Jim Rohn Classics Pack | How to Kick the Worry Habit | Worry May Be A Killer | Diseases of Attitude


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How to Kick the Worry Habit

Worry May Be A Killer

Diseases of Attitude.


Worry might well be killer number one. And if it is not the number one physical killer, although doctors tell us worriers die sooner than non-worriers, and we have all heard the expression “worry yourself to death,” at least it is the number one killer of dreams and achievement, of energy and vitality, and lifestyle.


Don’t wish it were easier – wish you were better.

Don’t ask for less challenge – ask for more skills. Don’t ask for fewer problems – ask for more wisdom.


Worry Is Wasted Mental Energy

Worry is fear – painting pictures in your mind. And if you watch that mental movie too long you get a false picture of how things really are. Worry is a mental broadcasting station and more often than not it is false or at least distorted propaganda. Worry has that sneaky way of stopping short of giving you all the facts. Worry is often the trickery of mentally filtered facts on the negative side, and the bold declarations that these are all the facts.


Worry has the mental audacity to suggest that the elevator only runs one way – down.


It must be in what I call its rightful ratio of your mental and emotional time.


Get Free of the Worry Habit

The next question is – What can I do about it? What is the first step? My best advice on this is to first recognize worry for what it is, admit what it does, and then decide that you now want to be free. It first starts with decision on your part. And may I add, well you should decide.

Why let worry continue to take money out of your pocket and bank account?

Why let worry any longer keep you from becoming all you can be?

Why let worry rob you of better friendships, better business, better profits, better results, better communication, and better family relations?

Why impose your worry on others any longer? It’s a burden you can get rid of, and a monkey you can get off your back.

Why not be rid of those sinking, nagging, feelings that all is not going to be well, that you can’t do it, that it won’t work out for the best?


Worry is undue concern that takes up too much of your mental and emotional time.


So, start to make these declarations and if you mean it they will start you on your way to confidence and adventure free of the worry habit. Say first:

I’ve had it with worry.

I’m tired of being beaten down and hassled with all those negative mental pictures.

I refuse to be tricked by false facts.

I’m really not that weak.

Never again do I want those sick feelings inside, those mental false alarms.

I’m tired of the drain on my resources.

I’m tired of the embarrassment of the lack of confidence.

I don’t want people, especially my family, to see me in this state anymore.

I’ve got more to offer.

I refuse to let my life be short-circuited any longer by letting my mind run wild with a distorted view of the facts, whether I bring it up or if it comes from someone else.


“I’ve had it” is a good beginning. This first step will start you arguing with your worry thoughts. Soon you will start to examine your fears and worries to see if they are valid. And you won’t let your mind play those mental tricks any longer.

Give Worry A Bad Time

It is possible to destroy any emotion you have, including worry and fear by a very simple process. And that is, analyze it to death. Drag it out on the table and look at it. Weigh it against all of your past experiences.


gladly take up the war of faith over doubt, reason over fear and positive expectation over worry.

believe your beliefs, doubt your doubts, and stay on the campaign to give worry a bad time.


Cash in On Life’s Opportunities

Life and business is like the changing seasons. And the real challenge of life is to learn how to handle the winter and take advantage of the spring.            In short, that’s it.    You see, winter always comes.            But so does the spring.            Night follows day.   But also day follows night.    Sure the tide goes out, but it always comes in.            Opportunity follows difficulty as surely as difficulty follows opportunity.


Work hard all summer, learn more ways to plant and protect what you invest. And to reap in the fall without complaint knowing it’s your harvest and you’ve reaped what you’ve sown.


See It Better


Here’s some of the best advice I have on worry. First, don’t be afraid to face the facts of life. It is not negative to understand that the winters always come. Don’t be faked out. Don’t clip the word impossible out of the dictionary.

There is a thin line between positive thinking and kidding yourself. And remember there is also a thin line between faith and folly.

Here is the key.  Humans have a unique ability to see it as it

is, and they also have the ability to see it better than it is. One is called fact; the other is called faith. Faith you develop – facts you acquire. The facts you acquire are essential.


Faith doesn’t ask for a result to prove its existence. Faith is because it is. And remember people die for faith. And some people give up everything they own, their life, for faith.


Here is a good prayer: “Help me to see it as it is, and help me to see it better than it is. And then inspire me to act.”

Work Hardest on Yourself

Facts and faith and action – what a combination for personal progress. And action puts fear to flight.

Happiness, wealth, peace, security, success, safety, friendship, reward, results, and all human achievement comes from a growing ability to understand and handle the changing seasons.


Learn to work harder on yourself than anything else. The key to all success in economics or mental health, is self-development.


overcomes doubt. And confidence pushes worry into a small place.


Self-Confidence Is the Best Foundation

The second major key to mastering worry is to respond. Build up inside of you that heavy desire to be free, to get on with building your life and lifestyle. Too much is waiting to delay. Take a new look at your opportunities. Figure out new ways to seize them immediately and make them work for you.


the best answer to worry is confidence. First, self-confidence.


Remember, both opportunity and challenges await action. Everything yields to diligence. It’s not what you can do. It’s what you will do that counts.

Prepare Your Plan

Create your own environment and learn to control it. You control your own mental environment by developing yourself. So go on a crash program to clean up decisions. Get things done. Get other things set up and started and organized. Start doing all the things that would make you feel better. Exercise, diet, reading more books. Open a floodgate of positive moves in the right direction.


Remember small achievements lead to confidence that conquers guilt. Then buy up every challenge to reach your goals.


The Value of Discipline



We are going to look closely at the disciplines for success – those fundamentals for discovering wealth and happiness.


the major key to the good life.     The major key is not in learning how to set goals, the major key isn’t in learning how to manage your time, or in mastering the attributes of leadership. Everyday in a thousand different ways people like you and I are trying to improve themselves by learning how to do things.            We spend a lifetime gathering knowledge.       Gathering knowledge in classrooms, from books, and from life’s own experiences.            All of us probably have all the knowledge we need to attract all that we want. We probably have all the knowledge we need to become all that we’d like to be.      But in spite of the knowledge we spend our time acquiring, most of us fall short of our goals and ambitions.    We settle for a small fractional part of what we could have otherwise had, in spite of the immense knowledge we’ve gathered in a lifetime. Someone once said, “Knowledge is the forerunner to success.”


If that is so, then why do most of us fall short of our objectives?

Why, in spite of all we know and in spite of our collective experiences, do we wander somewhat aimlessly settling for a life of existence rather than a life of substance?


the basic and fundamental answer is: the absence of discipline in applying all that we know.


That’s the key word: discipline. In fact, we might add one more word to the word discipline. The other word is consistent. Consistent discipline.


You see, life is basically a process of gathering knowledge and learning to apply that knowledge in the world of life and business. But like anything that is newly learned, we must learn to use what we’ve learned.  Better than knowledge, is applied knowledge.


And once we’ve applied our knowledge we must study the results of that process. And then study the results again.


we must first master the art of discipline, of consistent discipline. It takes a consistent, disciplined human effort to master the magic of setting goals.


It takes discipline to plan. It takes discipline to execute our plan. It takes discipline to look with full objectivity at the results of our applied plan, and to discipline ourselves to change either our plan or our method of executing that plan, if the results are poor.

With this consistent discipline applied to every area of our lives we can discover untold miracles, and uncover unique possibilities and opportunities.


discipline is a constant human awareness of the need for an action and a conscious act by us to implement that action.


If there is considerable time passing between the moment of awareness and the time of our implementation then that is called procrastination, an almost exact opposite of discipline. The voice within us says, “Do the deed.” Discipline then says, “Do it now, and to the very best of your ability, today, tomorrow, and always, until finally the worthy deed becomes instinctive.” Procrastination says, “Later will do” or “tomorrow will do” or “perhaps when I get a chance.”


True Discipline Is Not Easy

Most people would have to admit that it’s easier to sleep until ten o’clock rather than to get up at seven. It’s easier to go to bed late, sleep late, show up late, and leave early. It’s easier not to read. It’s easier to turn on the television than to turn it off. It is easier to do just enough than to do it all. Waiting is always easier than acting.

The price of discipline or the price of regret. One costs pennies, the other a fortune.

Discipline Must Be A Full Time Activity


Consistency cannot be inconsistent. Discipline is the mind being trained to control our lives. Discipline is a set of standards, which we’ve selected as a personal code of conduct. And it’s our willingness to impose upon ourselves the requirements for honoring these standards. Once we’ve adopted those standards of behavior and conduct we are committed to honor them.


For Every Disciplined Effort There Is A Multiple Reward


And effort, a disciplined effort in the spring, in the season of opportunity, will produce a reward come the fall.


It takes discipline to change a habit. Habits once formed become like a giant cable, a nearly unbreakable human instinct, which only long-term disciplined activity can change. We must unweave every strand of the cable of habit, slowly and methodically,

until the cable that once held us in bondage now becomes nothing more than scattered strands of wire. the law, for every disciplined effort – a multiple reward.


Everything has its price. Everything affects everything else. Neglect your own discipline and there will be a price that must be paid. All things of value will be taken for granted with the passing of but a little time. That’s what we call the law of familiarity. Without the discipline for paying constant daily attention, all things become vulnerable.

Be serious, life is not a practice session.


the greatest and most valuable form of discipline is the one that you impose on yourself.


Don’t wait for things to deteriorate so drastically that someone else must impose discipline into your life.


How To Become Financially Independent


The Value of Money

once you get money out of the way, you can’t believe the other dimensions of your life you can work on. Once you’ve solved the money problem, now you’ll have more time to work on certain other projects of your life that will really start to grow and expand. For that reason, I think financial independence is a worthwhile objective.”


Do As Much As You Can


Mr. Shoaff had this simple, simple philosophy:


How far should you go? As far as you can!

How much should you learn? As much as you can!

How many books should you read? As many as you can! How much should you earn? As much as you can!

How much should you share? As much as you can! What should you accomplish? As much as you can!


That’s a good philosophy!


What’s Your Money Plan?


Financial independence is a worthwhile goal if you can finally set money aside as being such a major object in trying to accomplish and set aside paying the bills. Mr. Shoaff said to me, “Mr. Rohn, I think the only way to get money out of the way is to have plenty.”


One of the major reasons why most people don’t is because they’re operating on the wrong plan.


And here’s the key. It’s not so much what you earn, as what you do with what you earn.


The Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs


For financial independence here’s a good book to get to start giving you some ideas: The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason. It’s a good book to start with on financial independence. It’s a neat little story; it will give you some great ideas. Here’s the theme of the book: learn to live on seventy percent of your net income. Everybody’s got to be taught the care and feeding of the goose that lays the golden eggs. You don’t tear up the goose and divide it up. Somebody says “I got me a handful of feathers,” oh no, someone else says “I got me a wing,” oh no. Poor goose. We won’t have a goose very long. You must care and feed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Mr. Shoaff taught me to be a happy taxpayer.  That was a whole new thing for me. Be a happy taxpayer, not a reluctant taxpayer! You’ve got to care and feed the goose. Learn To Be A Capitalist


Learn to be enterprising; profits are better than wages. Everybody should turn part of their income, even if it’s from wages, into capital. And become a capitalist. The healthier the country becomes is going to be a result of more and more people becoming capitalists.


Be a capitalist. Make sure you’ve turned part of your income

into capital.


teach kids how to earn money, not just how to get a job. Teach them how to be enterprising. Teach them how to sell. One of the best ways to learn about life is to just get out and sell something.


Ten, Ten, Ten, Seventy


ten cents is to give. Charity. I really should have put that first, right after Caesar. Jesus said, “Pay Caesar first, then pay God.” Charity. Some churches teach ten percent and that’s good. Give it to the church and let them distribute it, or distribute it yourself, but make sure you put back part of what you take out.


There is a Bible phrase that says, ‘the borrower is servant to the lender.’


Invest Your Money


Teach kids how to be happy taxpayers


we have thirty percent set aside. Learn to live on seventy percent. Caesar first, then God, ten cents for increase of capital, and ten cents to invest. Live on seventy. Once you get doing extremely well, you can even start living on less and less and less. Because that amount is more and more and more.


Your Financial Statement


put together a financial statement on yourself. A financial statement is simply a piece of paper divided in half. On one side is all the list of your assets, the value of your assets. On the other side of your paper is all that you owe, called liabilities. Then you subtract one from the other and that is called your net worth.


Be delighted in reducing your liabilities and increasing your assets.


Be Enthusiastic


develop a whole new attitude about your money. Remember that it’s not the amount that counts, it’s the attitude and the plan.


Know Your Money


Keep strict accounts.


You’ve just got to know where it’s going, what’s happening, and get a handle on it. It’s part of how you become financially independent.

If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.

It’s not the growing bank account, it’s your growing awareness that you’re in charge, you’ve got a plan, and you’re on track. It’s changing because you changed it. It’s different because you made it different. It’s growing because you made certain commitments to yourself. And those kinds of feelings are where the treasure is.

Because  the  true  treasure  is  in  personal  development.

Happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is contained in what you become. But sure enough, what you become is related to what you get.



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