For example, if you have a fever and let it run its natural course without taking drugs, in most cases the fever will kill the bacteria or other pathogens, that’s helping the body to detoxify and heal

Taking drugs cuts short this process so your body may not have a chance to finish the healing cycle

The adaptation usually lasts for the first few weeks when beginning the warrior diet

Some people adapt immediately, but it normally takes between 1 to 3 weeks

Adaptation is necessary

Adaptation relates to the warrior instinct because part of the warrior instinct involves taking chances

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Chapter 4: What to Consume During the Undereating Phase

As mentioned previously, detoxification and keeping insulin at a minimum level are of prime importance during the undereating phase

It’s most important to consume live, raw foods on a daily basis during the undereating phase

Live foods contain vital nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals that aid in daily detoxification

When you ingest raw and fresh fruits and veggies, you reload your body with living enzymes

When you do this, you optimize your body to:

Detoxify and create an anti-aging effect

Reduce inflammation, congestion, and pain

Better digest the food that you eat later on in the overheating phase

Replenish your body with natures life forces

It’s extremely important to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day, primarily water

Vegetable juices that are freshly prepared are the best to complement your water intake

Fruit juices made in a blender with no additives are also good

Minimize or avoid using foods with a high glycemic index

Berries are great choices during undereating, as well as apples, pears, and tropical fruits like mangos

Active individuals should have a recovery meal after training made from fresh, fast assimilating proteins such as whey or milk proteins 15-30g together with low glycemic carbs such as rice or oats 10-25g

After exercise, the body is in a peak metabolic potential to absorb amino acids and other nutrients into the working muscle

This highly anabolic potential diminishes within 3 to 4 hours after exercise

The timing of recovery meals is therefore critically important for all recuperation, muscle development, and strength again

To fully utilize proteins, you must optimize all three factors: enzymes, probiotics, and the live food factor

Good fats like raw avocado and raw nuts may accelerate fat burningincrease libido, and resist aging

Note that is best to eat these foods at night during the overeating phase as to not tax your digestive system during the undereating phase

Do NOT combine nuts and seeds with grains and sugars

These high-fat foods work best in a low glycemic environment

Probiotics are the friendly beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract

They are necessary for healthy digestion and may be the first line of defense in disease prevention

The main function of probiotics is to aid in the efficient absorption of food, vitamins and minerals

They secrete antibiotic substances that destroy harmful pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and parasites and thereby help you digest and assimilate your food

Probiotics are abundantly found in naturally fermented foods including sauerkraut, miso, yogurt

Athletes are particularly susceptible to mineral deficiency and therefore should consider supplementation

It’s best to take the multimineral supplement before or right after your work out

Minerals help alkalize your body

This protects it from the acidic side effects physical and mental stress

Ginseng is a good antioxidant and alternative stimulant to caffeine

It helps you adapt to stress

Ginger is an herb with anti-inflammatory properties and one of the best natural digestive aids

It possesses natural antibiotic properties which makes it a most viable herb for detoxification

Chapter 5: The Overeating Phase

Overeating Principles:

Rule one: always start with subtle tasting foods then move to the more aggressive

Rule two: include as many tastes, textures, colors, and aromas as possible in your main meal

Rule three: stop eating when you feel much more thirsty than hungry

Instinctual eating: The overeating phase does not involve guilt or obsessive self-control

By following these rules, you will create a way of eating that is much more instinctive

By trusting your instincts, you will experience a sense of freedom and real satisfaction

Having the sense of freedom is necessary to be truly happy

The Goals of Overeating:

Enhance your recuperation

Repairing tissues and building muscles

Boost your metabolism

Replenish your energy reserves

Nourish your body and mind while providing a sense of pleasure and full satisfaction

Experience a sense of freedom guilt free

Re-train to eat instinctively

After the undereating phase, your taste buds are primed for subtle tastes

Is the best way to retrain your taste buds

Researcher speculate that the cycle of fasting and overeating affects the brain similar to the way physical exercise affects muscles

Similar to how the intensity of a workout dictates the quality of the workout, the intensity of the meal dictates your body’s metabolism

The human body is built for subtle, whole foods tastes

But taste buds today have been dulled from being fed an aggressive, overly processed diet from an early age

Chapter 6: The Main Meal

Food preparations for the overeating phase

Eating warm, cooked foods is not only beneficial but a good balance between raw, uncooked foods during the undereating phase

Fermented soups like miso soup are great because it is a natural alkalizer

Fermented foods are helpful for your digestion and the balance of healthy bacteria in your guts

On the warrior diet, you can actually consume as many raw nuts as you like and not gain weight

Just follow this rule: do not consume nuts with green carbohydrates

Nuts work really well with a small amount of protein and an abundant amount of veggies

You can basically live on nuts and veggies

Almonds are the best nuts to consume

Red wine is good because it’s fermented, contains enzymes so helps digest protein, and combat free radicals because of the flavones protects against heart attacks

Fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices have high GI but since they come from natural, live, raw food, the body can usually handle them really well

They contain digestive enzymes that load the body with essential nutrients and support overall metabolism

Balancing sodium intake has a lot to do with the ratio to potassium and magnesium

What is not allowed on warrior diet: almost everything allowed except refined sugarrefined processed pastries

Chapter 7: Stubborn Fat

How to prevent stubborn fat:

  1. Stay away from crash dietsthat make you lose fat then get it back

Second generation fat would most likely be more stubborn than the first

  1. Avoid ingesting foodsthat have an estrogenic effecton the body, such as soy, clover, and licorice
  2. Eat as much organic foodas possible
  3. If the food or water smells like plastic, stay away from it

Certain compounds in plastic called plasticizers are highly estrogenic and carcinogenic

  1. Minimize alcoholconsumption

Excessive alcohol may compromise your liver’s ability to break down and detoxify estrogenic derivatives

  1. Control your insulin
  2. Follow a steady exercise routine

Chapter 8: The Warrior Diet vs. Other Diets

Our bodies are built to adapt to various situations without losing homeostasis

If a diet is built on such specifics that you often fail to follow the regimen, it is most likely an unstable diet

An unstable diet is a bad diet simply because it’s almost impossible to stay on it

The huge disadvantage with the frequent feeding system is that the body never gets a break to detoxifyrecuperate, and to let the pancreatic system rest

Reader’s note: Now he’s going through the diet and lifestyle or ancient people like Greeks and Romans back then

The Ancient Warrior Diet was based on a cycle of one meal per day at night

You can cycle the warrior diet in different ways, with days of undereating only and days where you overeat

You can also alternate between days of high fat and days of high carbs

However, if your goal is to reduce body fat, high fat days would be most effective

You can always go off the warrior diet for a period (like holidays) and then go back on

This is okay because you should never feel deprived

The warrior diet promotes synergy between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Overeating boosts metabolism

One of the most important benefits of overeating on the warrior diet is the overall metabolic accelerating effect on the body

Overeating can be good for you and doing so can be instinctual

Like any primal instinct, if you try to repress it and shove it inside, it will come back with a vengeance

The overeating syndrome:

Deprivation leads to uncontrolled binging

Romance is based on an instant like the warrior instinct that goes against the rules and norms

Like being devoted to a cause or being self-sacrificing for love and such

Any seemingly romantic idea that appeals to a crowd of people is probably false romantic

True romanticism is individualistic and endorses uniqueness

All romantic acts involve breaking rules or routines and doing things out of the ordinary

The Aggressive Instinct

Aggression has both good and bad sides, and is needed for survival

Some supplementation is necessary to make up for the lost nutrients that existed in greater quantities in food in the past

Some foods like fresh vegetables and fruits and juices are best eaten on an empty stomach during the day to accelerate the detoxifying effect and assimilation of their essential nutrients

Chapter 12: Sex Drive, Potency, and Animal Magnetism

An inherent, instinctual code has always attracted men and women to each other sexually

Further, this inherent code is based on sensual, aesthetic attraction

He believes there may be a direct connection between diet, health, sexual performance and fertility for both men and women

The most notable cause of testosterone decline is the common exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the environment, food, and water

Overtraining may rob you of your testosterone

It is critical to take one to two days off per week

Rest is part of the training cycle and is necessary for recuperation and strength gain

Food and sex have been bound together for a long time

This could be due to the intimate connection between the two most powerful instincts that predominate life:

The instinct to survive

The instinct to multiply

Nourishment and sex give us a great sense of pleasure

Having the wisdom to satisfy both desires for food and sex is the art of living well

Chapter 14: The Warrior Workout

Controlled Fatigue Training = CFT

Strength is the ability to resist a force in time and space

The more you can sustain strength, the stronger you get

Factors that determine strength are:

Intensity = weight load

Volume = time under tension

Form = the length of the motion

The timeframe for a constructive, intense training session is between 15 and 45 minutes

Pre-workout meals are optional whereas post-workout recovery meals are critical

The logic behind recovery meals is to:

Minimize the catabolic and stress effects of the workout

Replenish energy reserves in the muscles

Accelerate the anabolic effects after the workout

When cooking, you treat yourself and those around you to something that satisfies a most basic primal need: nourishment

Cooking is one way of being in control

In his opinion, it is a humane means of showing respect to yourself and your surroundings


Themes/Main ideas:

The warrior diet is based on the daily cycle of under-eating and overeating

The huge disadvantage with the frequent feeding system is that the body never gets a break to detoxifyrecuperate, and to let the pancreatic system rest

Fasting is the art of manipulating the metabolic system

Many people today have an irrational almost phobic fear of hunger

Detoxification is literally the neutralizing, breaking down, and elimination of waste and toxins from the body

Eating live, raw foods during undereating help:

Detoxify and create an anti-aging effect

Reduce inflammation, congestion, and pain

Better digest the food that you eat later on in the overheating phase

Replenish your body with natures life forces

Overeating Principles:

Rule one: always start with subtle tasting foods then move to the more aggressive

Rule two: include as many tastes, textures, colors, and aromas as possible in your main meal

Rule three: stop eating when you feel much more thirsty than hungry

The Goals of Overeating:

Enhance your recuperation

Repairing tissues and building muscles

Boost your metabolism

Replenish your energy reserves

Nourish your body and mind while providing a sense of pleasure and full satisfaction

Experience a sense of freedom guilt free

Re-train to eat instinctively

Having the sense of freedom is necessary to be truly happy

The human body is built for subtle, whole foods tastes

Our bodies are built to adapt to various situations without losing homeostasis

The timeframe for a constructive, intense training session is between 15 and 45 minutes

The timing of recovery meals is critically important for all recuperation, muscle development, and strength again

The logic behind recovery meals is to:

Minimize the catabolic and stress effects of the workout

Replenish energy reserves in the muscles

Accelerate the anabolic effects after the workout


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