Change | Chapter 26 from “Success in 50 Steps” by Michael George Knight | Book Giveaway

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Chapter 26: Change your circles

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

—Leo Tolstoy

Change is the one sure thing we all experience; it is inevitable. We experience the changes in ourselves, from changes in our body to changes in our understanding, our relationships, our society, technology, and the world around us. Change will happen whether you like it or not; it is a fact of life that change will ultimately lead to death. There are two things you can’t control in life: one is being born, and the other is dying. What you can control is what you do in between those two events. You can consciously will your life in the direction of your dreams by changing yourself.

You can let change happen to you, or you can control the change in your life by being the director of your life. You call the shots in life. You deliberately force a change in yourself, your thoughts, and your actions. That is what changes the results in your life.

What can you control?

In life, you get to a point where you realise you can’t control 99.9% of things you see in the news or the daily newspaper. You can’t control the weather, the world economy, governments, wars, diseases, death, and taxes, but you can control yourself. You have more control over yourself than anything else in this world. Answer the following:

Can you control your thoughts? __________________________

Can you control your attitude? ___________________________

Can you control your words? ____________________________

Can you control your goals? _____________________________

Can you control your actions? ___________________________

Can you control your life? ______________________________

Yes, you can.

Do you agree that you can control your thoughts, attitude, words, actions, goals, and life? You are either more internally directed in life by yourself or externally directed in life by others. By understanding that you are the main controller of your own life, you can control the change in your life by directing the changes you want to see.

What to change?

What do you want to change in your life? Do you want to change your bank account and earn more money? Do you want to lose weight? Put on muscle? Improve your health? Change your circle of friends? Change your relationship? Change your job? Change your bad habits? You can come up with a list of a dozen things in your life right now that you want to change. Most of the things people want to change in their lives are mere wishes with no thought of ever taking action towards the changes they want to see come about, and that’s okay. We all wish for things to happen without wanting to put in the work to see those changes occur.

Out of the dozens of things you want to change there, might be one or two major things you want to change and are willing to put in the effort to make these changes happen no matter what. What few things do you want to change in your life in the next 12 months? Ask yourself: are you committed to change?

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

—Mahatma Gandhi


  • Change will happen whether you like it or not.
  • You can consciously will your life in the direction of your dreams by changing yourself.
  • You have more control over yourself than anything else in the outside world.
  • You can control your thoughts, attitude, words, goals, actions, and life.
  • Are you committed to change, or do you just wish it will happen?

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