At Your Command by Neville Goddard


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If you are not familiar with Neville Goddard then you are in for a spiritual treat. He published 10 books in his lifetime as well as over 475 lectures.

This book contains the very essence of the Principle of Expression. Had I cared to, I could have expanded it into a book of several hundred pages but such expansion would have defeated the purpose of this book.
Commands to be effective – must be short and to the point: the greatest command ever recorded is found in the few simple words, “And God said, ‘Let there be light.’”
In keeping with this principle I now give to you, the reader, in these few pages, the truth as it was revealed to me.

Man can bring things into existence through his thoughts and consciousness

The Bible should be seen as a psychological drama about the consciousness of man rather than a historical record

God is the awareness of being and this is stated multiple times in the Bible

Consciousness has the power to resurrect or bring things into existence

By claiming God as their own awareness of being, individuals can transform their own world and realize their own unity with God

The concept of a God separate from oneself is limiting and untrue

The awareness of being is the “father” and the thing being conscious of is the “son”

Jesus discovered and declared his unity with God, but this does not mean he was a God separate from humanity

The power of consciousness and the awareness of being can bring about healing and manifestation in the physical world.

Things can be brought into existence through the power of consciousness and the awareness of being

To change one’s reality, one must change their consciousness and focus on what one desire to be

The concept of God in the Bible refers to one’s own awareness of being, and prayer should involve recognizing and claiming this awareness rather than petitioning a separate deity

Manifestations appear through consciousness, and it is important to focus on the desired consciousness before expecting the manifestation to appear

The story of Mary and Jesus in the Bible represents the process of giving birth to desires through the awareness of being, which remains “virgin” no matter how many desires it brings into existence

The power of consciousness can bring about healing in the physical body and manifestation in the material world

It is important to realize that everything is consciousness and there is no separation between the self and the things desired.

To bring about change in one’s reality, one must let go of their current beliefs and limitations and focus on being formless and faceless

In this formless state, they can give form to their desired reality by feeling themselves to be what they desire

Changing one’s consciousness is the only way to change one’s reality and environment

Man’s current conception of himself is a prison and he must awaken to his true self as a formless, faceless awareness of being to be free

The awareness of being is the “good shepherd” that leads one’s reality, or “sheep,” and has never lost a single one

It is important to focus on the present moment and not worry about the past or future

The power of consciousness can bring about manifestation and healing in the physical world

It is important to let go of the ego and realize that the self and the things desired are not separate.

Asking for wisdom from God (awareness) with faith and without a doubt will result in receiving it.

Expressing gratitude and thankfulness towards God (awareness) for things that have not yet manifested in the physical world establishes consciousness of receiving them.

“Name” refers to nature, and basking in the nature of something will lead to receiving it.

Praying, or recognizing, and believing in the present tense that you have received what you desire will lead to receiving it.

Forgiving others allows for the release of condemnation and the ability to rise in consciousness to any necessary level.

Every individual’s conception of themselves becomes their reward.

Tithing, or giving a percentage of one’s income, is not necessary for receiving abundance.

Thoughts held in consciousness manifest in physical reality.

The concept of sin is not real and was created by man.

The concept of heaven and hell are within each individual and not external locations.

The nature of God (awareness) is within each individual.

Consciousness is like the vine and the things you are conscious of being are like the branches that you feed and keep alive.

To solve a problem, remove your attention from it and start feeling like you are the solution to the problem.

Claim “I am” in consciousness to embody the qualities you desire.

Touch the solution to a problem to feel healed or cured.

Have faith in your consciousness of being and claim all the attributes you have previously given to an external God.

“I AM” is your awareness of being.

Consciousness is the vine and the things we are conscious of being are like branches that we sustain with our attention.

To dissolve a problem, remove attention from it and start feeling as if the solution is already present.

Claiming “I am” the solution to a problem or desire will bring it into manifestation.

Life does not judge whether something is right or wrong, it simply expresses what we claim to be true about ourselves.

Our desires contain within them the plan for self-expression and should not be judged or conditioned, but accepted and given thanks for as if they have already been received.

Worry and concern about how a desire will manifest blocks its manifestation.

Seeing things as real denies their potential to be changed through faith.

Problems can be removed with faith as small as a mustard seed.

When we claim ourselves to be the thing desired, we become worthy of receiving it.

Giving thanks for something before it is received helps bring it into manifestation.


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