$100M Leads: How to Get Strangers To Want To Buy Your Stuff by Alex Hormozi | Book Summary


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$100M Leads: How to Get Strangers To Want To Buy Your Stuff by Alex Hormozi Book Summary

Section I: Start Here

“It’s hard to be poor with leads bangin’ down your door” –Hormozi family jingle

You have to sell stuff to make money. It seems simple enough, but everyone tries to skip to the ‘make money’ part. It doesn’t work. I tried. You need all the pieces. You need the stuff to sell – an offer.

You need people to sell it to – leads. Then you gotta get those people to buy it – sales. Once you put all those in place, then you can make money.

Strangers can only buy your stuff if they know you exist. This takes leads. “Leads” mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But most agree that they’re the first step to getting more customers. In simpler terms, it means they’ve got the problem to solve and the money to spend.

Leads don’t magically appear. You need to go get them. More precisely, you need to help them find you so they can buy your stuff! And the best part is, you don’t have to wait…you can force them to find you. You do that through advertising. Advertising, the process of making known, lets strangers know about the stuff you sell. If more people know about the stuff you sell, then you sell more stuff. If you sell more stuff, then you make more money. Having lots of leads makes it hard to be poor.


And in the unforgiving world of business, second chances are hard to come by. So you might as well load up. Advertising is a skill worth having.

When money meets experience… the money gets the experience, and the experience gets the money. Lesson learned.

Every day we don’t do something is one less day giving away my secrets – led to the biggest breakthrough in my life.

Getting leads has been my get out of jail free card with no expiration date. And at this point, it’s faded and worn with use.


The Problem This Book Solves

“Leads, lots of leads.”

You have a problem:

You’re not getting as many leads as you want because you’re not advertising enough. Period. As a result, your potential customers are ignorant of your existence.


How this book solves it:

To make more money, you’ve gotta grow your business. You can only grow your business in two ways:

  • Get more customers
  • Make them worth more

You get more customers by getting:

  • More Leads
  • Better Leads
  • Cheaper Leads
  • Reliably (think ‘from lots of places’).

Bottom line: All else being equal…when you double your leads, you double your business.

Businesses solve problems. Businesses make the world better.

Masters never don’t do the basics.


Section II: Get Understanding

Advertising. Simplified.

Leads Alone Aren’t Enough

“If you cannot explain something in simple terms, then you don’t understand it.” – Dr. Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics

Alead is a person you can contact .

If you can contact them, they are leads.

Leads alone aren’t enough. We want engaged leads: people who *show* interest in the stuff you sell. If someone gives their contact information on a website, that is an engaged lead. If someone follows you on social media and you can contact them, that is an engaged lead. If people reply to your email campaign, they are engaged leads. The leads showing interest are the leads that matter.


Engaged leads are the true output of advertising

Engage Your Leads: Offers and Lead Magnets

How getting leads actually works…you have to give people something they want. The best part is – it’s easier than you think.

Lead Magnets Get Leads to Engage

Offers are what you promise to give in exchange for something of value. Often, a business promises to give its product or service in exchange for money. This is a core offer. If you advertise your core offer, then you go straight for the sale–the direct path to money.

Advertising your core offer might be all you need to get leads to engage. Try this way first.

Sometimes, though, people want to know more about your offer before they buy. This is common for businesses that sell more expensive stuff. If that’s you, then you’ll often get more leads to engage by advertising with a lead magnet first. A lead magnet is a complete solution to a narrow problem. It’s typically a lower-cost or free offer to see who is interested in your stuff. And, once solved, it reveals another problem solved by your core offer. This is important because leads interested in lower -cost or free offers now are more likely to buy a related higher-cost offer later.

So your lead magnet should be valuable enough on its own that you could charge for it. And, after they get it, they should want more of what you offer. This gets them one step closer to buying your stuff. A person who pays with their time now is more likely to pay with their money later.

Good lead magnets get more engaged leads and customers than a core offer alone, and do it for less money.

Seven Steps To Creating an Effective Lead Magnet

Step 1: Figure out the problem you want to solve and who to solve it for

Step 2: Figure out how to solve it

Step 3: Figure out how to deliver it

Step 4: Test what to name it

Step 5: Make it easy to consume

Step 6: Make it darn good

Step 7: Make it easy for them to tell you they want more

The business that provides the most value wins.

Step 1: Figure out the problem you want to solve and who to solve it for

Every problem has a solution. Every solution reveals more problems. This is the never-ending cycle of business (and life). And, smaller problem-solution cycles sit inside larger problem-solution cycles.

We start by picking a problem that’s narrow and meaningful

Action Step: Pick the narrowly defined problem you want to solve. Then, make sure your core offer can solve the next problem that comes up.


Step 2: Figure out how to solve it

There are three types of lead magnets and each offers a different type of solution.


First, if your audience has a problem they don’t know about, your lead magnet would make them aware of it. Second, you could solve a recurring problem for a short amount of time with a sample or trial of your core offer. Third, you can give them one step in a multi-step process that solves a bigger problem. All three solve one problem

and reveal others. So your three types are: 1) Reveal Problems, 2) Samples and Trials, and 3) One Step Of A Multi-Step Process.

  • Reveal Their Problem. Think “diagnosis.” These lead magnets work great when they reveal problems that get worse the longer you wait.
  • Samples And Trials. You give full but brief access to your core offer. You can limit the number of uses, time they have access, or both. This works great when your core offer is a recurring solution to a recurring problem.
  • One Step Of A Multi-Step Process. When your core offer has steps, you can give one valuable step for free and the rest when they buy. This works great when your core offer solves a more complex problem.

: Pick how you want to solve your narrowly defined problem.

Step 3: Figure out how to deliver it

There are unlimited ways to solve problems. But my favorite lead magnets solve them with: software, information, services, and physical products

Action Step: As a thought exercise, think of a lead magnet and then a version of it for each delivery method. You always can, I promise. Then, pick how to deliver your lead magnet.


Step 4: Test What To Name It

David Ogilvy said, “When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents of your (advertising) dollar.” What that means is, five times more people read your headline than any other part of your promotion. They read it and make a snap decision to read further… or not. Like Ogilvy hints, leads have to notice your lead magnet before they can consume it


The three things you’ll want to test are the headline, the image(s), and the subheadline, in that order.


Action Step: Test. If people engage in droves, you’ve got a winner.


Step 5: Make it easy for them to consume

People prefer to do things that take less effort. So if we want more people to take us up on our lead magnet, and consume it, we gotta make it easy.

Action Step: Package your lead magnet in every way you can. It dramatically increases how many engaged leads come your way. And more leads engaging with your lead magnet means more leads getting value from it. This is huge.


Step 6: Make it darn good:

Give Away The Secrets, Sell The Implementation

The marketplace judges everything you have to offer – free or not. And you can never provide too much value. But, you can provide too little. So you want your lead magnet to provide so much value people feel obligated to pay you. The goal is to provide more value than the cost of your core offer before they’ve bought it.


, people buy stuff based on how much value they think they’ll get after they buy it. And the easiest way to get them to think they’ll get tons of value after they buy is… drum roll please… to provide them with value before they buy.

Action Step: 99% of people aren’t gonna buy, but they will create (or destroy) your reputation based on the value of your free stuff. So, make your lead magnets as good as your paid stuff. Your reputation depends on it. Provide value. Stack the deck. Reap the rewards.


Step 7: Make it easy for them to tell you they want more

Once the leads consume the lead magnet, some of them will be ready to buy or learn more about your offer. This is the time to give a Call To Action. A Call To Action (CTA) tells the audience what to do next

Good CTAs have two things: 1) what to do and 2) reasons to do it right now.


What to do: CTAs tell the audience to call the number, click the button, give information, book the call, etc.

. Here are my favorite reasons to act now:

  1. Scarcity– Scarcity is when there is a limited amount of something.
  2. Urgency. You can have unlimited units to sell, but let’s say you stop selling them in an hour… on purpose. I bet more people than normal will buy your thing in that hour. This is urgency in action. Urgency is when people act faster because they have a short amount of time.
  3. Fraternity Party Planner (my favorite) – Make Up A Reason.

Action Step: Give a clear, simple, action-oriented CTA. Then, give them a ‘reason why’ using scarcity, urgency, and any other reasons you can think of. And, do it often. Don’t be clever, be clear.

Remember: the goal is to print money, not just make our “fair share.”

This is where experienced business owners beat newbies.

Step 0: If you’re struggling to get leads, make an amazing lead magnet.

Step 1: Figure out the problem you want to solve for the right customer

Step 2: Figure out how you want to solve it

Step 3: Figure out how to deliver it

Step 4: Make the name interesting and clear

Step 5: Make it easy to consume

Step 6: Make sure it’s darn good

Step 7: Tell them what to do next, why it’s a good idea, do it clearly, and do it oftena good lead magnet does four things:

  • Engages ideal customers when they see it.
  • Gets more people to engage than your core offer alone
  • Is valuable enough that they consume it.
  • Makes the right people more likely to buy


Section III: Get Leads

The Core Four Advertising Methods.

We get engaged leads by letting people know about our stuff. And there are two types of people we let know: people who know us and people who don’t. And there are two paths of letting them know about it: one-to-one and one-to-many. Those combine into the four basic ways one person can let other people know about anything.


Two Types of Audiences: Warm and Cold

Warm audiences are people who gave you permission to contact them. Think “people who know you” – aka – friends, family, followers, current customers, previous customers, contacts, etc.

Cold audiences are people who have not given you permission to contact them. Think “strangers” – aka – other peoples’ audiences: buying contact lists, making contact lists, paying platforms for access, etc.

Difference matters because it changes how we advertise to them.


Two Ways To Communicate: One to One (Private), One to Many (Public)

We can contact people 1-to-1 or 1-to-many. Another way of thinking about this is private or public communication. Private communication is when only one person gets a message at a time. Think “phone call” or “email.” If you announce something publicly, many people can get it at the same time. Think “social media posts” or “billboards” or “podcasts.”


Section III Outline: Get Leads

Combining warm and cold audiences with 1-to-1 and 1-to-many leads us to the only four ways we can let anyone know about anything: the core four. I combined them below for you.

1-to-1 to a Warm Audience = Warm Outreach

1-to-many to a Warm Audience = Posting Content

1-to-1 to a Cold Audience = Cold Outreach

1-to-many to a Cold Audience = Paid Ads

These are the only four things you can do to let other people know about the stuff you sell. And each method takes us one step closer to the land of overflowing leads


#1 Warm Outreach

How To Reach Out To People You Know

“The world belongs to those who can keep doing without seeing the result of their doing.”

How Warm Reach Outs Work

Warm reach outs are when you make one-to-one contact with your warm audience – aka – the people who know you. It’s the cheapest and easiest way to find people interested in the stuff you sell. It’s super effective–and most businesses don’t do it.


Warm reach outs usually come in the form of calls, texts, emails, direct messages, voicemails, etc.


How To Do Warm Reach Outs in 10 Steps

Step 1: Get your list

Step 2: Pick a platform

Step 3: Personalize your message

Step 4: Reach out

Step 5: Warm them up

Step 6: Invite their friends

Step 7: Make them the easiest offer in the world

Step 8: Start at the top

Step 9: Start Charging

Step 10: Keep Your List Warm

“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want.” – Charlie Munger


Reply using the ACA framework:

Acknowledge what they said. Restate it in your own words.

This shows active listening.

Compliment them on whatever they tell you. Tie it to a positive character trait if you can.

Ask another question. Lead the conversation in whatever direction you want.

we want to get rich, not just “get by.”


#2 Post Free Content Part I

How To Build An Audience To Get Engaged Leads

No one’s ever complained about getting too much value.


“If getting weird messages and hate from people I don’t know is the price I have to pay to make the impact I want to have, I’d pay that price any day of the week.”

If someone is making more money than you, they are better at the game of business in some way. Take it as good news. It means you can learn from them. Don’t think they had it easy. Don’t think they had a shortcut. Don’t tell yourself they broke some moral code. Even if it’s true, none of those beliefs serve you. None of those beliefs make you better.

“You just gotta do more bro.”

Simple. Not easy. Over the next six months I put out ten times the content. Volume works. Content works. A growing

audience is the result.


How Building An Audience Works – You Post Great Free Content

A content unit has three components – Hook, retain, and reward.


The Content Unit – Three Components

  1. Hook attention: get them to notice your content.
  2. Retain attention: get them to consume it.
  3. Reward attention: satisfy the reason they consumed it to begin with.

The smallest amount of material it takes to hook, retain and reward attention is a content unit. It can be as little as an image, a meme, or a sentence.


  1. Hook: They cannot be rewarded unless we first get their attention.

The objective: We give them a reason to redirect their attention from whatever they are doing towards us. If we do that, we’ve hooked them. The effectiveness of your hook is measured by the percentage of people who start consuming your content.


2) Retain

3) Reward


#2 Post Free Content Part II

Monetize Your Audience

“Give-give-give, give-give-give, until they ask”


Give until they ask.

I use two strategies to weave promotions into content: integrated offers and intermittent offers.


Integrated: You can advertise in every piece of content so long as you keep your give : ask ratio high. You will continue to grow your warm audience and get engaged leads. Win-win.




Intermittent: The second way you can monetize is through intermittent asks. Here’s how it works. You make many pieces of content of pure ‘gives’ then occasionally make an ‘ask’ piece. Example: You make 10 ‘give’ posts, and on the 11th, you promote your stuff.

Start making content relevant to your audience. It will make you more money.



7 Lessons I’ve Learned From Making Content

  • Switch from “How to” to “How I.” From “This is the best way” to “These are my favorite ways” etc.
  • We Need To Be Reminded More Than We Need To Be Taught:
  • Puddles, Ponds, Lakes, Oceans.
  • Content Creates Tools For Salespeople.
  • Free Content Retains Paying Customers.
  • People don’t have shorter attention spans, they have higher standards.
  • Avoid Pre-Scheduling Posts.


#3 Cold Outreach

How To Reach Out To Strangers To Get Engaged Leads

Cold outreach is a numbers game. The more people you reach out to the more engaged leads you get. Once we figure out how much

outreach it takes to engage a lead, then we only have one thing to do…more. Let’s go hunting!

Problem #1: “But how do I contact them?” →Build a List


There are three different ways I get my targeted lead lists. First, I use software to scrape a list of names. Second, I pay brokers to assemble me a list of targeted leads. And if neither of those work, I manually scrape a list of names myself.


Problem #2: “I have my list, but what do I say to them?” →Personalize, Then Give Big Fast Value


  1. They Don’t Know Us→Personalize (Act Like You Know Them).
  2. They Don’t Trust Us→Big Fast Value.


Problem #3: “I’m not getting enough chances to tell people about my amazing stuff, what do I do?” → Volume


  1. Automated Delivery.


Automated Examples: We can send a pre-recorded voice memo to someone’s direct messages. We can send a pre-recorded voicemail to someone’s voicemail box. We can send templated emails to an inbox or

  • templated text to someone’s phone. We can send a pre-recorded video. Etc. You record your message one time and then send the same message to everyone.


  1. Automate Distribution.


  1. Follow up. More times. More ways.

seven enormous benefits to using cold outreach:

  • You don’t need to create lots of content or ads.
  • Your competition won’t know what you’re doing.
  • It’s incredibly reliable.
  • Fewer platform changes.
  • Compliance is less painful.
  • No spokesperson = Sellable business.
  • Hard to copy.


#4 Run Paid Ads Part I: Making An Ad


How To Publicly Advertise to Strangers

Advertising is the only casino where, with enough skill, you become the house.

How Paid Ads Work

Paid ads are a way to advertise one-to-many to cold audiences. People who don’t know you. Paid ads work by paying another person or business to put your offer in front of their audience. Think of it like renting eyeballs or earballs. And because you don’t need to spend time building an audience, paid ads are the fastest way to get the most people to see your stuff– You trade money for reach. A considerable advantage when you know what you’re doing. Ads are riskier. But, when done right, they can get you more leads than any other method.

With warm and cold outreach we have to do more stuff to reach more people. To reach more people with free content, we depend on the platform or audience sharing it if they feel like it. Paid ads are different. The reach is guaranteed. But getting your money back isn’t. So it’s a game of efficiency rather than reach.


How I create more efficient paid ads by finding needles in the haystack. I start with the entire world as my audience (haystack) then narrow down to get a higher percentage of engaged leads (needles). First, I pick a platform that contains my ideal audience. Second, I use whatever targeting methods that exist within the platform to find them. Third, I craft my ad in a way that repels anyone else. Finally, I tell whoever’s left standing to take the next step. People overcomplicate it. But that’s it. That’s all we’re doing – narrowing down who sees our ad so we have the highest chance of getting the right type of people to respond.


Once we advertise profitably in a small puddle of an audience, we expand to a pond, then a lake, then an ocean.


Paid ads give us four new problems to solve.

  • Knowing where to advertise
  • Getting the right audience to see it
  • Making the best ad for them to see
  • Getting permission to contact them


The What: Eight Key Elements


  • Dream Outcome: A good ad will show and tell the maximum benefit the prospect can achieve using the thing you sell.
  • Opposite – Nightmare: A good ad will also show them the worst possible hassles, pain, etc. of going without your solution.
  • Perceived Likelihood of Achievement: Because of past failures, we assume that even when we buy, there’s a risk we don’t get what we want.
  • Opposite – Risk: A good ad will also show them how risky it is to not
  • Time Delay: A good ad will also show them how slow their current trajectory is or that they’ll never get what they want at their current rate…
  • Opposite – Speed: To get things we want – we know we have to spend time getting them.
  • Effort and Sacrifice: A good ad will also show them the amount of work and skill they’ll need to get the result without your solution.
  • Opposite – Ease: To get things we want – we know we have to change something.

Those are the 8 key elements. Now we fully understand The What – how we deliver the four value elements, and how we avoid their four opposites. We now go to the next W – The Who.


Who: Humans are primarily status driven. And the status of one human comes from how the other humans treat them.

When: People often only think of how their decisions affect the here and now.

Putting the What, the Who, and the When together, we answer WHY they should be interested.

3) CTA – Tell Them What To Do Next

If your ad got them interested, then your audience will have huge motivation… for a tiny time. Take advantage. Tell them exactly what to do next. S-P-E-L-L it out: Click this button. Call this number. Reply with “YES.” Go to this website. Scan this QR Code

(wink). So many ads still don’t do this. Your audience can only know what to do if you tell them.


Step #4 “How do I get their info?” → Get Permission To Contact Them

After they take the action–Get. Their. Contact. Information. My favorite way to get contact information is a simple landing page.


And make your landing pages match your ads. People click an ad because you promised them some benefit. So carry that same look and language over to your landing page.


#4 Run Paid Ads Part II: Money Stuff

“I’m just trying to buy a dolla’ and sell it for two” – Proposition Joe, The Wire

“But how much do I spend on paid ads?”→ The Three Phases of Scaling Paid Ads

There are three stages to spending money on ads as I see it.

Phase One: Track Money

Phase Two: Lose Money

Phase Three: Print Money

You have two big levers to improving LTGP:CAC:

Make CAC lower – Get cheaper customers. We do this with more efficient ads following the steps we just outlined.

Make LTGP higher – Increase how much you make per customer. We do this with a better business model.

For maximum money… I prefer to do both.


The cost to acquire customers, between competitors in the same industry, is much closer than you’d think. The difference between the winners and the losers is how much they make off each customer.


Bottom Line: Figure out a way to get your customers to pay you back in the first thirty days so you can recycle your cash to get more



Personal Lessons from Paid Ads

Don’t Confuse Sales Problems With Advertising Problems.

Your Best Free Content Can Make The Best Paid Ads. f You Say You Suck At Something, You Will Probably Suck At It.


Paid Ads Part II Conclusion

Paid ads are the fastest way to scale how many leads you get.

Paid ads is the last of the core four ways a single person can let other people know about their stuff.


Core Four On Steroids: More Better New

“If at first you don’t succeed, use force.”


More, Better, New.

Simply stated:

  • You can do more of what you’re currently doing.
  • You can do what you’re currently doing better.
  • You can do it somewhere new.

Here’s how I do more: The Rule of 100

The rule of 100 is simple. You advertise your stuff by doing 100 primary actions every day, for one hundred days in a row. That’s it. I don’t make many promises, but this is one. If you do 100 primary actions per day, and you do it for 100 days straight, you will get more engaged leads. Commit to the rule of 100 and you will never go hungry again.

Warm Reach Outs:

100 reach outs per day

Post Content:

100 minutes per day making content.

Cold Reach Outs:

100 reach outs per day

Paid Ads:

100 minutes per day making paid ads



Getting better gets you more leads for the same effort. We want that. And you can only get better by doing one thing–testing. So you do more and more… until it breaks.

Thousands of these tiny tests separate the winners from the beginners.




So after you’ve improved your marketing efforts through ‘more’ and ‘better’ the only thing you have left is – ‘new places in new ways.’ In simple terms–new.

Section IV: Get Lead Getters

Get people who get you more leads


Someone with internet can send a message to millions of people at once. Someone writing postcards by hand can’t. The internet allows us to reach more people for the same time spent. So, it’s higher leverage.


That means leverage boils down to how much we get for the time we spend getting it. So we want to use higher leverage activities to get what we want. More stuff we want. Less time getting it. Good.


Lead Getters Give You Leverage

People can find out about the stuff we sell from two sources. We can let them know using the core four. Or, other people can let them know using the core four. I call these other people lead getters. When other people do it for us, we save time. That means we get more engaged leads for less work. Leverage baby.

Work: LOW. Leads: HIGH. Leverage: HIGHEST.

Now you’ve got the makings of a $100M Leads machine.


Outline of The “Lead Getters” Section

The lead getters aren’t part of the “core four” because they’re not things you do. You do not ‘do’ affiliates or ‘do’ customer referrals or ‘do’ agencies or ‘do’ employees. But, you have to do the core four to get them. They come from warm outreach, cold reach outs, posting content, and running paid ads. And once you get them, they do it for you.


The following chapters explain, in detail, how to get other people to advertise for you. And, if you want to scale to $100M+, you have to understand them:


#1 Customers– they buy your stuff then tell other people about it to get you leads.

#2 Employees– people in your business that get you leads.

#3 Agencies- businesses with services that get you leads.

#4 Affiliates businesses who tell their audiences about your stuff to get you leads.


#1 Customer Referrals – Word of Mouth

“The best source of new work, is the work on your desk” – Charlie Munger

The best advertising is a happy customer. An amazing product turns every customer into a lead getter.

The world loses trust by the second. Every day, more customers do their research. They arm themselves with information to make purchasing decisions. As well they should. So to play at higher levels, we need our product to not only deliver… but delight.

Customers must get so much value it compels them to tell other people about us. The good news is, once you know how, it’s easier than you think.


How Referrals Work

A referral happens when somebody, a referrer, sends an engaged lead to your business. Anyone can refer, but the best referrals come from your customers.


How Referrals Grow Your Business

Referrals are important because they grow your business in two ways:

  1. They’re worth more (higher LTGP). Referrals buy more expensive stuff and buy it more times. They also tend to pay in cash upfront. Lovely.
  2. They cost less (lower CAC). If one customer sends you another customer because they like your stuff, that new customer costs you nothing. And free customers are cheaper than customers that cost money. So free customers = good.

Referrals are exponential.

With word of mouth, one customer brings two. Two bring four. Four bring eight. And so forth. It’s not linear, it’s exponential.


Nothing scales like word of mouth.


Two Reasons Most Businesses Don’t Get Referrals

Most businesses don’t get referrals for two reasons. First, their product isn’t as good as they think it is. Second, they don’t ask for them.

Price is what you charge. Value is what they get. The difference between price and value is goodwill.

Six Ways To Get More Referrals By Giving More Value

There are six ways I get referrals by giving more value. And it just so happens to map to the parts of an ad. Neat-o.


Call Outs → Sell Better Customers

Dream Outcome → Set Better Expectations

Increase Perceived Likelihood of Achievement → Get More People Better Results

Decrease Time Delay → Get Faster Results

Decrease Effort and Sacrifice → Keep Making Your Stuff Better

Call to Action → Tell Them What To Buy Next


Referrals: Ask For Them

Do you know why businesses have so few referrals compared to what they could have? They never ask for them. Your customers, like any audience, can only know what to do if you tell them.

Seven Ways To Ask For Referrals

  • One-Sided Referral Benefit
  • Two-Sided Referral Benefits
  • Ask For A Referral Right When They Buy
  • Add Referrals As A Negotiation Chip
  • Referral Events
  • Ongoing Referral Programs
  • Unlockable Referral Bonuses

I am compensated tomorrow for the value I provide today.


#2 Employees

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb


How Employees Work

Bottom Line: Employees make a fully functioning enterprise that grows without you.

Why Employees Make You Wealthy


For your business to run without you, other people need to run it.

Reminder: You get rich from what you make. You become wealthy from what you own.

#3 Agencies

“Everything is for sale”

#4 Affiliates and Partners

“Nothing makes friends like money”

Why You Want An Affiliate Army

Each affiliate you get adds another stream of leads and customers. So recruiting, activating, then integrating with an army of affiliates causes crazy scaling, fast. That’s good. We want that.

Affiliate strategies

Step 1: Find Your Ideal Affiliates

Step 2: Make Them an Offer

Step 3: Qualify Them

Step 4: Figure Out What To Pay Them

Step 5: Get Them Advertising

Step 6: Keep Them Advertising

there are two ways to create a compounding business. You can find more people that never stop buying your stuff or you can find more people who never stop selling it for you. Referrals are the former. Affiliates are the ladder.


Advertising always works, it’s only a matter of efficiency. So once you start, keep going until it works.


Section IV Conclusion: Get Lead Getters

“The last skill you ever need to learn is how to get other people to do everything you need for you.”


We do the core four to get engaged leads: warm outreach, post content, cold outreach, and paid ads. And we use them to get two types of engaged leads: the ones that become customers, or the ones we turn into lead getters. Lead getters come in four flavors: Referrers, Employees, Agencies, and Affiliates. Each have key strengths:


Customer referrals have the biggest potential for low-cost exponential growth.

Employees have your direct influence and run your business on your behalf.

Agencies teach skills you keep forever and can transfer to your team.

Affiliates, once you get them going, can operate entirely on their own.


Section V: Get Started

“It’s not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning” – Winston Churchill

So test until you find something that works. Take massive action. Stay focused. Double down on it until it breaks. Then test until you find the next thing that works, and double down on that. Taking these leaps are the only way to unlock the business you want and the life that comes with it. And maybe, slay your judgment demon too.

So from now on…

You either win or you learn.

If some is good, more is better.

Neil Strauss once said “Success comes down to doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period of time without convincing yourself you’re smarter than you are.”

If you want to take your advertising to the next level – work until the job is done. Give up the idea of ‘doing your best.’ Instead, do what is required. And sometimes that means your best just needs to get better.

How I Make Open To Goal Work For Myself

 If I had to pick the three habits that best served me in my life – they would be:

  • Waking up early (4-5 am)–Pro tip, this actually means going to bed early
  • Getting right to work–No rituals. No routines. I drink coffee and get to work.
  • No meetings until noon–No interruptions. Nothing. Fully focused work time.


“Do more than they do, and you will have more than they have.”


One Page Advertising Checklist

Step #1: Pick The Type Of Engaged Lead To Get: Customers, Affiliates, Employees, or Agencies

Step #2: Pick Rule of 100 or Open To Goal. Commit To Your Daily Advertising Actions

Step #3: Fill Out The Advertising Checklist For That Daily Action

 Step #4: Do this daily action until you have enough money to afford paying someone else to do it.

Step #5: When you do, go back to step 1. Make employees your new target lead type. And repeat steps 1-4 until you have the help you need. Then, scale again.


The Roadmap – Putting it All Together

Zero to $100,000,000

“A leader must aim high, see big, judge widely, thus setting himself apart from the ordinary people who debate in narrow confines.” – Charles de Gaulle,

French President During World War II


To get to where you want to go, it pays to know what lies ahead.


Level 1: Your friends know about the stuff you sell. To start getting engaged leads, you make one offer, to one avatar, on one platform. The moment you get engaged leads, is the moment you can start making money. For me, this started with reaching out to everyone I knew.

Primary Action: Warm outreach.

Level 2: You consistently let everyone you know about the stuff you sell.

Primary Actions: Do as much warm outreach and post as much content as you can consistently.

Level 3: You get employees to help you do more advertising.

Primary Action: You hire people to advertise profitably on your behalf.

Level 4: Your product is good enough to get consistent referrals.

Primary Actions: Focus on your product until you get consistent referrals then go back to scaling your advertising with a bigger team.

Level 5: You advertise in more places in more ways with more people.

Primary Action: Advertise profitably using at least two methods on multiple platforms.

Level 6: You hire killers.

Primary Action: Get battle-hardened executives and department heads to take over new advertising activities and channels.

 Nobody can ever know the absolute best thing to do. But I do know this: the more you advertise, the more people find out about the stuff you sell. The more people who know about the stuff you sell, the more people will buy it. This is the key to the $100M Leads Machine.


A Decade in a Page

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo Da Vinci


We’ve covered a lot. And I think organizing what we learned into one place helps it sink in. So I made this “back of the napkin” list of what we’ve covered and why.

  • How to define a lead from this point forward. Now you know what you’re after: engaged leads, not just leads.
  • How to turn leads into engaged leads with an offer or lead magnet. And, how to make them.
  • The Core Four – the only four ways we can let people know about the stuff we sell.
  1. How to reach out to people who know us: ask them if they know anybody
  2. How to post publicly: hook, retain, reward. Give until they ask.
  3. How to reach out to strangers: lists, personalization, big fast value, volume
  4. How to run paid ads to strangers: targeting, callouts, What-Who-Whens, CTAs, client financed acquisition
  • Maximizing the Core Four: More Better New
    1. What keeps us from doing what I’m currently doing at ten times the volume? Then solving for that.
  1. Finding the constraint in our advertising. Then testing until it frees the constraint. Then doing more until it gets constrained again.
  • The Four Lead Getters: Customers, Employees, Agencies, and Affiliates
  1. How to get customers to refer other customers
  2. How to get employees to scale your advertising without you
  3. How to get an agency to teach you new skills
  4. How to get affiliates launched and integrated


  • When advertising in the real world: The Rule of 100 and Open to Goal
  1. The five step one-page advertising plan to get more leads today.
  • The seven levels of advertisers and the $100M leads machine in action.


You cannot lose if you do not quit.


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