The Energy Bus | 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Energy | Jon Gordon | Book Summary


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The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon

Although this fable has a business setting, it is meant for everyone since it teaches you how to generate good energy and enjoy the ride of your life using ten straightforward guidelines. George plays the part of the everyman in this direct allegory.

George, a middle manager, works at a factory that makes lightbulbs. He makes a good living in the suburbs thanks to his reliable income. He can afford new automobiles, has a beautiful home, and can support his family. George, though, is not fulfilled. George is even more dissatisfied when his wife and boss both issue him deadlines. He will lose his wife and job if he doesn’t change his attitude.


As a result of his car breaking down and having to take the bus to work, things at work get really hectic at this time. As George boards bus number 11, the vivacious driver, Joy, welcomes him. Joy informs George that it’s her job to invigorate passengers, and her jovial demeanour is no match for his thundering temperament. Joy is an energy ambassador who gives ten guidelines for having the ride of your life and encourages optimistic thinking.

By the novel’s end, George has undergone such a profound metamorphosis that he has completely changed his outlook on life. His family and wife enjoy his upbeat presence, and his marriage and home are successful.

Cheerful and purposeful living is at the core of The Energy Bus. It’s not about having little goals in mind or acting dishonestly by pretending to be enthusiastic. The goal is to nurture an optimistic outlook, screen out those who drain your energy or so-called energy vampires, and embrace positivism. Let’s look at the straightforward lessons.

10 Rules of the Energy Bus

You are the Driver

Realise that you are in charge of your life as the first of The Energy Bus’ 10 rules. The most crucial idea is that you are in control of your life; without accepting responsibility, you cannot drive your own bus and go where you want. Your path will be decided by someone else.

The power of choice is your greatest gift. When you claim it, everything starts to change

The Energy Bus

You design your life; it is your bus, and you get to decide what journey it will take. You must create a vision for your future once you become in charge of your life or the wheel of your bus.

Move Your Bus in the Right Direction

Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction. Focusing on it can help you make your vision a reality. According to the law of energy, sometimes referred to as the law of attraction, you can attract anything into your life by thinking about it. Because you don’t want to draw anything negative, it’s crucial to concentrate your thoughts on what you want rather than what you fear will happen or don’t want to happen. Also, please don’t complain because it only makes your problems worse. Additionally, it consumes mental energy that you could use to achieve your goals.

Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy

Positive energy powers your bus while vision and focus point it in the proper path. Negative energy produces waste, whereas positive energy is a high-octane fuel. To be successful, you must live your life with optimism. Negativity will fill any gap, so think positively, feel positive, and act positively to ensure there is no space for it. Your staff will stay on task with positive energy, but you must possess it yourself first.

Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

As a leader, you are responsible for rallying your team and setting everyone on the same path. To do this, could you meet each team member and explain your goals and expectations for their constructive contributions? Invite them to join you after that. You can also email or print bus tickets from The Energy Bus website and tell them to return their ticket to you when they’re ready to board the bus to show their commitment.

Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Do Not Get on Your Bus.

Please don’t waste your time trying to convince those who disagree with you or worry about them. Individuals will always refuse to take your bus or join your team. Don’t take it personally; perhaps they would be more comfortable on another bus or would cause trouble on your bus regardless.

Post a Sign that Says’ No Energy Vampires Allowed’ on Your Bus


It would be preferable if you got rid of any negativity, especially doubters blocking you or your team from achieving your objectives. That entails refusing to put up with negativity, being upfront with everyone about your goals, the need for a positive team, and the fact that anyone being negative is against the project. Kick the critics from your squad if they don’t change.

Negative people create negative corporate cultures, while positive people do the opposite.

The Energy Bus

Your positive energy must outweigh everyone’s negative energy if you want to succeed.

Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energises Them During the Ride

To achieve both personally and professionally, you must radiate energy. You can’t motivate or guide others without it. CEOs, or chief energy officers, are successful people. They radiate energy, enthusiasm, and good vibes in their personal and professional lives. Challenges don’t discourage them; instead, they view them as chances to progress.

Love Your Passengers

The value of the person and the team increases when a manager identifies and encourages individuals to exploit their abilities.

Part of caring is bringing out the best in others or helping them to shine.

The Energy Bus

You must show concern and dedication for your family, organisation, team, and clients to become a love magnet and inspire others. Everyone wants to be loved, even though it may sound cliché. Your workers also desire your love. You can give them promotions, bonuses, and presents, but these things are quickly forgotten. They remember whether or not they feel you genuinely care about them and are invested in their future. When they sense your concern for them, they reciprocate by being dependable and producing excellent work. In contrast, you’ll encounter cynicism if you use them as a stepping stone to your next promotion.

The Five-Part Action Plan for Showing Love to Your Team Members

Make time for them.

Listen to them.

Recognise them.

Serve them.

Bring out the best in them.

Drive With Purpose

The most critical fuel additive for your journey is the purpose and the why. Knowing your purpose helps you avoid burnout and keeps you motivated and focused.

This kind of spirit is lacking among many businesses and their personnel. Their cultures kill people’s enthusiasm and energy, which harms morale, retention, and performance. Big projects can be motivating, but businesses must generate energy that lasts.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

Since we only have one life, we ought to embrace it. People frequently spend their life worrying about irrelevant or petty things, such as emails, deadlines, disputes, and minor inconveniences, and fail to notice the beauty all around them.

You succeed when your trust is greater than your fear.

The Energy Bus

However, you’ll still have a backlog of unread emails when you pass away. So instead of worrying about trivial things, try to enjoy each moment. Live each day purposefully and joyfully.

You can use the 10 guidelines above from The Energy Bus to enhance your well-being, relationships, and profession.

The Energy Bus Exercises – Actions Plan

Step 1: Create and share Your Vision/Purpose Statement

Create Your Vision

Develop a vision for where you want your bus to go with the help of your staff. They can either be given a vision and asked for feedback, or you can start from scratch and co-create the vision with them. One vision or numerous visions could be produced.


Questions to raise:

What are we aiming for?

Consider the future. What are we seeing?

What do we want to achieve?

Fuel Your Vision with Purpose

You should connect your vision with an ever-greater purpose as you develop it. You could consider posing questions to help you define your goals.

How will the development of the people who make up the team be fostered by our vision?

What will others gain from our vision?

What values do we uphold?

What level of excellence may we aspire to?

How can we change things?

Share, repeat and repeat

Give a copy of your vision and mission statement to each team member. Remind everyone on the team to go over the vision every day. Each team member should spend 10 minutes seeing the group attain its goal daily.

Step 2: Focus – Set up Goals

Decide what your team needs to accomplish to realise your vision. Note these objectives down. Determine the steps you must take to achieve the goals that will enable you to realise your vision. These steps should be noted down. Give every team member a copy of these objectives and the next steps.

Determine who else needs to be on the bus to assist you in putting the actionable measures that will help you and your team achieve the goals and vision you have set in motion. Allow them to board the bus.

Step 3: Navigate Adversity

Every great team, including yours, will encounter difficulties, obstacles, and hardships along the way. Every great team will have challenges, but great teams never let a set of flat tires prevent them from getting where they’re going. Ask the following questions when presented with a struggle, setback, or obstacle.

What can we learn from this difficulty?

What is this issue trying to teach us?

How can we learn from these hard times?

What chance does this obstacle offer our team?

Step 4: People, people, people

Positive Energy – YES: Motivate and energize your staff every day to fill the void left by negativity and prevent it from growing. Develop a culture of positive energy by including procedures and behaviors.

Negativity – NO – Put Up a “No Energy Vampires Allowed” Sign: Find the team members who are negatively affecting the success of your bus ride. Establish communication channels. Inform them that their behavior is negative. Check to see if there is a good explanation. Choose a strategy that will enable both individual and team success. Encourage them to board the bus with enthusiasm. Give them the opportunity to succeed. You will have no choice but to let them off the bus if they refuse to behave positively and don’t make any changes.

Love – ALWAYS – Let other drivers and passengers know that you care about them while you drive toward your vision and mission.

Ask the following questions:

How do I identify them?

How can I make the most of my time with them?

How can I pay attention to them better?

How can I support their development?

What can I do to make them their best selves?

How can I help them build on their skills so they can help the team and themselves?

Step 5: Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

Keep in mind that the travel and every bus ride should be enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be a challenging and uncomfortable journey. Ask your team frequently how we may improve our success and enjoyment. Find out how we can make our work more enjoyable. Remind yourself and your group that your journey’s objective should be to arrive at your destination cheerful. Along the road, you form a team, so it’s not just about getting there.


It’s not just about us; other persons are also a part of the energy bus. As soon as someone on your energy bus, you must thank and acknowledge them. Because it is human nature to seek praise, be careful to acknowledge and applaud outstanding work and positive attitudes.

We also must realise that our purpose frequently extends beyond what we originally intended. Because circumstances are always changing and new opportunities could arise anytime, it is important to remain adaptable and flexible. We can seize chances and make the most of every circumstance if we are flexible and resilient.

Since joy is an energy that expands and expresses in the most profound ways, living in joy transcends being simply one person’s story and instead becomes a collective one. David Gousset


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