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The MATRIX Illusion
From the ancient wise men of Taoism, Egyptian, Hinduism and Greek.
The purpose of any Lifetime.
The “Matrix” (The Mother or Source).
You are not the body and mind, you are Eternal Spirit trapped in the Body and mind, you have forgotten over many incarnations.
The “Matrix” bio-machine is your own limited bio computer brain which is a “Virtual Reality” and “Point of View” bio-machine that creates the illusions of space and time and that keeps You (as Eternal spirit) in the illusion of being a “Physical Being” in a physical world (realm) via the nervous system and the five senses, (i.e.the metaphor of “The Tree of the knowledge of good and Evil”
(Genesis 2:17) which is the Human nervous system like an inverted tree. The Original Sin is when You (as Formless Spirit-Consciousness) become identified and entangled with the physical body form and its mind as you grow from childhood to an Adult (this creates the activity known as the psychological Ego). Other metaphors are Adam and Eve (not real people, Adam is Universal Consciousness prior to creation and Eve is Spirit Consciousness in creation in each Human Being), The eating of the “apple” is when a free spirit or Angel (You) begin to enjoy the Pleasures or Fruits, i.e.”The Apple” of the physical nervous system (sexuality) and become identified and addicted to the body functions and forget its original Nature as Spirit, (i.e.the Original Sin or Mistake…a gradual process) or Original Innocence as “Eternal – Spirit – Consciousness” (i.e the process of becoming an Adult, growing up and the loss of innocence), other metaphors are “The Fallen Angel” and “The Cave” by Plato and “Contraction (a modern day Spiritual term) is when YOU as “Universal Spirit” now being attracted to the lower level of a limited physical Life and automatically creating the “psychological personality”, which is an Activity of the now trapped Spirit (You) because you mistakenly separated from the Universal Mind down to the level or state of the limited and Default bio-computer bio-machine and its inherent survival and self defence programs.
You are now using programed Knowledge (automatically recorded from birth) instead of Universal Wisdom, you are the Fallen Angel now using the sum total of the brains field of the mind (record and playback) to function and survive in the limited three dimensional realm or Earth Plane which make you (as Spirit) subject to the loss of Freedom and bound by the laws of physics. Narcissus from Greek Mythology is the same metaphor as the Fallen Angel(s) doomed to fall in love with their own illusions created by their memories and thoughts and becoming separated from the God(s) One Universal Mind and condemned to live in the constant sensation of fear and confusion. Hell, the lesser limited world or under World, until the death of the physical form body and brain machine. (Vessel, Temple).
Contraction, modern day Word for Original Sin or Original mistake, is when You, as infinite Eternal Spirit, mistakenly become identified with the physical body and its limited physical brain as your only source of Knowledge and Security, in this limited three dimensional learning and developmental plane (Earth plane, the Brain is actually a limitation to Spiritual Experience as it only operates in record and playback mode, thinking and remembering is NOT the actual Experience of G.O.D. the brain is out of sync with actual Infinite PRIOR Reality). Material creation, AKA “The Toy Room of the Gods” is the Personified Creations or Aspects of the ONE Whole of Nature in Greek mythology; it was and is being created for your Natural learning and Enjoyment (Born to be Alive), but has now become a prison to the Fallen Angels (the Human race) .
MEDITATION-Separation” is the natural way BACK to your True and Natural State as Eternal SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS .
Meditation (i.e. Medicine, to Cure).
MEDITATION – Separation is the practice of putting the body and mind to sleep (like a computer in sleep mode) but staying AWAKE and ALERT inside (behind the closed eyes or behind the nose totally present in the Inner Here & Now with a little excitement and innocent CURIOSITY like exploring a new realm while being separate (temperately set aside) from the body and mind (i.e. being in the the INNER Here and Now) in a natural state of pure Observation (re: Krishnamurti) along with intense Self control of the body and breath to create the slowest possible breathing , (being like a stone statue) without thinking or trying to accomplishing any-thing or any goal. In this pure and Natural State you become the Eternal Inner Witness PRIOR to all created things including your own physical body and its bio-computer Virtual Reality Point of View brain machine. In Meditation you may experience the Miracle of Breathing and of the Heart beating, without any conscious effort on your part. Also, in this Natural State, you may Remember or Experience yourself as Eternal Spirit (and that you always have been), you are NOT the body and mind that you assumed to be .
The secret key is the very SUBTLE SEPARATION that happens between the body and your SELF, (the Eternal Spirit …You) is that the Observer and the Observed are separate and different states of consciousness. (this is the practice of Dying recommend by Socrates) .
This PRIOR and True Natural State is known as Nirvana Samadhi, The Holy Grail to Eternal Life (not a real cup, a literary image), The Tao (Lao Tzu), The Void (Taoism), Heaven (within, Luke 17:21), The Promised Land (not a physical place on this Earth), Virtue or the “orm of the Good (Socrates, Plato, Zeno, Seneca’ Pythagoras, etc.), Born again- in the Christ consciousness, also the correct meaning of the Second Coming of Christ, not the physical person called Jesus (Spiritual Teacher and messiah or messenger of “Good news” (i.e Luke 17-21, at hand, i.e. available now before the death of the physical body, also called Born again) not Reincarnation, The Garden of Eden, The Gate to all wonders (Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Michelangelo etc), Divine Love (stoicism , Zeno Seneca etc), The Eternal Now (of Consciousness PRIOR to all creation – Nostradamus. Obtaining the Golden Fleece or Becoming a Demigod (Greek mythology), Satori,* Cosmic Consciousness (A. Einstein, Leonardo , Raphael, Galileo ,etc) The Bright or THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE ** (you are “Eternal Spirit” and always have been), The Prodigal Son, Absolute REALTY or TRUTH, At-ONE-ment (not ATONE-ment), Moksha, Self-Realization – Yogananda, Leaving the body but not dying (Socrates, Ramana Maharshi and Krishnamurti, i.e leaving the known or separating from your intellectual knowledge, Being “Awake” as Eternal Spirit again – The Buddha , Moksha , The second coming (i.e. not the coming of the man Jesus, but when each person attains (actually returns back) to their natural Unity with the Universal Consciousness or “Christ Consciousness” (The Reflection of son/daughter of God manifested in the Earth Plane) “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” all of Humanity returns back to the Christ Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment, (the fallen Angel returns back to Heaven, i.e. God-Union) , The Ark of the covenant (the Vessel or Container, specifically the pineal gland in the Brain, which is the Seat of Universal Spiritual Consciousness. It appears as the “White Light” (as viewed from the vision center at the back of the brain) in certain types of ancient Meditations. Individualized consciousness (Ego or sin) is then Reunited and Returned Back to the Universal God Consciousness, i.e. the covenant or Agreement. (The size, material and dimensions of the “Ark” are most likely an honest mistake and mixed up with the portable “Shrine(s)” carried by a nomadic tribe looking for their homeland). In early Christianity the location of the Pineal Gland in the head during Meditation is the correct meaning Upper Room and the meeting place of God in Meditation, Moses for 40 years in the Desert – an empty place, i.e. pure consciousness prior to all creation is another metaphor for Spiritual Enlightenment and God-Union. In the early days of Christianity Meditation was forbidden and considered Evil, therefore Meditation was a secret practice using Metaphors.
Note: There is a difference between living. IN the physical body (the “Inner Witness” behind the eyes and concentric) and/or living. AS the physical body (totally identified with and Eccentric, or off the correct place).
The first is Heaven on Earth
The second is Hell on Earth.
“KNOW (experience) THY SELF “,
as Eternal SPIRIT….. first, and then you will know and understand all the mysteries of the Universe -Socrates.
Same as :
Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven (God -Union) and all else will be added unto you(Spiritual Wisdom) – Jesus .
Example of Spiritual Wisdom :
The “Spiral Helix” of DNA (linear connected) is the direct materialization(manifestation) of the “Spiral Helix” known as “STRING” – Light – Energy
(String Theory)
They are one and the same .
All DNA is manifested Light.
All Life is manifested Light .
G.O.D. is the
G – enerating ,
O – rganizing and
D-issolving play of Conscious- Light .
(Living Light).
* Satori, a momentary separation of the Spirit-Consciousness (You) from the physical body and mind in which you feel totally free of thoughts, emotions and past memories along with the love and compassion for all beings and enjoying “The miracle of Life” and being alive in human form. Almost 60% of all humans have had such an experience when in Meditation or during the course of daily life for no apparent reason, this is a NORMAL and NATURAL experience and expression of the “Self” seeking its Freedom from the physical Realm and returning BACK to a prior State as Eternal Spirit. (The “Remembrance” of what you have forgotten).
During this experience you may assume that you are in the present moment of the physical world, but you are actually in the present moment of consciousness which is prior to and separate from the physical world (realm) and the physical body you live inside of.
If you use Prayer, a mantra (eyes closed) or Tai Chi (Moving Meditation) to Experience your “Self “as Eternal Spirit, the words or movements should be repeated very slow and with intense self control along with respect, sincerity and piety (humbleness), this ancient and True method will also create separation (the “Observer and the Observed “) until you Experience yourself as Eternal Spirit….and not the physical body (Machine, Temple, Vessel etc) that you live INSIDE of.
The Zen Ko an (is an unsolvable riddle or problem that will create a “computer freeze” in your bio-computer brain-machine which will, or may, create an opportunity for a sudden Satori or a Spiritual Experience, (i.e. “the actual experience ” that you are NOT the physical Bio-Machine body but are Eternal Spirit- consciousness).
** “that which is always the case” is referring to the Prior or Original Reality that everything is already God , i.e. conscious – Light (Living Light) which is also YOUR True and Original State as Eternal Spirit Consciousness (same as God, Made in the image of God)
The “Here and Now” of the material Realm (Earth) that you are experiencing at this moment is called Maya, which is an illusion of Light and which is created by the nervous system and the Matrix bio-machine brain, it is not the absolute Reality.
Everything is already God (including yourself) but your not experiencing it because you have separated from, or Contracted from an Infinite Universal Mind down to the field of the mind inside the LIMITED physical bio-computer brain machine and live or experience life as a separate Individualized being. (the metaphor of The fallen Angel and the Greek character of Narcissus who left the Unity of being with the Gods (God) and became a Separate Individual. (It is the Original sin or, to miss the mark, which is an innocent mistake).
Returning back to your true state as Eternal Spirit is Returning back to that which is already (and always has been) the case or Aways was and is …. Infinite and most Prior God. (before anything created, i.e. pre-creation, no thing, pure Consciousness, the Void).
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the absolute most Prior Reality also called Truth because it never changes even as it manifests ITSELF as every object and Human Being.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is Conscious – Light not materialized (yet).
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is God Prior to any creation.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is before Time, Space and infinity.
” THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the non-point of view of Conscious-Light….or God.
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” is the present moment in the physical Realm or Earth is an illusion (Maya) created by the brain (a Virtual Reality machine that creates it own space, infinity, and time) via the nervous system and the five senses.
To be in the present moment of the Earth Plane (or Material World) is to be separated from that which is always the case or God – Spirit Consciousness and is to exist in total fear and confusion.
To separate from that which is always the case (or God -Consciousness) and become an individual is the meaning of the word Hell (the Fallen Angel who creates it’s own world) .
“THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THE CASE” (or God prior to its creation) is your original True State as Eternal Spirit at this very moment . YOU are Consciousness prior to time, space and anything ever created, you always were and you always will be.
If you are experiencing yourself as an individual among other individuals, then you have missed the Mark and are separate from the Universal Wholeness of One Being or One Consciousness known as G.O.D.)