Grant Cardone: The 10X Rule Book Summary





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      Achieve “Massive Action” results and accomplish your business dreams!

      While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you’re after big goals, you don’t want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.

      The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of “Massive Action,” allowing you to blast through risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results.

      Learn the “Estimation of Effort” calculation to ensure you exceed your targets

      Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity

      Discover the time management myth

      Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed

      Know the exact formula to solve problems

      Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.



      Chapter 1- What is the 10X Rule?

      The 10x rule is simply setting targets that are 10 times larger than what you think it will take to achieve your original goal, and that you will need to do 10 times more action than what you thought you would need to do to achieve it.

      Most people make four big mistakes when setting goals

      Setting objectives too low (10x your objective)

      Severely underestimate what it will take to achieve the goal – resources, money, people, actions, etc

      Too much time competing, instead of focusing on your own stuff

      Underestimating the obstacles that you will run into when working to attain your goal

      We are taught not to over-extend our goals or create “unrealistically” large goals. This is false!

      When you limit your goals or the success that you desire, you are limiting what is required of you to achieve it, and will fail as a result.


      Chapter 2- Why the 10x Rule is Vital

      On your journey to success, it’s expected that you run into obstacles or roadblocks to overcome. In order to compensate your momentum for those roadblocks, you will need to adjust your aim higher (10x higher), to guarantee that you will hit waaay above your original goals.

      When you don’t hit your targets for the month – do NOT make the mistake of lowering your target to meet the results.

      Never lower the target that you are aiming for

      Instead of blaming your current failures on excuses such as “the market isn’t ready” “the economy is bad” “our targets were unrealistic” you should realize that you probably haven’t correctly assessed the correct amount of action that it would take to accomplish your goal.

      Next time you set a goal, increase it by 10!


      Chapter 3 – What is Success?

      Success is all areas of your life.

      Success involves all areas of your life: spiritual, career, physical, familial, financial.

      It really depends on your own definition

      It’s important because it’s how the world evolves and transforms as time passes by


      Chapter 4 – Success is Your Duty

      It is your obligation and moral responsibility to do the best you can for you, your family, the company you work for and the world around you.
      It is your duty to the world, your family and yourself to commit to achieving the best that you can in life.

      Most of society tries to attain success, but when they can’t attain it, they try to convince themselves that they aren’t worthy of it, or that they didn’t want it in the first place

      If you realize that your goals can be attained by increasing your aim 10x higher than your original goals or desires, and you aim for that, you’ll at least aim and achieve above your original goal

      Successful people aren’t “lucky,” it takes a lot of hard work for them to get where they are. Don’t convince yourself that lucky people are just “lucky”. It has to do with hard work and action.

      There are no overnight successes – success always comes as a result of earlier actions taken over a period of time.

      “Success comes about as a result of mental and spiritual claims to own it, followed by taking necessary actions over time until it’s acquired.”


      Chapter 5 – There is No Shortage of Success

      In our society, we have been trained into a scarcity mindset. Success isn’t a finite resource, and there are NO limits. Therefore, there’s no reason why you can’t have it unless you have a scarcity mindset.

      If you achieve success, it doesn’t limit or take away my ability or success that I can achieve. You can achieve it just as much as I can, at any point in time.

      Success isn’t a lottery or a game, or a commodity. There are no shortage of spots to win. Just like there’s no shortage of ingenuity, talent, intelligence, originality, ideas, determination or persistence.

      A scarcity mindset is when you hear someone say “well, they make way more than I do so they should pay for ______.”

      “Success for anyone or any group is ultimately a positive contribution to all people and all groups, as it provides validation of the possibilities to all.” in other words, don’t be worried about your competition or that someone else is becoming more successful than you are in your venture. Instead, realize that it’s just validation to you that it’s achievable, and you can have it too!

      “Notice that I refer to success as something that’s created – not acquired.
      Unlike copper, silver, gold or diamonds – items that already exist that you must find – success is something people make.”


      “Money is created by man and printed by machines. Not even money exists in shortages’ It merely suffers from reductions in value.”


      Chapter 6 – Assume Control of Everything

      You must take big responsibility for every single thing in your life, even if it isn’t your fault.
      If you want to be successful, you need to give up excuses, and own up to everything you do or don’t do. It’s the ONLY way.

      Successful people hate the blame game.

      Anyone who uses blame as the reason why something happened or didn’t happen will never accumulate real success in life and only further his or her status as a slave on this planet.

      To get where you want to go in life, you must adopt the view that whatever is going on in your world – good, bad, or nothing – is something caused by you. Even things that you have no control over.

      “Crybabies, whiners and victims just don’t do well attracting or creating success. it’s not even that they aren’t capable, it’s just the people who typically succeed are required to take big actions and it’s impossible to take big actions if you don’t take big responsibility. it’s equally impossible to do something positive when you’re spending your time making excuses.


      Chapter 7 – Four Degrees of Action

      There are four options that you have when taking action: Do nothing, retreat, take normal levels of action, take massive action. Every person utilizes all of these at some point in their lives.

      The First Degree of Action – Do Nothing

      It takes the same amount of work NOT to do something than it is to do something. When you’re at work and you’re procrastinating – it takes the same amount of energy to “look productive” than it does to actually do some work!

      The Second Degree of Action – Retreat

      Realize that any “retreating’ circumstance still requires you to take an action – aka, making a decision. So if all things require a decision or an action to be done or made, wouldn’t you rather it be in the direction of success?

      Retreaters retreat backwards with the excuse that they are trying to avoid failure

      The Third Degree of Action – Normal/Average Levels of Action

      These are people who seem to be taking the necessary amount of action to be normal. Actually the most dangerous because it’s considered acceptable

      Average levels of action are actually a retreat from what you are capable of. If you’re capable of much more with your skills and talents, and you are taking average actions – you’re actually retreating.

      The Fourth Degree of Action – Take Massive Action

      Massive action is actually the most natural state of action there is for us. Children are always in massive action except when something is wrong. If you’ve ever wanted a kid to take it down a notch, you’ve seen massive action.


      Chapter 8 – Average is a Failing Formula

      Average action is another way of saying “acceptable” level of activity upon which the middle class is built.

      We are addicted to average, as a society

      If you take average actions and have average thoughts your average problems will quickly become overwhelming problems at some point when you run into any obstacle. An example of this is if you live longer than the amount of money that you’ve saved in retirement.

      When average action hits any resistance, competition, loss or lack of interest, negative or challenging market conditions, or all of these, you will find your project tumbling down.

      Average actions assumed, incorrectly of course, that everything operates stably. People optimistically overestimate how well things will go and then underestimate how much energy and effort it will take to just push things through.


      Chapter 9 – 10X Goals

      We are taught to set “realistic” goals – but this is a lie. When we do that, we are downgrading our abilities by assuming we can’t make them. We often set goals too low when we are writing them down.

      If you start small, you will probably end small.

      Write your goals as if they’ve already happened. “I own” instead of “I will own”

      Don’t write your goals down only a couple of times per year. Write them down EVERY single day.

      You can’t come at it with average thinking and expect to get massive results.

      When setting goals, realize these things:

      You are setting goals for YOU, no one else

      Anything is possible

      You have much more potential than you realize

      Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility

      There is no shortage of success

      Regardless of the size of the goal, it will require work


      Chapter 10 – Competition Is for Sissies

      Competition is dead. Don’t regurgitate – create. Your biggest domination problem is obscurity.

      Copying is a form of competing – and competition is dead

      Forward thinkers don’t copy or compete – they create

      Do what others refuse to do – do what your competition won’t do to set yourself apart and create a new level

      You can use social media to dominate consistently and persistently

      Your biggest problem is obscurity

      Normal actions won’t cut through the noise.

      You want criticism!

      Two things happen when you take the right amount of action:

      1. Your competition starts promoting you
      2. You get a new set of problems

      The rules, norms and traditions of any group or industry are usually traps that prevent new ideas, higher levels of greatness, and domination.


      Chapter 11 – Break out of the Middle Class

      The middle class only operates off of what they need right now, not what they need in the future

      The middle class is average thinking

      It’s more of a mindset than a class of society: a millionaire can still have middle class or average thinking


      Chapter 12 – Obsession isn’t a disease; it’s a gift

      Obsession of your job or your goals aren’t bad – it’s actually really, very good for you.

      Obsession is a great adjective for success

      Let your excitement and obsession of your goals dominate your thoughts and actions – it’s a requirement to get to 10x actions

      Obsession is a natural human state – children are naturally obsessed when they are engaged in learning or an activity

      “I suggest you become obsessed about the things you want’ otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.”


      Chapter 13 – Go “All In” and Overcommit

      Going all in and over-committing is better than under-committing to your goals.

      There are no shortages of how many times you can get up and continue

      There is no failure unless you quit

      It’s impossible for you to “use up” all of your energy or creativity. It’s impossible for you to run out of ideas

      Overcommit and overdeliver. Never do the opposite.

      Why is it bad to “overcommit”? That is silly – knock it out of the park and do both!


      Chapter 14 – Expand, Never Contract

      It’s better to expand during a recession than contract, because you will be leading the pack at the end.

      During a recession – expand further out, never contract. By contracting, you can’t dominate the sector when things start fresh again after the economic downturn. By expanding, you set yourself apart from the pack.

      Don’t blindly follow the masses (who contract during a recession)

      “Instead of following the pack – lead them!”

      Grant Cardone says, “I would rather die in expansion than die in contraction. I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat.”


      Chapter 15 – Burn the Place Down

      Never rest on your laurels

      Keep adding fuel to the fire while you’re taking 10x actions and gaining traction.

      Don’t rest on your laurels – it goes away. Keep staking the fire! There’s never too big of a fire.

      Newtons law of inertia: An object in motion continues in motion.

      Be wary of those who say things like that you’ve “done enough” or who tell you to take a vacation or a break.

      “Andy Grove, one of Intel Corporation’s first employees, coined the saying, “Only the paranoid survive.””

      Success demands constant attention – you can’t ever let it go and rest. Keep moving forward!

      Success is like a lawn – constantly needing watering, mowing trimming, etc

      It’s a myth that people get to kick back and relax with their success


      Chapter 16 – Fear is the Great Indicator

      Push into the fear – it means you’re going the right way

      Fear is a sign that you’re doing something right and moving in the right direction

      If you aren’t feeling fear – you aren’t doing enough of the right things

      Most of the time, what you fear doesn’t even happen

      “False Events Appearing Real”

      Fear is only an emotion – it’s not rational thinking

      Stop using fear as a scapegoat or an excuse to stop or retreat. Use it as a green light signal to keep going

      To be successful, you must do what others refuse to do – and people normally feel fear and refuse to go towards it. To be successful, RUN towards it!

      Starve your fear by taking away it’s favorite food – time!

      “I handle this dilemma myself by omitting time from the equation – since time is what drives fear. The more time you devote to the object of your apprehension, the stronger it becomes.”


      Chapter 17 – The Myth of Time Management

      You probably don’t know how much time you’re spending on things – take a notebook and write down every second that you’re spending to find out where you’re spending your time. You have the exact same time as every single other human on the planet. It’s all in how you schedule it.


      Those who are most concerned about time management are the ones that believe in “shortages”

      Most people don’t even know how much time is available to them in their lives.

      If you don’t know how much time you have, how can you manage it?

      Set distinct and definitive priorities.

      Every SINGLE person has 168 hours in a week, with 37.5 productive working hours on average in the US.

      An imbalance is going to occur if you don’t do enough with the time that you have

      To convert time to money, think about this:

      If you are going to live to 75, and you are 37 years old, you only have 1950 Wednesdays left. What if you had $1950 left to your name? Would you watch it slip away or would you do whatever you could to increase it?

      The only way to increase time is to get more done in the time you have. Create a schedule so that you can get more things done with the time you have. Make sure to put your priorities first, so that they are always taken care of and you are being fulfilled.


      Chapter 18 – Criticism is a Sign of Success

      When you start to get criticized for what you’re doing – realize that you’ve finally got attention and you are well on your way to success. Just roll with it and keep going! What better way to retaliate than to keep succeeding?


      There’s no way to achieve serious levels of success without getting some attention – aka, getting criticism

      No matter what choice you make in life, you will get criticism from somewhere. Wouldn’t you rather get it from someone jealous of your success than from your family, boss or bill collectors for not taking enough action?

      The people who criticize you are the people whose excuses for not doing enough will morph into reasons why what you are doing is wrong.

      Anticipate it, expect it, and realize it is going to happen


      Chapter 19 – Customer Satisfaction is the Wrong Target

      Don’t focus on customer satisfaction until you HAVE customers. Instead, focus on increasing customers.

      If you are overdelivering, such as suggested in this book, then you don’t have to worry about customer satisfaction because you are already doing it. Instead, you need to focus on more customers.

      Grant Cardone says he’s most worried about noncustomer satisfaction – those customers who didn’t buy that are unhappy. Why are they unhappy is the question? Send a survey to your customers to find out why they DIDN’T BUY.


      Chapter 20 – Omnipresence

      Be everywhere, at all times, to get attention and overcome obscurity


      Chapter 21 – Excuses

      An excuse is a justification for doing or not doing something. Really, an excuse is something other than what the real reason is that motivates your actions (or lack thereof).


      Making excuses doesn’t change your situation. Only finding the real reason will change it.

      Excuses are for people who refuse to take responsibility for their life and how it turns out: slaves and victims in other words

      Excuses never improve your situation

      You need to know which ones you use on a regular basis

      Start understanding the differences between making excuses and providing actual sound reasons for those events

      Successful people DON’T MAKE EXCUSES.

      Nothing happens TO you, it happens BECAUSE of you.

      Excuses are a major differentiator between whether you will succeed or not.

      Engaging in self-pity and excuse makings are signs that someone has an extremely minimal degree of responsibility.

      “Excuses are never the reason for why you did or didn’t do something. They’re just a revision of the facts that you make up in order to help yourself feel better about what happened (or didn’t).”



      Chapter 22 – Successful or Unsuccessful?

      The difference between successful people and those who accomplish less is that successful people talk, think, and approach situations, challenges and problems differently than most people – and they definitely think about money differently.

      Here is Grants list of traits that successful people have. To read more about each one you will need to purchase the book.

      Have a “can do” attitude

      Believe that “I will figure it out”

      Focus on opportunity

      Love challenges

      Seek to solve problems

      Persist until successful

      Take risks

      Be unreasonable

      Be dangerous

      Create wealth

      Readily take action

      Always say “yes”

      Habitually commit

      Go all the way

      Focus on NOW

      Demonstrate courage

      Embrace change

      Determine and take the right approach

      Break traditional ideas

      Be goal-oriented

      Be on a mission

      Have a high level of motivation

      Be interested in results

      Have big goals and dreams

      Create your own reality

      Commit first – figure out later

      Be highly ethical

      Be interested in the group

      Be dedicated to continuous learning

      Be uncomfortable

      “Reach up” in relationships

      Be disciplined


      Chapter 23 talks about getting started with 10x – where to start? What time do you give it?

      Where do you even begin with implementing 10x actions and thoughts into your life?







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