How To Sell Your Way through Life | Napoleon Hill | 5 Minute Books




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Napoleon Hill – How to Sell Your Way through Life


Character is accurately reflected in one’s mental attitude

Without a strong foundation built on positive character traits, success will not long endure

The master salesman is a master of other because he is master of himself

Life is a series of ever-changing and shifting circumstances and experiences

Any form of effort through which one person persuades another to cooperate is salesmanship

You can sell your personality

This free summary is made possible by the followers of bestbookbits that took new action and partnered with me on their goals and business. They joined my personal evolution coaching program.

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Do not become discouraged and “quit” if you fail once or twice before making your plans work

Women are the greatest salespeople on earth

Selling is the art of planting in the mind of another a motive which will induce favourable action

The people must be served

Your only limitations are creatures of your own mind

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes

You need intelligent promotion to succeed

If we wish to get ahead in the world, we must find ways and means of bringing ourselves to the attention of people who need whatever we have to offer the world

It is each person’s duty and responsibility to provide himself with whatever form of media promotion needed to help him attain success in his chosen calling

I get better results by frankness in my dealings with people

The human ego is a tricky piece of mental equipment

Life is made up of situations and circumstances calling for “yeses” and “noes”. The person who negotiates his way through life successfully learns to use each in its proper place

To be well liked gives one great advantages

Employers are always on the lookout for a man or woman who does a better job of any sort than is customary

Success in any calling is largely a matter of one’s being able to negotiate his way through life

Frankness and directness

Seek counsel of men who will tell you the truth about yourself, even if it hurts you to hear it

The master salesman paints a word picture of the thing he if offering for sale. The canvas on which he paints in the imagination of the prospective buyer

People buy personalities and ideas much more quickly than they buy merchandise

Most people are not influenced largely by reason; they are swayed by emotions, or feeling

Courage must be the part of every man or woman who succeeds in any undertaking

Hard work is the only thing that will turn sales training and ability into money

The vibrations of thought which he releases through his enthusiasm will be picked up by the prospective buyer and acted upon as if it were his own creation

Enthusiasm is a difficult thing to explain, but its presence is always easily recognized

Auto-suggestion is self-suggestion

The sub-conscious mind is the “broadcasting station” which voluntarily “telegraphs” one’s thoughts and beliefs or disbeliefs to others

Like attracts like

Successful achievement is the result of power

One way to avoid criticism is to do nothing

Habit may grow out of concentration and concentration may grow out of habit

Power is predicated upon organized energy

Every human being is ruled by the law of habit

Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap

Thinking is the hardest work that any man can do

Your employer does not control the sort of service you render

Initiative means the doing of things without being told to do them

Know definitely what you want

Build a practical plan or plans for the achievement of that which you want

Do not become discouraged no matter what obstacles you may meet

Do not be influenced by others to abandon your plans or your aim

Have no set hours of labour

Concentrate upon one thing at a time

Persistence is the keynote to success for all great leaders

Act quickly without waiting to be told by others what to do

A man is paid, not merely for that which he knows, but more particularly for what he does with what he knows, or that which he can get others to do

Develop the habit of eliminating negative thoughts the moment they appear

No man can be happy without some form of occupation

Singleness of purpose is a quality without which no one may attain to outstanding success

Those who know where they are going usually get there

Every failure will teach you a lesson that you need to learn if you will keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to be taught

If you render no more service than you are paid to render, then it is obvious you are not entitled to any more pay

As long as you are willing to let life push you around, it will

Giving before trying to get

He profits most who serves best

Be your most serve critic

You cannot be successful without paying the price of success

Excesses take a financial toll as well as a physical toll

This free summary is made possible by the followers of bestbookbits that took new action and partnered with me on their goals and business. They joined my personal evolution coaching program.

Work with me privately 1 on 1 now for coaching and consulting.

CONNECT WITH ME NOW over  Zoom for 15 minutes using the Calendly link below or directly email me at bestbookbits@gmail.com with the Personal evolution

And step into your next EVOLUTION NOW


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